Closed Bug 870934 Opened 12 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Sony Xperia Keyboard - Auto-caps, return key and crashes


(Firefox for Android Graveyard :: Keyboards and IME, defect)

20 Branch
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: andy.pearce2002, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:20.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/20.0 Build ID: 20130409194949 Steps to reproduce: Installed Firefox for Android 20.0.1 on a Sony Xperia Tipo, running Android 4.0.4 Tried to use the standard Xperia keyboard for text entry in various web forums. Actual results: 3 issues 1. Minor & repeatable - The keyboard USUALLY starts in CAPS mode when first invoked and also automatically switches back to that mode after a full stop (period) followed by a space. In Firefox, it doesn't do either of those things. (But you can switch to CAPS mode manually OK). 2. Major & repeatable - The "return" key does not work at all. Instead of putting a carriage return in the text (i.e. starting a new line) it just adds a space at the cursor position. 3. Major but intermittent - If you try to add several "return" characters at the end of a long line of text and then try to backspace to delete them, it begins to behave oddly, adding duplicates of letters and words. Try to delete too quickly and the keyboard appears to crash completely with a pop up window saying ""Sony Xperia keyboard has stopped working" message. After that, no more text input is possible in Firefox, but the kbd DOES still work fine in other apps. without a reboot. Expected results: The keyboard should behave the same as it does with other Android apps such as the default browser installed on the phone from the factory. HOWEVER: I notice the "Google voice input" speech to text icon IS present on the keyboard in Firefox - which I like, but it's missing on the keyboard in the default Android browser. So there are obviously several ways the kbd gets customised for each app. that calls it up.
Summary: Sony Xperia Keyboard - Auto-caps and return key → Sony Xperia Keyboard - Auto-caps, return key and crashes
OS: Windows XP → Android
Hardware: x86 → ARM
Please try the "Android" nightly build at we periodically fix keyboard issues and it is possible that Nightly will work better.
Thanks for the report, Andy_P. If these can be confirmed as still existing on the Nightly build, they should probably be different bugs!
Due to the lack of additional info and the fact that I cannot reproduce the issue, I'll close this issue as Incomplete. If the reporter (or anyone else) can provide more information, please feel free to reopen or comment on the issue, and we'll have a thorough look on it.
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Product: Firefox for Android → Firefox for Android Graveyard
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