Open Bug 840985 Opened 11 years ago Updated 11 years ago

Need artwork resources for MDN community promotional campaigns


(Marketing :: Design, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: sheppy, Assigned: jslater)


We need some reusable artwork resources for MDN community-driven promo campaigns. Our Bangladeshi community proposed this idea, and it's a good one. They're preparing to do a presentation about contributing to MDN, and would like to put a promo banner online about it, but we have no artwork to provide them.

I know this is pretty vague, and that's on purpose. What we need is designs for a few standard-sized promotional banners (presumably at least a horizontal banner and a vertical one, and ideally also something larger to be used in-page), with artwork and copy that can be localized and customized as needed for each community-led event.
Thanks Sheppy. So I'm clear, this is specifically for MDN and not a product like FxOS?

I ask b/c we have a really nifty new FxOS visual identity created specifically for developers and community. The MDN visual identity is on the list to be updated sometime soon, so I'm not sure if we should invest a lot of time in creating out a set of assets until that's taken care of.
This is specifically to promote MDN events, such as community-sponsored doc sprints and the like.

How soon is "sometime soon"? I ask because we have events coming up in the next few weeks that would be very nice to have this for.
(adding Ali)

I'm not really sure how soon "soon" is in this case...would need to discuss with Ali and others first. Am almost positive it wouldn't be resolved in the next few weeks though.

It sounds like a cool idea, but my first thought is to figure out what's going on with the MDN branding before we do a bunch of work on materials. Ali, do you have a sense of when that will happen?
Assignee: tshahian → jslater
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