Bug 860788
Opened 12 years ago
Closed 11 years ago
Defect - URL bar feels like a pop-up when a pages finishes loading
(Firefox for Metro Graveyard :: App Bar, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: jbecerra, Unassigned)
Tested on 2013-04-11 using latest nightly.
I find the URL bar feels a little out of place when I am doing my usual internet browsing. It feels as though it should be dismissed when it finishes loading. Instead it sticks around until I tap on the page.
One site where this becomes more annoying is Yahoo! where if you are previously logged in and you want to check your mail, the URL bar covers the area where you can click the Mail option on top. So you have to tap on content, dismiss the URL bar, then tap on the Mail link.
IE seems less pop-upy because of where they put the URL bar, and also because the dark color seems like it occupies a different plane rather than being on top of the content.
1. In Metro Firefox, go to and login with your account.
2. Open a new tab and try to check your email.
Expected: I would like the URL to be dismissed so I can see the Mail link I can click to check my mail.
Actual: URL sticks around and the top area get's covered.
You can experience this also in Bugzilla, and it gets annoying after a while.
Could the URL bar be dismissed shortly after loading?
Reporter | ||
Updated•12 years ago
Summary: URL bar feels like a pop-up when it a pages finishes loading → URL bar feels like a pop-up when a pages finishes loading
Comment 1•12 years ago
Won't we seem less pop-upy once our URL bar moves to the bottom? I think the URL bar color scheme also changes with that.
Comment 2•12 years ago
Yes. Let's not worry about this until we've had a chance to see what it feels like when the app bars move to the bottom of the screen. FWIT, I agree. The app bar covering the top (site heading area) of the page feels very odd. I'm sure this is one of the reasons why Microsoft is violating its own guidelines for Metro apps when they put the IE app bars at the bottom.
Updated•12 years ago
Blocks: metrov1defect&change
Updated•12 years ago
Summary: URL bar feels like a pop-up when a pages finishes loading → Defect - URL bar feels like a pop-up when a pages finishes loading
Whiteboard: feature=defect c=tbd u=tbd p=0
Updated•12 years ago
Component: General → App Bar
OS: Windows 8 → Windows 8 Metro
Updated•12 years ago
Comment 4•12 years ago
how do we feel about this? I feel pretty good about the new bar
Flags: needinfo?(asa)
Comment 5•12 years ago
(In reply to :Ally Naaktgeboren from comment #4)
> how do we feel about this? I feel pretty good about the new bar
This feels pretty good. Not going to prioritize this for the current release.
Flags: needinfo?(asa)
Updated•11 years ago
Priority: P4 → --
Updated•11 years ago
Blocks: metrobacklog
Updated•11 years ago
No longer blocks: metrov2defect&change
Updated•11 years ago
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Updated•11 years ago
No longer blocks: metrobacklog
Whiteboard: feature=defect c=tbd u=tbd p=0
Assignee | ||
Updated•10 years ago
OS: Windows 8 Metro → Windows 8.1
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