Closed Bug 859499 Opened 12 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Language selectors should show both localized and "local" versions of language name


( Graveyard :: Localization, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: sheppy, Assigned: safwan)



(Whiteboard: [specification][type:change][localization][triaged][pm-wanted])


(1 file)

What feature should be changed? Please provide the URL of the feature if possible. ================================================================================== The Language menu used to choose which language you're reading, or the Locale filter in the revision dashboard, list languages only in their native spelling and alphabet. We should fix this. What problems would this solve? =============================== This can make it very difficult to read unless you actually know all of those languages. We should change this so that both the native language name and the user's current locale's language name are used (or at least the English one). This would make the languages more understandable, and would help admins who need to fix references to, for example, Chinese articles but can't tell which is traditional Chinese and which is simplified. It would also help people that just want to know what languages we support, and what languages a page has been translated into if they can actually read the list. Who would use this? =================== Anyone using the language menus. What would users see? ===================== Instead of just a list of languages, most of which are indecipherably written in languages one doesn't know, the list would be the same but with a translation of the name in parentheses afterward. What would users do? What would happen as a result? =================================================== Just use the menu as before, but with a clue as to what these languages are. Is there anything else we should know? ======================================
Whiteboard: [specification][type:change] → [specification][type:change][localization]
Component: General → Localization
This is a good feedback for Holly and her new mock-up for the language widget. Holly, is this worth integrating in the new design you did during the Work Weekend or should we keep this separate?
Flags: needinfo?(hhabstritt.bugzilla)
Thanks for cc'ing me on this Jean-Yves. This is a good idea. We are first testing how we display languages on the article page before you click on the dropdown menu ( This is what we worked on last weekend. We don't want to test too many things at once, so we will first test the new display ideas and their logic ( Next (in a separate test) we can test how to display languages in the dropdown menu. Looking forward to it. Adding Openjck to this bug as well. (In reply to Jean-Yves Perrier [:teoli] from comment #1) > This is a good feedback for Holly and her new mock-up for the language > widget. Holly, is this worth integrating in the new design you did during > the Work Weekend or should we keep this separate?
Flags: needinfo?(hhabstritt.bugzilla)
Great overview, Holly. Thanks for sharing that. As for this feature request in particular, the idea is interesting. I have been confused by the language choices in the past, too. But I am not an average user of MDN, and I would venture to guess that nearly 99% of the people who use this menu can read the label of the language they will be switching to. This may be why even Wikipedia only labels language choices in the languages themselves. I would like to make a go/no-go decision on this based on real numbers. Luke, is there any way for us to see how many people click on a language that is not already in their Accept-Language header? We might want to ignore English links here because all articles are written in English and because it is a second language of so many people. (If the numbers are vastly different for English links, we could open a bug to translate the word "English" in the host language.)
Flags: needinfo?(lcrouch)
Whiteboard: [specification][type:change][localization] → [specification][type:change][localization][triaged][pm-wanted]
Just a precision about the Wikipedia behavior. Wikipedia does implement the translation in the page locale for other locale names: it appears in the tooltip when you hover over the language name in the sidebar.
Not sure if these are the numbers you're asking for, but I spot-checked Spanish language visitors going to non-English and non-Spanish pages: Of 218,240 pageviews from Spanish visitors, 1,089 went to non-English, non-Spanish pages. So 0.4% of Spanish-speaking visitors (by Accept-Language) are landing on article pages not in Spanish. Is that the info we need? It would seem to indicate that this is at least a small priority.
Flags: needinfo?(lcrouch)
Whiteboard: [specification][type:change][localization][triaged][pm-wanted] → [specification][type:change][localization][triaged][pm-wanted][mentor=groovecoder]
(In reply to Luke Crouch [:groovecoder] from comment #5) > Not sure if these are the numbers you're asking for, but I spot-checked > Spanish language visitors going to non-English and non-Spanish pages: > > Of 218,240 pageviews from Spanish visitors, 1,089 went to non-English, > non-Spanish pages. So 0.4% of Spanish-speaking visitors (by Accept-Language) > are landing on article pages not in Spanish. > > Is that the info we need? It would seem to indicate that this is at least a > small priority. That's great. It does suggest that this is a relatively low priority. Do we know how many people select a language that is not already in their Accept-Language header? For example, how many people select "Français" but do not have French in Accept-Language? This is the only group I can think of that would benefit from this feature.
We don't have event tracking on that element, so we don't have that much detail. :(
Mentor: lcrouch
Whiteboard: [specification][type:change][localization][triaged][pm-wanted][mentor=groovecoder] → [specification][type:change][localization][triaged][pm-wanted]
Mentor: lcrouch
Assignee: nobody → safwan.rahman15
Attached file Proposed Patch
Commits pushed to master at [Bug 859499] Show locale code with locale name in language button Merge pull request #3912 from safwanrahman/language [Bug 859499] Show locale code with locale name in language button
Historical context: openjck and groovecoder are no longer on the MDN team, and Habber's language UI experiments are stored safely next to the Ark of the Covenant. I think teoli and sheppy win by surviving. This fix is pushed to stage and production. It adds the ISO 639 codes to the language dropdown on wiki pages. Remaining work: * Add ISO 639 codes to the front page selector * Implement Wikipedia-style hover text (display the language in the user's locale [1]) as described in comment #c4, in the language dropdown on wiki pages * Implement Wikipedia-style hover test in the language selector on the front page. [1] - see sidebar
See Also: → 1294908
I did some reading, and including the language code or localized name is contrary to best practices. The language selector is supposed to be optimized for people who need to get to their own locale from a locale that is not their own. I think the place for the localized language is in the tool tip - which, as Jean-Yves points out, is the way it's done on Wikipedia, and also the way it's done on Facebook. I've opened some related bugs: Bug 1294904 - Language drop down menus should be sorted. Bug 1294906 - Remove article titles from language drop down title text. Bug 1294908 - Copy improvements to homepage language picker to site footer language picker
Commits pushed to master at [Bug 859499] Show localized locale name Merge pull request #3926 from safwanrahman/localization [Bug 859499] Show localized locale name in language selector
(In reply to John Whitlock [:jwhitlock] from comment #11) > Historical context: openjck and groovecoder are no longer on the MDN team, > and Habber's language UI experiments are stored safely next to the Ark of > the Covenant. I think teoli and sheppy win by surviving. > > This fix is pushed to stage and production. It adds the ISO 639 codes to > the language dropdown on wiki pages. > > Remaining work: > * Add ISO 639 codes to the front page selector > * Implement Wikipedia-style hover text (display the language in the user's > locale [1]) as described in comment #c4, in the language dropdown on wiki > pages > * Implement Wikipedia-style hover test in the language selector on the front > page. > > [1] - see sidebar All the feature has been implemented by patch(1) and it has been deployed. I think we can close this bug now. What do you think :jwhitlock ? 1.
Flags: needinfo?(jwhitlock)
Yes, additional work is tracked in other bugs. Closing.
Closed: 8 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(jwhitlock)
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: → Graveyard
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