Closed Bug 842865 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Tracking bug for 25-jun-2013 migration work


(Release Engineering :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: joduinn, Assigned: bhearsum)



Depends on: 843409
Depends on: 855018
Depends on: 854460
No longer depends on: 854460
Depends on: 877336
Assignee: nobody → bhearsum
Depends on: 865814
Depends on: 883866
Depends on: 883927
Depends on: 885720
Migration work is complete.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
We missed updating bouncer for the version bumps, not surprising given it falls into a documentation black hole. I've updated firefox-nightly-latest, firefox-aurora-latest, firefox-aurora-stub. Not sure what to do about this going forward. We need to do bump locations until bouncer picks up these changes from some other data source (bug 801208, bug 813652). The nightly product can be done after the first nightly with the new version. The two aurora ones need to wait for QA signoff and re-enabling aurora updates, so should probably be part of that bug.
(In reply to Nick Thomas [:nthomas] from comment #2) > We missed updating bouncer for the version bumps, not surprising given it > falls into a documentation black hole. I've updated firefox-nightly-latest, > firefox-aurora-latest, firefox-aurora-stub. > > Not sure what to do about this going forward. We need to do bump locations > until bouncer picks up these changes from some other data source (bug > 801208, bug 813652). The nightly product can be done after the first nightly > with the new version. The two aurora ones need to wait for QA signoff and > re-enabling aurora updates, so should probably be part of that bug. Ugh, sorry about that. It's even documented already on We talked at one point about having the nagios checks around these installers verify version numbers...I don't know what became of that. Not sure how that would work for Aurora, either.
Product: → Release Engineering
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