Open Bug 850051 Opened 12 years ago Updated 11 years ago

[Flicks] Carousel: Events (copy + design)


(Marketing :: Design, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: tshahian, Assigned: mternoway)




(3 files, 2 obsolete files)

      No description provided.
Assignee: tshahian → mternoway
Blocks: 818868
Attached image FF_SXSW_carousel
BATCH 1 - Due Date 3/27 | Rev Date 3/28 | Due to L10N 3/29
#1 Catch Flicks in Argentina
Details: Flicks will be at BAFICI April 10 - April 20 follow us on twitter and facebook #hashtags
CTA: Link to Tumblr blog post
Language disclosure: Blog written in English only

#2 BAFICI Recap | Missed us at BAFICI? 
Details: Catch up with our BAFICI recap.
Language disclosure: Blog written in English only

BATCH 2 - Due Date 4/10 | Rev Date 4/11 | Due to L10N 4/12
#1 Catch Flicks in Poland
Details: Flicks will be at Nowe Horyzonty July 18 - July 28 follow us on twitter and facebook, #hashtags
CTA: Link to Tumblr blog post
Language disclosure: Blog written in English only

#2 Nowe Horyzonty Recap | Missed us at Nowe Horyzonty? 
Details: Catch up with our official recap
CTA: Link to Tumblr blog post
Language disclosure: Blog written in English only

#3 Catch Flicks in The Philippines	
Details: Meet the Flicks team in Manila	Flicks will be at Cinemalaya July 26 - August 4 follow us on twitter and facebook, #hashtags
CTA: Link to Tumblr blog post
Language disclosure: Blog written in English only

#4 Cinemalaya Recap | Missed us at Cinemalaya? 
Details: See Flicks in action at Cinemalaya
CTA: Link to Tumblr blog post
Language disclosure: Blog written in English only
Given that the Twitter and Facebook links are already at the top of the page, let's not dilute the message of the promo by adding the follow messages. It should be focused on getting clicks to the blog post, where we can reinforce the social channels.

Matt, can you find a way to incorporate the hashtag (Arcadio, when will we get copy for that?) into the design. That communicates social sharing and following pretty strongly on its own.

Also Matt, let's try to find some subtle way to add "(English only)" under or near the CTA (technical question: can these promos only be served on the EN version of the site so we don't have to add that?).

Here's the copy for the first two:

Catch Flicks in Argentina

Join us at the BAFICI film festival in Buenos Aires, April 10–20, where we'll give out our first Early Entry Awards.

Read the blog post »

A look back at Buenos Aires

If you missed us at the BAFICI film festival, have a look at our recap to see who took home the first Early Entry Awards.

Read the blog post »
Hey Matej, 


On board with not adding the social icons on the carousel promo. 

BAFICI hashtag: we won't have one for this event. We're creating hashtags for Nowe Horyzonty and Cinemalaya. Will update the document once we have them. 

Not sure if it's possible to serve the EN only version of the promos but if we did decide to do that, the other locales would not receive any of campaign content we're creating to increase engagement with the contest. The carousel promos would at least deliver the campaign activity highlights in language (even though the blog post will be EN only). I hear you though: it's clunky. 

Thanks for this copy. A little background on BAFICI:
Our sponsorship package has been scaled back substantially so our presence there will be limited. Can you help us focus the copy to preview the Early Entry Award winners that will be announced during BAFICI (but not at BAFICI)?

Scrap the BAFICI recap carousel promo.
Sounds good, Arcadio. Here's the new copy:

Let the winning begin

Find out who will go home with the first Early Entry Awards from this year's contest during the BAFICI film festival, April 10–20.

Read the blog post »
Attached image Argentina
I had some fun with this one. Was going for an abstract modernist look and feel by using our grid along with solid box colours and images. Thought it gives off an artsy vibe to it.
Hey Matt, Matej, 

BAFICI carousel promo- 
This was great. We've run into event logistics and won't be able to direct you in time for this carousel promo to be relevant to BAFICI. 

Unfortunately we won't be able to pre-event message the BAFICI sponsorship. 

We're still planning on Cinemalaya and Nowe Horyzonty.
Getting the final batch of carousel promotions started:

This one's a combined recap of our Flicks presence at two film festivals:
* New Horizons (Warsaw, Poland)
* Cinemalaya (Manila, Phillipines)
(We only need one promo for both)

---- COPY ----
Headline: A look back at Warsaw and Manila
Details: Flicks has been walking the red carpet this summer at the New Horizons and Cinemalaya film festivals. Catch up with our official recap.
CTA: Read the blog post (English only)

--- Design ---
Matt, in terms of material, I was thinking you could use a mix of the BAFICI/Argentina exploration you did showcasing event pictures (you used some in Win Big Win Often too) and the festival logos. I am still chasing those but will upload them as soon as I have them. Here's what they look like for your reference:
* Cinemalaya:
* New Horizons:
Small copy tweak to shorten it a bit:

A look back at Warsaw and Manila

Flicks hit the red carpet this summer at the New Horizons and Cinemalaya film festivals. Catch up with our official recap.

Read the blog post »
(English only)
Looks good, thank Matej.
By the way, the draft I submitted - as with other promos - is only to give you an overview of the content we need. Feel free to change more or use another approach if you have better ideas.
Thanks Greg. I think this one is strong the way it is, but I'll definitely keep that in mind.
I think so too! Let's leave it in the expert hands of Matt now. Thanks.
Uh oh, I'm feeling the pressure now! 

I'm about to get started on this, wondering where I might be able to get some photos from these recent events? I looked on Flickr but wasn't able to find anything specific to these events.

Greg, I like your suggestion of working with the event logos coupled with the photos, I am going to move forward with this look.
Hey Matt,
The events haven't taken place yet so we have no pictures to show. I was wondering if it'd make sense to use "generic" group pictures like you used for your initial BAFICI proposal. The location would be expressed via festival logos rather than official on-site pictures.

I am still chasing the logos... please bear with me.
Attached image FF_Events_Warsow&ManilaRecap_carousel (obsolete) —
Let me know what you guys think of something like this for the recap carousel.
Looks good. Just two things:

Do we need so much whitespace around the New Horizons logo?

Can we incorporate the "red carpet" idea in an easy way that isn't too gimmicky?

For the red carpet idea, maybe if I source a better hero image, that appears to be on a red carpet, this would tie together better?
Attached image FF_Events_Warsow&ManilaRecap_carousel (obsolete) —
Maybe something like this?

Alcohol allowed to be shown in photos?
Attachment #758093 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Hm... not sure, but I'm going to guess not. Let's see what Greg says before making any more revisions.

Thanks Matt. Looks nice.

I would definitely recommend changing that picture :) It doesn't really communicate "red carpet" (more of a branded happy hour in t-shirts). I wouldn't worry too much about showing a red carpet at all. Would be nice to have but definitely not required imo.

A few more comments:
* It's a detail but let's not use Edward Norton in there since he's not going to be there.
* Can you make sure the festival logos are always on top? They are more important than the group pictures which we are only using to add life and texture.
* On the same token, it would be great if we could move Cinemalaya away from the edge a bit so it doesn't appear "secondary" to the other pics?
* Please use orange for the sub-head so we are consistent with the rest and let's make sure all future promos use the same style too.

I hope I can get you better logos soon.
Attachment #758100 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Hi Greg, I've worked in some of your suggestions to this latest version.  Let me know if you think this will work for you.
Thanks Matt, this will work for me!
If you don't mind, let's not finalize this just yet and wait until we receive official logos from our partners. I am hoping the official design will be better than what I was able to find online.
Excellent, I will hold off on posting the PSD until we finalize the logos.
Outdated / Outstanding bug - closing out.  
Please ping / re-open as needed.  Thanks!
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Mat / Matej, it looks like we're not getting better logos for this so let's go ahead with the current version. Thanks!
Mat, can you post the psd here ? Then we'll be good to go.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
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