Closed Bug 847546 Opened 11 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Retina Display (HiDPI) not supported on SeaMonkey on MacOS X


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ch-moz2, Assigned: matthieufelix)




(4 files)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_2) AppleWebKit/537.22 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/25.0.1364.152 Safari/537.22

Steps to reproduce:

Retina Display (HiDPI) is supported on Firefox (?), but not SeaMonkey. Bug 785330 tracks overall support and there may be other issues, but enabling HiDPI mode seems to make things work OK. The attached path enables HiDPI mode.

Actual results:

Hi resolution mode should isn't enabled.

Expected results:

Hi resolution mode should should be enabled.
Comment on attachment 720830 [details] [diff] [review]

Hi! Thanks for your patch. Without 2x graphics for our themes our toolbar buttons might appear rather blurry won't they? Perhaps we need a new icon set as well for OSX.
Attachment #720830 - Attachment is patch: true
Attachment #720830 - Flags: review?(stefanh)
Attachment #720830 - Flags: feedback?(neil)
Attachment #720830 - Flags: feedback?(iann_bugzilla)
Comment on attachment 720830 [details] [diff] [review]

Sorry, I have no idea what's going on here. I don't even know whether those are supposed to be spaces or tabs.
Attachment #720830 - Flags: feedback?(neil)
Confirming for now, looks like a bug.
Ever confirmed: true

Thanks for the patch. I'll need to see if I can simulate HiDPI mode somehow since I don't have a retina mac. Perhaps you could attach a screenshot showing how our icons looks with/without HiDPI mode?

Interestingly, Firefox doesn't make use of NSHighResolutionCapable. Instead, they have a NSPrincipalClass entry.
Summary: Retina Display (HiDPI) not supported on SeaMokney on MacOS X → Retina Display (HiDPI) not supported on SeaMonkey on MacOS X
We probably also need something like Bug 849460
See Also: → 849460
See Also: 849460
See Also: → 849460
I think we should use the NSPrincipalClass entry. We also need to fix a bunch of icons.
> We also need to fix a bunch of icons.
I'm putting this down before I forget about this:

google.xml search icon:

image-rendering: -moz-crisp-edges;
Comment on attachment 720830 [details] [diff] [review]

I agree with stefanh, we probably need to use NSPrincipalClass
As this needs changes and some icons/css f-
Attachment #720830 - Flags: feedback?(iann_bugzilla) → feedback-
Comment on attachment 720830 [details] [diff] [review]

Per comment #6
Attachment #720830 - Flags: review?(stefanh) → review-
Should start by porting the two patches from Bug 764083
Just a quick update on this. Until a couple of versions ago (2.25?), adding


at the end of info.plist worked pretty well, if not for the icons at least for the text. Starting with the release previous to 2.29 this doesn't work anymore. Any idea why and which workaround we can use now at least for the text?
You don't see any difference when using the NSPrincipalClass entry?
I'm not 100% sure about NSPrincipalClass, but having a look at Firefox's info.plist I've added this to the Seamonkey one:


but it changes nothing. Should have I done something different?
You should see a difference in text rendering (in the title bar, for example).
That's the point - I don't.
Don't ask me why, but updating from 10.9.2 to 10.9.4 (or maybe it's the rebooting that did the trick?) solved the issue. Now the text is ok.
I think the first step here is to add the key NSPrincipalClass, so if you can provide a patch for it, I'll be happy to review it :-)
Here's the patch that fixes font display on retina screens. There are some blurry icons still, but at least browser is usable.
Comment on attachment 8657334 [details] [diff] [review]
Patch to allow correct rendering on retina display

Thanks! This looks good, but in order to apply the patch we need a better format. Do you have mercurial installed? If you have and have a cloned comm-central repo, you can set up (in your ~/.hgrc file) the right format like this:

git = 1
showfunc = 1
unified = 8
And then just do hg diff > mypatch.diff (or mypatch.patch) after you've changed the file. There are lots of mozilla guides on how to set up mercurial, but you should be fine for now with just the above settings.

In this case, a git style patch in unified format from the top source dir would also be fine.

You can ask me for review (just set the review flag to ? and put my email address in the requestee field) when you upload the new patch. I will r+ it and then I'll check in the patch for you.
Hi! I tried to format the patch the way you suggested.
Comment on attachment 8853698 [details] [diff] [review]
HiDPI support patch

Added review request
Attachment #8853698 - Flags: review?(stefanh)
Assignee: nobody → matthieufelix
Comment on attachment 8853698 [details] [diff] [review]
HiDPI support patch

Thanks, this looks good!

+        <key>NSPrincipalClass</key>
+        <string>GeckoNSApplication</string>
+    </dict>

The indentation is a bit off here, but I can fix that on check-in.
Attachment #8853698 - Flags: review?(stefanh) → review+
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → seamonkey2.50
Target Milestone: seamonkey2.50 → seamonkey2.52
Stefan the bug is missing in the comment. Could you back this out and push it with an updated comment.
Flags: needinfo?(stefanh)
Flags: needinfo?(stefanh)
This should be low-risk and is supposed to increase support for Retina screens, so I think it's worth taking it on branches.
Attachment #8858119 - Flags: approval-mozilla-esr52?
Attachment #8858119 - Flags: approval-comm-release?
Attachment #8858119 - Flags: approval-comm-beta?
Attachment #8858119 - Flags: approval-comm-aurora?
Attachment #8858119 - Flags: approval-mozilla-esr52?
Attachment #8858119 - Flags: approval-comm-release?
Attachment #8858119 - Flags: approval-comm-beta?
Attachment #8858119 - Flags: approval-comm-aurora?
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