Closed Bug 86922 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

Unable to launch with new/newly migrated profile


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: agracebush, Assigned: ccarlen)


(Keywords: regression, smoketest, Whiteboard: critical for 0.9.2)


(2 files)

Steps to reproduce: (Tried on stub/full installer builds and tarball) 1. clear .mozilla 2. run with ./netscape -installer 3. 4.x profile should migrate (it does) 4. enter activation data (on 2nd or 3rd try- that's another bug) actual results: no launch expected results: launch with migrated profile Same thing occurs with a new profile I created profile in older build and was able to launch with that this appears to go through profile manager and activation but adding Bhuvan and Conrad to cc list just in case
Is this Linux-only? Have you tried this on Mac or Windows?
i removed all other profiles and tried to launch using the 'default' profile..and it actually worked!!
Mac is ok, but Windows bug is bugscape 6573
Even though Shrirang and I removed all the existing profiles on my Linux machine Redhat 6.2, (commercial build: 2001-06-20-08-trunk), and then tried to launch using the 'default' profile or created a new profile, it still did not launch. It seemed to work fine on Shriang Linux machine, but not on my Linux machine though.
If we're talking about the commercial build, as the last comment is, that's
Assignee: asa → ccarlen
This has regressed since 20010619. You _must_ _have_ a ~/.netscape/ directory, and you must _not_ have a working ~/.mozilla directory to trigger the bug. Otherwise it starts up fine. You can reproduce using just ./mozilla - it presents the migration dialog, and if you click on OK, it will start migrating, create files in ~/.mozilla, and hang. Strace output: gettimeofday({993160685, 338619}, NULL) = 0 ioctl(7, 0x541b, [0]) = 0 poll([{fd=7, events=POLLIN}, {fd=15, events=POLLIN}, {fd=5, events=POLLIN}], 3, 8) = 0 gettimeofday({993160685, 357171}, NULL) = 0 gettimeofday({993160685, 357494}, NULL) = 0 ioctl(7, 0x541b, [0]) = 0 poll([{fd=7, events=POLLIN}, {fd=15, events=POLLIN}, {fd=5, events=POLLIN}], 3, 0) = 0 gettimeofday({993160685, 358571}, NULL) = 0 ioctl(7, 0x541b, [0]) = 0 poll([{fd=7, events=POLLIN}, {fd=15, events=POLLIN}, {fd=5, events=POLLIN}], 3, 8) = 0 You get the picture. Very critical bug.
This is a mozilla problem too. Steps to reproduce: 1. rm -rf .mozilla 2. ./mozilla 3. select convert profile (not manage profiles) Results: cpmverting profile spinner pops up and then nothing happens. the console just sits at "start of pref migration" Additional information: If you select Manage Profiles and do your migration from there it works.
Whiteboard: critical for 0.9.2
Almost have the fix for this ready - It's the same thing (but with a different window) as the problem in
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.2
Attached patch patchSplinter Review
The second patch removes the last occurance of profile/migration/activation dialogs done with appshell::run which is the cause of the problem. The case in nsProfile.cpp only happens when you have run out of disk space when auto-migrating. I'll have to put some code in to force that condition for testing. Dan, Alec - can you review this one? it's the same story as the bugscape bug you've seen.
Whiteboard: critical for 0.9.2 → critical for 0.9.2, have patch, need r and sr
beauty. r=danm
nice..looks great. sr=alecf
Thanks guys. Updating status.
Whiteboard: critical for 0.9.2, have patch, need r and sr → critical for 0.9.2, have patch, need a=
a=chofmann for 0.9.1 branch and trunk when this is ready. it would be good if we could get it in before monday morning builds if possible.
Will do so before mon morn.
Whiteboard: critical for 0.9.2, have patch, need a= → critical for 0.9.2, ready to checkin
Fix checked into trunk - doing branch next.
Checked into branch.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Whiteboard: critical for 0.9.2, ready to checkin → critical for 0.9.2
Linux (2001-06-26- ) This bug should be re-opened because it takes second time to migrate successfully. Here is the step: 1. Remove .mozilla 2. setenv PROFILE_HOME /home/gor/qatest38 setenv PROFILE_NAME qatest38 ./netscape -installer Actual result: A blank activation window come up, and I have to click on X to close the window. 3. Exit installer 4. Do a ./netscape -installer again Actual result: The Activating window comes up with content, click on Cancel Browser now comes up. Expected result: it should migrate the first time.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Re-closing. The problem which you are referring to happens only with commercial and is a separate issue. It's
Closed: 24 years ago24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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