Closed Bug 86323 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

mozilla using non-standard zlib.dll conflicts with third party product in Windows platform


(SeaMonkey :: Build Config, defect, P3)

Windows NT


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: edxu, Assigned: leaf)


(Whiteboard: [needed for embedding])


(8 files)

On Windows platform mozilla/modules/zlib is compiled with __cdecl for exported functions instead of WINAPI or __stdcall as expected in standard zlib.dll. This cause conflicts with third party product such as plug-ins or gecko embedding application that use standard zlib.dll because the non-standard one is loaded in address space and hence the crash. Compiling with ZLIB_DLL and _WINDOWS will not solve problem because mozilla hard-code PR_API types in the zlib source files. As a matter of fact mozilla MUST uses standard zlib so that third party products will not complain.
Patch attached, save it as .zip file. It has new files and diff.
Ever confirmed: true
Assignee: adamlock → leaf
Component: Embedding: Docshell → Build Config
-> Leaf
leaf/seawood, can you do the r= and sr= on this? until we get this in its causing a big embedding customer a lot of headaches... if this patch looks good it would be good to get it in today.
Whiteboard: [needed for embedding]
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.2
reviewing/building now.
can you repost the diff as a text file, rather than application/octet-stream, please?
Priority: -- → P2
alright, it's a zip file; patch is barfing for me on a simple diff, so it could be until tomorrow night (when i predict to have another windows machine up and building) before i get a windows build with this patch. What i'm concerned with more is the effect on the unix platforms, which i bet hasn't been tested yet. Someone feel free to correct me before i waste time testing it.
Ugh. So rather than taking these patches, why don't we just import a copy of the the latest release of zlib or the original release that was checked in? I don't know about leaf but outside of the PR_API changes, I have no clue what this relatively huge (184k) patch is doing.
Turn out the gecko version of zlib is two years older than the current version 1.1.3 (which Todd patched from). Version 1.1.3 is the current version and has been out for several years now. If we simply grab the source code of 1.1.3 and drop it into mozilla (and define ZLIB_DLL for Windows), will it work for Unix without using prtypes? If it will then I will go with Christopher on this and not use the patch, which *might* not work for UNIX due to the same problem. As a temparory solution I am using the pre-built version of zlib.dll/zlib.lib for Gecko, of course this will only work for Windows.
On unix, by default, we use the system installed version of zlib and it appears to work fine.
Summary: mozilla using none standard zlib.dll conflicts with third party product in Windows platform → mozilla using non-standard zlib.dll conflicts with third party product in Windows platform
Does anyone know if the mac requires us to use the prtypes or can we just plop in the latest zlib release without mods?
Mac requires some PR_ macro stuff in zlib to manage symbol exports. If we had an alternative way to control exports (e.g. .exp file), then this could go away.
Ok, I got the zlib 1.1.3 tarball (extracted from a srpm since the main zlib site is down). Dropping the source files into the tree works for the linux build. We already compile with -D_WINDOWS (set in config/WIN32) but I do see the mention of needing -DZLIB_DLL for each project that uses zlib (ugh). Simon, how much work would it be to provide the alternative method for the mac?
Maybe 30 minutes of someone's time.
You _should_ be able to move modules/zlib out of the way and unzip the attached zip file in modules. It uses pristine zlib 1.1.3 src with the mozilla build files with one exception. I modified zconf.h to automatically define ZLIB_DLL if MOZILLA_CLIENT & XP_WIN32 are set. The zip compiles on windows but doesn't create a .lib library even though nothing in the win32 build files have changed. Help! Simon, I created a zlib.exp file under macbuild using the jpeg one as a template. Any chance you could modify the project file to use it?
i'll track down where the .lib went to, chris; are you, by any chance, building with the static build branch?
I've checked about 20 times to make sure but the static build stuff is in a separate tree. :)
fair enough, i'll keep looking for other reasons why this might not be working :)
Interesting but disturbing factiod: When using the current cvs src, if I ifdef out the prtypes.h include from zconf.h & zutil.c & use the non-MOZILLA_CLIENT define of PR_PUBLIC_API, I see the same missing .lib problem. Does win32 have some link-time script that looks for specific PR_PUBLIC_API signatures or something?
Copying the zlib.dnt from the nt/ subdir of the zlib-1.1.3 dist into zlib/src and adding DEFFILE=zlib.dnt to zlib/src/ brings back the .lib . My build got past necko so I'm guessing that it works. I'll let you know if the build actually runs.
So, we're back to pristine 1.1.3 src files. The latest zip (attach 39297) should be unzipped in a current cvs pull of modules/zlib/src . Then apply the patch to make the rest of the tree build. I feel so dirty. I need a shower.
yeah, there are magic things done with linker scripts and .def files, but i didn't know it was based on .h preprocessing *sigh* I'll verify the build and we can probably get this carpooled with dougt tomorrow, assuming we get an a= ;)
We still need some mac lovin' and a project file that knows to use macbuild/zlib.exp .
ccing jj so he's in the loop on the mac stuff.
<fume>my system's "patch" has decided that it needs to crash in the middle of applying any diff</fume>. Attempting to test on the verification machine.
Tried on the mac, and exercised the CRC checking code that I just wrote which uses zlib. It worked. Not an extensive test, but it did build, and didn't break me (two typically rare events :-)
a=chofmann branch and trunk when ready
checked into the branch; spinning a verification build. once verified, i'll commit on the trunk
pdt+ per chofmann (
Whiteboard: [needed for embedding] → [PDT+][needed for embedding]
fixed on the branch, will merge to trunk shortly, clearing from 0.9.2 milestone radar.
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.2 → mozilla0.9.3
This change broke the VMS build. The proto of strerror in zutil.h used to have an #ifndef MOZILLA_CLIENT around it, now it doesn't. Why are we even trying to prototype strerror when the correct thing to do is #include <string.h>??? For now I've fixed it in my tree, but I need to know what flavor of patch you want back. Do you want #ifndef MOZILLA_CLIENT or #ifndef VMS around the strerror proto?
I think we want VMS, since this didn't seem to cause problems for the platforms that embedding is on. I'm not sure the reasoning for zlib's prototyping of strerror, but i'm not willing to futz with how zlib is built on the platforms where embedding was having an issue.
colin, i'll be around for a while today (i'm merging this to the trunk), but if i don't get to review a patch today, i'll be around monday to do so. Anyone cc'd, i think, can give you an r= to checkin to either the 0.9.2 branch or the trunk.
ok, merged to trunk; i'll leave this open until we get vms building again.
reducing severity and removing PDT+ since this has been fixed on the 0.9.2 branch.
Severity: blocker → normal
Priority: P2 → P3
Whiteboard: [PDT+][needed for embedding] → [needed for embedding]
Looking for approval to checkin above OpenVMS patch.
can you also include another comment line under the comment line starting with: /* @(#) $Id: zutil.h,v saying /* This file has been modified from the original distribution */ otherwise, sr=leaf for the trunk
Added the comment, as requested by Leaf. Is the trunk under driver control at the moment, or am I all clear to check in once it opens?
The patch for OpenVMS (attachment id=41785) has been checked in.
marking fixed.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
Attachment #38860 - Attachment description: Patch from Todd Brannum: the changes made are primarily in the "" to set the correct flags for zlib exports - it's important to use the correct calling convention otherwise the 'return' call in a zlib function could blow up with a stack proble → Patch from Todd Brannum
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