Closed Bug 867079 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

fixes the gesture detector pinch tests


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: julienw, Assigned: djf)




(1 file)

The following tests are failing : 1) [gallery] GestureDetector gesture detection Pinch 0: (0,0) & (100,100) scale: 2: Error: 1.7246506858208477 is not between 1.9 and 2.1: expected false to be true at chaiAssert ( at get ( at isTrue ( at between ( at (anonymous) ( at (anonymous) ( at checkpinch ( 2) [gallery] GestureDetector gesture detection Pinch 1: (0,0) & (100,100) scale: 0.5: Error: 0.5795957222840553 is not between 0.475 and 0.525: expected false to be true at chaiAssert ( at get ( at isTrue ( at between ( at (anonymous) ( at (anonymous) ( at checkpinch ( 3) [gallery] GestureDetector gesture detection Pinch 2: (100,100) & (10,10) scale: 1.5: Error: 1.3076632254819716 is not between 1.4249999999999998 and 1.5750000000000002: expected false to be true at chaiAssert ( at get ( at isTrue ( at between ( at (anonymous) ( at (anonymous) ( at checkpinch ( 4) [gallery] GestureDetector gesture detection Pinch 3: (200,200) & (10,10) scale: 0.75: Error: 0.8064993006304397 is not between 0.7124999999999999 and 0.7875000000000001: expected false to be true at chaiAssert ( at get ( at isTrue ( at between ( at (anonymous) ( at (anonymous) ( at checkpinch ( 5) [gallery] GestureDetector gesture detection Pinch 4: (200,200) & (200,0) scale: 2: Error: 1.8018018018018018 is not between 1.9 and 2.1: expected false to be true at chaiAssert ( at get ( at isTrue ( at between ( at (anonymous) ( at (anonymous) ( at checkpinch ( 6) [gallery] GestureDetector gesture detection Pinch 5: (200,200) & (200,0) scale: 0.5: Error: 0.5524861878453039 is not between 0.475 and 0.525: expected false to be true at chaiAssert ( at get ( at isTrue ( at between ( at (anonymous) ( at (anonymous) ( at checkpinch ( 7) [gallery] GestureDetector gesture detection Pinch 6: (200,200) & (0,200) scale: 3: Error: 2.7027027027027026 is not between 2.8499999999999996 and 3.1500000000000004: expected false to be true at chaiAssert ( at get ( at isTrue ( at between ( at (anonymous) ( at (anonymous) ( at checkpinch ( 8) [gallery] GestureDetector gesture detection Pinch 7: (200,200) & (0,200) scale: 0.3: Error: 0.3314917127071823 is not between 0.285 and 0.315: expected false to be true at chaiAssert ( at get ( at isTrue ( at between ( at (anonymous) ( at (anonymous) ( at checkpinch ( Note that I found that they weren't being run until recently because we didn't have touch support in the testing environment. But we know have touch support and as a result they're run and as a result they fail :) I don't know if that's real failures in the code, or failure to change the test when we changed the code, but I think you'll know better than me, David. Note that we'll probably disable them quickly if you don't fix them today (Ccing Dale and Yuren about that).
Blocks: 866674
Blocks: 866761
Julien, I think the attached patch should fix the broken tests, but I've been unable to run the tests, so it probably doesn't fix them. I'm putting it here though so you can take a look.
Attachment #743937 - Flags: review?(felash)
Mmm I get the exact same output than in comment 0. So seems like something is not happening as you think :) (and I can't help you much on this, sorry...)
Attachment #743937 - Flags: review?(felash)
Comment on attachment 743937 [details] link to patch on github Clearing and then resetting the r? flag. Julien: I've updated the pull request and figured out how to run the tests locally. This now fixes the failing gesture detector tests. Thanks for flagging this and for reviewing it.
Attachment #743937 - Flags: review?(felash)
Comment on attachment 743937 [details] link to patch on github r=me thanks !
Attachment #743937 - Flags: review?(felash) → review+
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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