Closed Bug 863609 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Broken UI during transition when orientation changes


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Video, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(blocking-b2g:-, b2g18+ affected)

blocking-b2g -
Tracking Status
b2g18 + affected


(Reporter: leo.bugzilla.gecko, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [TD-11453] leorun1)


(3 files)

Precondition: Have more than 30 video files stored in the sdcard.

At Video app, videos list, the UI looks broken during the transition when the device is rotated portrait <-> landscape (see video attached).

Similar problem can be observed when the video is being played, or in the Gallery application (grid and viewer), where the broken UI can be seen during the rotation.
Whiteboard: [TD-11453]
blocking-b2g: --- → leo?
Flagging qawanted for more info - does this make it impossible to play any of the videos on the SD card?  If it's just the layout glitch we probably won't block on this.  Also, what's special about having more than 30 videos?  Does this not reproduce with less?
Keywords: qawanted
Still waiting on QA confirm, but for now let's put this to a tracking nomination.  Please feel free to renominate for leo? if this in any way prevents a user from being able to access/play a video on their SD card.
blocking-b2g: leo? → -
tracking-b2g18: --- → ?
* Is this because of a hard-coded CSS width, or JavaScript hard-coding the width?
* Short term fix: may be acceptable to make app portrait only as long as playing videos may be either portrait or landscape.
* Probably overlap here with the flexible UI efforts. This will have to get fixed properly for flexible UI/Responsive Design to work.
Whiteboard: [TD-11453] → [TD-11453] leorun1
I dont have 30 videos, but i have 10 videos and it all seems to work so far with orientation.   Is there a reason that 30 is a threshold in your testing?  Also, from the two screenshots, i can't tell where the brokeness is; can you point them out?
Flags: needinfo?(leo.bugzilla.gecko)
(In reply to from comment #3)
> Flagging qawanted for more info - does this make it impossible to play any
> of the videos on the SD card?
User is able to play any video from the list even when the files are loading. When the BACK button is pressed on the video,the video list is seen with a progress bar and files continue to load.

> what's special about having more than 30 videos?
When there are more videos 
- The user is able to see a black screen first and then the videos starts to load. User can view the slow performance.
- When orientation is changed, white screen shows up for few seconds and resumes back. (See screenshot attached)

> Does this not reproduce with less?
Does not reproduce when user has 15,25 or 35 videos. 

This issue can be seen when the SD card is almost full(space left on SD card 800KB).

Leo Build ID: 20130507070204
Gaia: 1bac83700810f27e00a937e34e7c865da02e0215
Keywords: qawanted
Attached image Bug 863609- screenshot
Root cause for this issue:
1. When orientation of phone changes from portrait to landscape and viceversa, "resize" event will be called.In "resize" event there is a call to "textTruncate()" function (to truncate the longer video names).
2. As textTruncate() function consumes more time, Resizing of height and width of list items screen takes more time to adjust according to the phone orientation. This leads to the white patch.

1. This issue could be fixed by optimizing the textTruncate() function. In the latest implementation, textTruncate() has been removed and alternative implementation is given by Sam Joch [:samjoch] which consumes very less time to be executed. 
Please refer Bug 859284.
Depends on: 859284
Closed: 11 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(leo.bugzilla.gecko)
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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