Closed Bug 840845 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

figure out how to create "ikura" builds manually


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: GonkIntegration, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: joduinn, Assigned: ITsay)



we've been asked to generate "ikura" builds. Before we can automate builds, we need instructions on how to build... hence this bug. 

(If it helps for us to assign out a loaner machine, let us know and we'll make that happen.)

per today's b2g meeting, fabrice volunteered to take the bug and either find the instructions, or reassign to someone else who knows.
per B2G meeting, Ivan will take this!
Assignee: fabrice → itsay
OS: Mac OS X → Gonk (Firefox OS)
The progress is stuck on the bug 860972 that wifi does not work on Ikura device using existing Inari build process to generate Ikura one. Per advice from Keven, I just ask ZTE's help on 8/16 for the Android ice_strawberry image used for ZTE Open (Ikura). If we have the image, we can get the profiles of the phone to work out the Ikura build process which is similar to what we did for Inari in the past. Waiting for ZTE's response about providing android image.
Still waiting for the help from ZTE. We need the root build with unlocked bootloader for our engineer to work on the profile of the phone. We need the profile to make the build.
(In reply to Ivan Tsay (:ITsay) from comment #3)
> Still waiting for the help from ZTE. We need the root build with unlocked
> bootloader for our engineer to work on the profile of the phone. We need the
> profile to make the build.

Ivay: any progress?
Flags: needinfo?(itsay)
Hi John,

ZTE is busy on tight v1.1 schedule and has not gave us the update and build with unlocked bootloader. I will try to push them again.
Flags: needinfo?(itsay)
per today's b2g meeting, I sent email to find out priority of builds for ikura devices.
(In reply to John O'Duinn [:joduinn] from comment #6)
> per today's b2g meeting, I sent email to find out priority of builds for
> ikura devices.

per email from clee, these "ikura" device builds are still a priority. clee/itsay, any word from ZTE?
Flags: needinfo?(itsay)
Flags: needinfo?(clee)
Excuse me that not yet from ZTE for the build. I am pushing it.
Flags: needinfo?(itsay)
Since ZTE has not provided us the unlocked build we need, I'll have engineer try the eBay phone purchased from Hongkong eBay to see if we can use it to proceed with creating the build. Hong Kong eBay phone is fastboot enabled.
Per we plan to WONTFIX this bug.  If you have questions, please contact clee or faramarz.
(In reply to Aki Sasaki [:aki] from comment #10)
> Per
> B2GBuilds#Work_not_started_or_prioritized we plan to WONTFIX this bug.  If
> you have questions, please contact clee or faramarz.

Per followup email from clee: If business needs change, we can revisit, and reopen, but for now, it helps reduce confusion across groups by clearly marking as WONTFIX.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX

clearing needinfo on this old ticket, so bugzilla doesnt feel the need to remind me about it...

Flags: needinfo?(clee)
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