Closed Bug 873154 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Implement search results and filter bar


(Webmaker Graveyard ::, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: cassie, Assigned: jfong)



(Whiteboard: s=2013w22)


(4 files)

The design process is captured in bug: 861388 and a description of the functionality from comment 3: Clicking the search icon will pop down this bar where you can search for things or filter results. Page 2 shows the expanded filter bar (and what those filters should be, also listed in the PRD). Results should filter into the grid gallery. Widths can be uniform though, so 4 columns. (This is the MVP solution FTW!) FYI, this filter bar (sans search) will need to be present on several of the site's sections, so bear in mind it should be reusable. Dale, assigning this to you for now but let Jen Fong know if you need help!
Depends on: 861388
Whiteboard: s=2013w21
Cassie: can you confirm that once a search query is run: - stamped items disappear - the grid goes to a 4x4 layout - there is a "More" button which adds another page of results should more than 16 results exist None of that is shown in the mockup, but it's what I recall us discussing.
Yes, all this is confirmed. I spoke with Jen about this yesterday. Brett and I just talked about adding another tab at the bottom, "Search", which would lock to the CTA bar alongside the "more" button. Clicking it would scroll the user up and pop down the search/filter bar. The use case we are considering is when a user is exploring content, they keep pressing that button to load more makes, this page gets ridiculously long, and the only way to filter or search from there is to scroll all the way back to the top and click the tiny mag glass. An alternative, add a "back to top" button once the page is a certain height that auto-scrolls the user back to the top of the page. Thoughts?
I like the first thing.
So we want to: add another tab at the bottom, "Search", which would lock to the CTA bar alongside the "more" button. Clicking it would scroll the user up and pop down the search/filter bar.
Assignee: me → jfong
As a note, Kate and I will be going back and forth on commits for this bug for the next day or two so ignore any initial commit as the final one.
Comment on attachment 753338 [details] A couple of nits that I think are worth fixing before merging this in...
Attachment #753338 - Flags: review?(me) → review-
Thanks for fixing those!
Some button styles and UI stuff
Attachment #753389 - Flags: review?(jfong)
Comment on attachment 753806 [details] A couple of house-keeping related nits but the code looks good!
Attachment #753806 - Flags: review?(ross) → review+
Whiteboard: s=2013w21 → s=2013w22
Taking a different approach in bug #876166
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Attachment mime type: text/plain → text/x-github-pull-request
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