Closed Bug 850090 Opened 12 years ago Closed 11 years ago

test_bug562554.xul,test_bug624329.xul,test_bug585946.xul,test_bug554279.xul,test_bug509732.xul,test_findbar_events.xul,test_closemenu_attribute.xul | Assertion count {1,2} is greater than expected range (stylesheet not found: 'Not Reached')


(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, defect)

Windows XP
Not set





(Reporter: RyanVM, Assigned: bzbarsky)



(Keywords: assertion, intermittent-failure)


(1 file)

CCing some people who've touched this recently. Interestingly, the same assert is firing on some of the tests above this one too (visible in the full log).

Rev3 WINNT 5.1 mozilla-inbound debug test mochitest-other on 2013-03-11 14:06:51 PDT for push 1e3e737fce51
slave: talos-r3-xp-065

14:25:55     INFO -  17691 INFO TEST-START | chrome://mochitests/content/chrome/toolkit/content/tests/chrome/test_bug562554.xul
14:25:55     INFO -  ++DOMWINDOW == 52 (11BE9A18) [serial = 3002] [outer = 0C8F6CC0]
14:25:55     INFO -  17692 INFO TEST-INFO | chrome://mochitests/content/chrome/toolkit/content/tests/chrome/test_bug562554.xul | must wait for load
14:25:55     INFO -  [Parent 136] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false) failed with result 0x8000FFFF: file e:/builds/moz2_slave/m-in-w32-d-0000000000000000000/build/content/base/src/nsContentUtils.cpp, line 3013
14:25:55     INFO -  [Parent 136] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(pusher.Push(aBoundElement)) failed: file e:/builds/moz2_slave/m-in-w32-d-0000000000000000000/build/content/xbl/src/nsXBLProtoImplMethod.cpp, line 308
14:25:55     INFO -  [Parent 136] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false) failed with result 0x8000FFFF: file e:/builds/moz2_slave/m-in-w32-d-0000000000000000000/build/content/base/src/nsContentUtils.cpp, line 3013
14:25:55     INFO -  [Parent 136] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(pusher.Push(aBoundElement)) failed: file e:/builds/moz2_slave/m-in-w32-d-0000000000000000000/build/content/xbl/src/nsXBLProtoImplMethod.cpp, line 308
14:25:55     INFO -  [Parent 136] ###!!! ASSERTION: stylesheet not found: 'Not Reached', file e:/builds/moz2_slave/m-in-w32-d-0000000000000000000/build/content/base/src/nsDocument.cpp, line 3673
14:25:55     INFO -  --DOMWINDOW == 51 (0DBA11F8) [serial = 2978] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/html,text]
14:25:55     INFO -  --DOMWINDOW == 50 (12383CB8) [serial = 2967] [outer = 00000000] [url = file:///c:/docume~1/cltbld/locals~1/temp/tmpmupbfs]
14:25:55     INFO -  --DOMWINDOW == 49 (14BAD668) [serial = 2973] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/html,text<iframe%20id='invisible'%20style='display:%20none;'%20src='data:text/html,text'></iframe>text<iframe%20id='visible'%20src='data:text/html,text'></iframe>text]
14:25:55     INFO -  --DOMWINDOW == 48 (126F1E40) [serial = 2983] [outer = 00000000] [url = chrome://mochitests/content/chrome/toolkit/content/tests/chrome/bug451540_window.xul]
14:25:55     INFO -  --DOMWINDOW == 47 (0DBA81E0) [serial = 2971] [outer = 00000000] [url = chrome://mochitests/content/chrome/toolkit/content/tests/chrome/bug451286_window.xul]
14:25:55     INFO -  --DOMWINDOW == 46 (11E406B0) [serial = 2985] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/html,<input%20id="inp"%20type="text"%20/><textarea%20id="tarea"/>]
14:25:55     INFO -  17693 INFO TEST-PASS | chrome://mochitests/content/chrome/toolkit/content/tests/chrome/test_bug562554.xul | Correct number of clicks on button 1
14:25:55     INFO -  17694 INFO TEST-PASS | chrome://mochitests/content/chrome/toolkit/content/tests/chrome/test_bug562554.xul | Correct number of clicks on button 2
14:25:55     INFO -  17695 INFO TEST-PASS | chrome://mochitests/content/chrome/toolkit/content/tests/chrome/test_bug562554.xul | Correct number of popupshowing events received
14:25:55     INFO -  17696 INFO TEST-END | chrome://mochitests/content/chrome/toolkit/content/tests/chrome/test_bug562554.xul | finished in 496ms
14:25:55     INFO -  ++DOMWINDOW == 47 (1265FE70) [serial = 3003] [outer = 0C8F6CC0]
14:25:55     INFO -  17697 ERROR TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | chrome://mochitests/content/chrome/toolkit/content/tests/chrome/test_bug562554.xul | Assertion count 1 is greater than expected range 0-0 assertions.
Summary: content/tests/chrome/test_bug562554.xul | Assertion count 1 is greater than expected range (stylesheet not found: 'Not Reached') → content/tests/chrome/test_bug562554.xul,test_bug624329.xul, | Assertion count 1 is greater than expected range (stylesheet not found: 'Not Reached')
Summary: content/tests/chrome/test_bug562554.xul,test_bug624329.xul, | Assertion count 1 is greater than expected range (stylesheet not found: 'Not Reached') → content/tests/chrome/test_bug562554.xul,test_bug624329.xul, | Assertion count {1,2} is greater than expected range (stylesheet not found: 'Not Reached')
Summary: content/tests/chrome/test_bug562554.xul,test_bug624329.xul, | Assertion count {1,2} is greater than expected range (stylesheet not found: 'Not Reached') → content/tests/chrome/test_bug562554.xul,test_bug624329.xul,test_bug585946.xul, | Assertion count {1,2} is greater than expected range (stylesheet not found: 'Not Reached')
Summary: content/tests/chrome/test_bug562554.xul,test_bug624329.xul,test_bug585946.xul, | Assertion count {1,2} is greater than expected range (stylesheet not found: 'Not Reached') → content/tests/chrome/test_bug562554.xul,test_bug624329.xul,test_bug585946.xul,test_bug554279.xul | Assertion count {1,2} is greater than expected range (stylesheet not found: 'Not Reached')
Summary: content/tests/chrome/test_bug562554.xul,test_bug624329.xul,test_bug585946.xul,test_bug554279.xul | Assertion count {1,2} is greater than expected range (stylesheet not found: 'Not Reached') → content/tests/chrome/test_bug562554.xul,test_bug624329.xul,test_bug585946.xul,test_bug554279.xul, test_bug509732.xul | Assertion count {1,2} is greater than expected range (stylesheet not found: 'Not Reached')
Summary: content/tests/chrome/test_bug562554.xul,test_bug624329.xul,test_bug585946.xul,test_bug554279.xul, test_bug509732.xul | Assertion count {1,2} is greater than expected range (stylesheet not found: 'Not Reached') → test_bug562554.xul,test_bug624329.xul,test_bug585946.xul,test_bug554279.xul,test_bug509732.xul,test_findbar_events.xul | Assertion count {1,2} is greater than expected range (stylesheet not found: 'Not Reached')
Summary: test_bug562554.xul,test_bug624329.xul,test_bug585946.xul,test_bug554279.xul,test_bug509732.xul,test_findbar_events.xul | Assertion count {1,2} is greater than expected range (stylesheet not found: 'Not Reached') → test_bug562554.xul,test_bug624329.xul,test_bug585946.xul,test_bug554279.xul,test_bug509732.xul,test_findbar_events.xul,test_closemenu_attribute.xul | Assertion count {1,2} is greater than expected range (stylesheet not found: 'Not Reached')
Boris, could you suggest an owner for this? :-)
Flags: needinfo?(bzbarsky)
Probably me, but how do I get a stack for those asserts?
Flags: needinfo?(bzbarsky) → needinfo?(emorley)
Ah, some of the non-Windows logs have it:

14:55:17     INFO -  ###!!! ASSERTION: stylesheet not found: 'Not Reached', file ../../../../content/base/src/nsDocument.cpp, line 3674
14:55:17     INFO -  nsStyleLinkElement::DoUpdateStyleSheet(nsIDocument*, nsICSSLoaderObserver*, bool*, bool*, bool) [content/base/src/nsStyleLinkElement.cpp:301]
14:55:17     INFO -  nsStyleLinkElement::UpdateStyleSheetInternal(nsIDocument*, bool) [content/base/src/nsStyleLinkElement.cpp:194]
14:55:17     INFO -  mozilla::dom::XMLStylesheetProcessingInstruction::UnbindFromTree(bool, bool) [obj-firefox/dist/include/nsCOMPtr.h:492]
14:55:17     INFO -  nsDocument::cycleCollection::UnlinkImpl(void*) [content/base/src/nsDocument.cpp:1772]
14:55:17     INFO -  nsXULDocument::cycleCollection::UnlinkImpl(void*) [content/xul/document/src/nsXULDocument.cpp:340]
I'm not quite sure why the sheet isn't in mStyleSheets at this point, but would it make sense to just skip the assert during unlink?
Flags: needinfo?(emorley) → needinfo?(bugs)
Blocks: 854068
Sounds ok.
Flags: needinfo?(bugs)
(In reply to Olli Pettay [:smaug] from comment #30)
> Sounds ok.

bz, can you whip up such a patch? :)
Flags: needinfo?(bzbarsky)
Depends on: 855985
Assignee: nobody → bzbarsky
Whiteboard: [need review]
Here's hoping:
Whiteboard: [need review]
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla23
On the bright side, the frequency of this assert seems to have dropped since comment 58. On the down side, we are still seeing it, so it wasn't a complete fix :(
Flags: needinfo?(bzbarsky)
Uh... Looks like backed out this fix, no?

Ms2ger, was there a reason for that?
Flags: needinfo?(bzbarsky) → needinfo?(Ms2ger)
Relanded the fix on inbound:
Flags: needinfo?(Ms2ger)
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Looks like you missed the expected assertions annotation in toolkit/content/tests/chrome/test_bug451286.xul.
Missed?  As in they were not labeled with this bug#?  ;)

So does that mean that bug 683159 and bug 849394 should just be marked fixed and the expectAssertions call there removed?
Flags: needinfo?(Ms2ger)
Looks like it, yes.
Flags: needinfo?(Ms2ger)
Blocks: 849394
> Looks like it, yes.

OK, let's do that in bug 683159.
Component: DOM → DOM: Core & HTML
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