Closed Bug 840395 Opened 12 years ago Closed 2 years ago

confusing control center messages for http page with https iframe with mixed content


(Firefox :: Security, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: mayhemer, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug, )


Example url:

There is an http page with an https iframe.
Can you remind me what the issue is here?  If you have an HTTP page with an HTTPS iframe, then Mixed Content will be blocked on the HTTPS iframe in FF 23+.

See "Frame Descendants Rule" here:

And here is a nice diagram:
I think the icon has changed, but the issue is that if you open the control center, there's the text "connection is not secure" (because it's http) as well as the text "<product> has blocked parts of this page that are not secure" (due to the https iframe with mixed content), which is a little confusing.
Component: Security: UI → Security
Product: Core → Firefox
Summary: Exclamation mark "This site doesn't provide any identity info" on http: page → confusing control center messages for http page with https iframe with mixed content

Hi Honza!
I'm trying to reproduce old bugs to see if we can resolve some.
Unfortunately, links suggested for testing, one on the Description and the other on comment 1, are not working anymore.
Due to Firefox having change a lot, maybe this problem doesn't happen anymore. I'm wondering if you can share it again.

Flags: needinfo?(honzab.moz)

Redirect a needinfo that is pending on an inactive user to the triage owner.
:serg, since the bug has high severity, could you have a look please?

For more information, please visit auto_nag documentation.

Flags: needinfo?(honzab.moz) → needinfo?(sgalich)

None of the links provided work anymore and the problem description is incomplete. Please reopen when more details are available.

Closed: 2 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(sgalich)
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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