Closed Bug 851286 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Determine and document what should be pushed to try for mozbase m-c mirroring patches


(Testing :: Mozbase, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: k0scist, Assigned: k0scist)


As discussed in we should probably have a suggested try syntax for mirroring mozbase -> m-c. Obviously, even in a system that's been around forever, intelligence must be applied to see if the suggested syntax is right for a particular mirroring, but A. we need somewhere to start; B. being overly cautious, IMHO, is better than introducing failures despite higher cost; but C. being blanket cautious and hitting everything is equally stupid. Obviously the more we move to mozbase, the suggested platforms/tests/syntax will need be revised. This should be recorded in An ideal strategy would encompass: - a detailed dependency graph a la , so that we only test stuff that is downstream of what we're mirroring - a way of posting manifests to try (or, if you want to be crazy conceptual, a way of switching upon them including m-c) so that we can test a more targetted set
Complication, as per . Since android and b2g require devicemanager (which is one of if not the most often mirrored package) for all tests, I don't really see a way outside of the blanket try. Please prove me wrong but for the time being I'm going to have to labor under this assumption :(
I think that's the safest assumption.
We could probably get away with just requesting one of each test-suite type as part of the run. (ie: mochitest-1, mochitest-browser-chrome, mochitest-other, reftest, reftest-1 [for android/B2G], xpcshell, ...)
Summary: determine and document what should be pushed to try for m-c mirroring patches → Determine and document what should be pushed to try for mozbase m-c mirroring patches
I'll take this just to get it done; I'll write a very brief wiki snippet concerning this and others are free to add/edit as they choose
Assignee: nobody → jhammel
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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