Bug 865176
Opened 12 years ago
Closed 12 years ago
[Gallery] Gallery takes long time to display images present in SD CARD
(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Gallery, defect)
(Not tracked)
of bug 861965
(Reporter: leo.bugzilla.gaia, Unassigned)
1. Title : Displaying images in gallery from SD CARD takes longer time
2. Precondition : SD card with 100 JPEG images with resolution of 2592x1944.
3. Tester's Action : Open Gallery
4. Detailed Symptom (ENG.) :
1. Loaded some 100 images in sd card
2. Open Gallery
3. Takes lot of time (approximatly more than 10 minutes) to load all the 100 images
5. Expected : Time taken to load all 100 images is more than the time taken in GAIA version #a78ebf426840b5ef08c0cc3e437ad30aba3e2528
6.Reproducibility: Y
1)Frequency Rate : 100%
7.Gaia Master/v1-train : Reproduced
8.Gaia Revision: a517015912aa2c595e29353424ad197df80603c0 (latest code from GAIA master)
9.Personal email id:
Hi djf,
Would like to know your suggestions on this defect,
1. There is a function done() in metadata_scripts.js, which is newly addded to overcome OOM Issues.
I understand , handling OOM issues are very important.
But what i had observed is, this function done() takes more time to display images.
For Eg:
1. With function done(),it takes approximately 10 mins
2. Without function done(), it just takes aprproximately 4 mins.
Just wanted to know your opinion for this defect.
Flags: needinfo?(dflanagan)
Comment 2•12 years ago
The done() function is a workaround for a gecko bug. It prevents crashes.
Bug 861965 tracks this issue.
Closed: 12 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(dflanagan)
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Updated•12 years ago
blocking-b2g: leo? → ---
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