Closed Bug 862171 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

[Buri][SMS]Cannot receive one voicemail of DCS type in log


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::SMS, defect, P1)

Gonk (Firefox OS)


(b2g18 fixed)

Tracking Status
b2g18 --- fixed


(Reporter: sync-1, Assigned: anshulj)


(Whiteboard: [POVB])


(4 files)

AU_LINUX_GECKO_ICS_STRAWBERRY_V1. Firefox os v1.0.1 Mozilla build ID:20130407070205 +++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #439682 +++ DEFECT DESCRIPTION: Cannot receive one voicemail of DCS type in log Run Protcol case SMS05380:VoiceMail indicator using TP_DCS (phase 2+). Text of the SMS coded. REPRODUCING PROCEDURES: Run test case SMS05380 Summary To verify MS can receive voicemail indicator using TP_DCS (Message waiting indication group:store message) and text of the SMS coded. Step actions 1.Activation of icon VMWI : TP_DCS=D8h. 2.Deactivation of icon VMWI : TP_DCS=D0h. Expected Results 1.MS receive a voicemail indictor and a sms,the content of sms in this case:LUIND-----KO 2.MS clear the voicemail indictor and a sms,the content of sms in this case:LUIND.----KO EXPECTED BEHAVIOUR: Should receive this DCS type VoiceMail. ASSOCIATE SPECIFICATION: TEST PLAN REFERENCE: TOOLS AND PLATFORMS USED: USER IMPACT: Medium REPRODUCING RATE: 5/5 For FT PR, Please list reference mobile's behavior: ++++++++++ end of initial bug #439682 description ++++++++++ CONTACT INFO (Name,Phone number): DEFECT DESCRIPTION: REPRODUCING PROCEDURES: EXPECTED BEHAVIOUR: ASSOCIATE SPECIFICATION: TEST PLAN REFERENCE: TOOLS AND PLATFORMS USED: USER IMPACT: REPRODUCING RATE: For FT PR, Please list reference mobile's behavior:
Reporter, please provide the android main logs and the radio logs by running the following command. adb logcat -b radio -b main -v time
Assignee: nobody → anshulj
From the logs it doesn't seem like you are even using commercial RIL. Could you please confirm if you are using commercial RIL as there are absolutely no messages from commercial RIL in the logs.
Flags: needinfo?(tianm)
(In reply to Anshul from comment #3) > From the logs it doesn't seem like you are even using commercial RIL. Could > you please confirm if you are using commercial RIL as there are absolutely > no messages from commercial RIL in the logs. I really have no idea about what you said a commercial RIL. Does that mean that we just used a simulated environment in lab, and that isn't what you called a commercial RIL environment? However, services in China don't provide such functions as voice mail. What's more, the most direct customers in Europe are like this function and use it frequently both in work and at home. Thus we have to simulate to send a voice mail in lab.
Flags: needinfo?(tianm)
There is a version of RIL developed by Qualcomm that is called as commercial RIL and the other one developed by Mozilla. I don't see any indication that the test you are running is with the commercial RIL although you specified AU_LINUX_GECKO_ICS_STRAWBERRY_V1. as the Qualcomm's AU version. So the issue you are reporting is that the voice mail indicator using TP_DCS is not shown on the UI?
Flags: needinfo?(tianm)
(In reply to Anshul from comment #5) > There is a version of RIL developed by Qualcomm that is called as commercial > RIL and the other one developed by Mozilla. I don't see any indication that > the test you are running is with the commercial RIL although you specified > AU_LINUX_GECKO_ICS_STRAWBERRY_V1. as the Qualcomm's AU > version. Maybe you mistake the log of another case to this one. I didn't upload any log specidied AU_LINUX_GECKO_ICS_STRAWBERRY_V1. > So the issue you are reporting is that the voice mail indicator using TP_DCS > is not shown on the UI? Yes, you bet.
Flags: needinfo?(tianm)
(In reply to 田旻 from comment #6) > (In reply to Anshul from comment #5) > > There is a version of RIL developed by Qualcomm that is called as commercial > > RIL and the other one developed by Mozilla. I don't see any indication that > > the test you are running is with the commercial RIL although you specified > > AU_LINUX_GECKO_ICS_STRAWBERRY_V1. as the Qualcomm's AU > > version. > > Maybe you mistake the log of another case to this one. I didn't upload any > log specidied AU_LINUX_GECKO_ICS_STRAWBERRY_V1. I was talking about the log added as an attachment. The AU number is specified as the first line of the bug description. > > So the issue you are reporting is that the voice mail indicator using TP_DCS > > is not shown on the UI? > Yes, you bet. I still don't have the logs I need with commercial RIL, until you provide that I won't be able to debug the issue.
Flags: needinfo?(sync-1)
Flags: needinfo?(sync-1)
tianm, the new logs you attached are QXDM logs and not android logs. I am trying to reproduce the issue on my end. Is the issue that the text of SMS is not shown or that the voice mail indicator on the UI is not shown?
Flags: needinfo?(tianm)
(In reply to Anshul from comment #9) > tianm, the new logs you attached are QXDM logs and not android logs. I am > trying to reproduce the issue on my end. > We research and study an FF OS, thus it's naturally to produce an QXDM logs which are supported by one of our vendors. Actually, I don't have so many ideas about what kind of logs you would like. So, could you give me a more detailed description about it? > Is the issue that the text of SMS is not shown or that the voice mail > indicator on the UI is not shown? Both. Actually, there aren't any responses at all about receiving a DCS-type voice mail. Not mention to indicator or show on screen.
Flags: needinfo?(tianm)
I am looking for basic android logs. Please make sure you are using commercial RIL. adb logcat -b radio -b main -v time > log.txt
I tested with AU_LINUX_GECKO_ICS_STRAWBERRY_V1. and am not able to reproduce the problem. With DCS type D8, I am seeing both the voice mail notification and an SMS with the text of the message.
Assignee: anshulj → nobody
Please also provide the PDU what you test to us.
Hi Anshul, I have upload the main log.Please check it.
Assignee: nobody → anshulj
We don't currently support UNSOL_RESPONSE_NEW_SMS_ON_SIM. Seems like your setup is sending a class 2 SMS for DCS TP_DCS=D8 and TP_DCS=D0. Is this a certification blocker; this is not currently scoped for v1.0?
Assignee: anshulj → alhadp
Why is TP_DCS=D8 and TP_DCS=D0 being sent as class 2 SMS and not class 1 SMS?
Flags: needinfo?(tianm)
Yes, it's not a certification blocker. Class 2 SMS is send for it's just a case written previously, by which type you can send voice message and word message at the same time. We have make a try to change its class type of voicemail of DCS.
Flags: needinfo?(tianm)
Assignee: alhadp → michael
Assignee: michael → anshulj
Support for this would be available in AU_LINUX_GECKO_ICS_STRAWBERRY. for leo.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Dear Anshul, This test case still fail when we send a voicemail of DCS type. I think this pr has not fixed. BRs, TIAN Min
blocking-b2g: --- → leo?
Flags: needinfo?(anshulj)
Whiteboard: [POVB]
Is this now a certification blocker? (wasn't for v1.0) What is a DCS type voicemail? How does this impact the user?
(In reply to 田旻 from comment #19) > Dear Anshul, > > This test case still fail when we send a voicemail of DCS type. > I think this pr has not fixed. > > BRs, > TIAN Min Dear reporter, please open an SR with the new logs as well as the AU information and I will look into the issue.
Flags: needinfo?(anshulj)
(In reply to [:lsblakk] from comment #20) > Is this now a certification blocker? (wasn't for v1.0) > What is a DCS type voicemail? How does this impact the user? It's not a certification blocker. It's just produced by a test case.
(In reply to Anshul from comment #21) > (In reply to 田旻 from comment #19) > > Dear Anshul, > > > > This test case still fail when we send a voicemail of DCS type. > > I think this pr has not fixed. > > > > BRs, > > TIAN Min > > Dear reporter, please open an SR with the new logs as well as the AU > information and I will look into the issue. SR NO. :01272173
(In reply to 田旻 from comment #22) > (In reply to [:lsblakk] from comment #20) > > Is this now a certification blocker? (wasn't for v1.0) > > What is a DCS type voicemail? How does this impact the user? > > It's not a certification blocker. It's just produced by a test case. Not a cert blocker, so bumping to koi? for later consideration.
blocking-b2g: leo? → koi?
Hi all, since the problem is still exists, I reopen it.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Jack, we will support this through SR. I am closing this bug.
Closed: 12 years ago12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
(In reply to Anshul from comment #26) > Jack, we will support this through SR. I am closing this bug. But it's a little harder to discuss bug in SR for it's difficult to reproduce or get logs there, and always lots of logs are not engough there.
How is it difficult to reproduce the bug for the SR system? We have many more people that would be able to help if you use the SR system and if other teams need to be involved the SR system is the only way to get them to look at the issue. SR system is more efficient than tracking QC bugs through bugzilla.
After our further test, now we have received voicemail. But there still exist a problem. The voicemail notification icon can't display in the status bar when the voice mail is coming, but when you pull down the status bar you can see it. I think UI issue is Mozilla's problem, thus I file a new bug in Mozilla (bug#908574 ) again.
I am sorry, I give a mistake relative bug. It's not bug#908574, it's bug#908581.
I am sorry, I give a mistake relative bug. It's not bug#908574, it's bug#908581.
clear the koi? flag
blocking-b2g: koi? → ---
Dear Joe Cheng, We can receive the voicemail of DCS type, but it didn't display on the status bar. However, if we pull down the status bar and we can see the voicemail notification then. I think the problem of display in UI is Mozilla's problem. Please check. BRs, TIAN Min
Flags: needinfo?(jcheng)
Attached file Desktop.rar
please open a new bug if you want to follow up on this. thanks
Flags: needinfo?(jcheng)
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