Closed Bug 87501 Opened 24 years ago Closed 18 years ago

file: URLs "..." should be treated as "../.."


(Core :: Networking: File, defect)

Windows 98
Not set





(Reporter: jruderman, Assigned: dougt)




(Keywords: arch, qawanted, Whiteboard: [sg:investigate]security)

Steps to reproduce: 1. Type file:///c|/windows/desktop/../ into the location bar. Notice that the URL is changed to file:///c|/windows/. 2. Type file:///c|/windows/desktop/.../ into the location bar. Notice that the URL is not changed, but the contents of the root directory are shown. "..." means "up two directories" on Win98 but not on Solaris. I don't think it has that meaning on WinNT. I think the code causing Mozilla to only recognize ".." is in nsIOService::ResolveRelativePath, but I'm not sure. Right now, we canonicalize ".." but not "..." for both file and http. I don't know what the desired behavior is for an http url such as, but the http behavior should not be platform-dependent. (Side note: if I type http://localhost/.../, my local web server, OmniHTTPd, says "Security bypass attempted - possible breach". How reassuring.) Mitch: is this the same code path that's supposed to prevent arbitrary local content from being read through the chrome:// protocol? (when jarred chrome is off?)
Target Milestone: --- → Future
I've never heard of "..." in Windows, so we need to establish (from some technical source) that this should work. That being said, looking at the BNF of file (RFC 1738) fileurl = "file://" [ host | "localhost" ] "/" fpath fpath = fsegment *[ "/" fsegment ] fsegment = *[ uchar | "?" | ":" | "@" | "&" | "=" ] unreserved = alpha | digit | safe | extra uchar = unreserved | escape safe = "$" | "-" | "_" | "." | "+" "." is a character that can appear unescaped. so "..." is a valid fsegement. We cannot cannonicalize this b/c RFC 1630 only recognizes ".." However, once the path is sent to Windows, if it does what you say, it should still work locally. I have similar feelings about http, but that should be discussed in a new bug.
QA Contact: tever → benc
Summary: foo/../ stripped but foo/bar/.../ not stripped from file urls → file: URLs "..." should be treated as "../.."
Keywords: arch
+qawanted: has anyone heard of this before?!
Keywords: qawanted
BenC: I filed this bug primarily as a potential security hole on Windows. If Mozilla doesn't realize that Windows interprets "..." as "up two directories" and sends "..." to the OS, something that is only allowed to look at things within a given directory might be able to look at things in other directories. If we can't canonicalize a file: URL with "...", we should reject it.
If you can come up with some examples of how this is bad, go ahead and raise the severity. I've tried to figure out why this is bad, but in my first week back from a long break, I can't seem to grasp the implications.
rfc 2396 says that only '.' and '..' have special meaning in relative urls. '...' then is just part of a segment of the dir (no change in the url!). If '...' has special meaning on win98 there is nothing we can do about that in the urlparser. We could perhaps block it in the win-specific part of the implementation of nsIFile if there really is a need to do that
We allow other potentially strange|dangerous|insecure behavior once you get into the local file system, so it sounds like this is a WONTFIX. Users are protected from general file:// badness via checkloadURI. I defer to dougt or andreas, since ultimately this a design/code decision.
I vote for WONTFIX, Doug what's your opinion?
I think it's a bug that pages loaded from file:/// can read a file anywhere in the file system. Wontfixing this bug would make it impossible to fix that on Windows 98.
Yes, in MSDOS 6, 7, and Windows '9x, "..." means go up two directories, "...." means go up three directories, etc. However, this path isn't relative; it's an absolute path. As such the entire path should be sent to the "server."
The file URL already has access to the entire filesystem, so I am not sure how this is bad. Is there some URL vs. OS exploit, where a hiearchical meaning of the URL vs. the file accessed matters? Using the original example, there isn't much that keeps people from using: file:///c|/ There is some obfuscation problem w/ using: file:///c|/dir1/dir2/.../ but file is strictly a local convention, so I don't know if there is anything you can do about it, since that is the entire idea behind file URLs. dougt's going to have to make the call here.
Jesse, I see what you're getting at, but I'm not sure there's an actual exploit here. Can you create an exploit?
I wonder if this is taking the wrong approach. It seems that a file:// URL is fully qualified so it's not a partial (relative) URL and "xxx/.." is only removed when it's a partial URL. It seams that file:///c|/windows/desktop/../ and file:///c|/windows/desktop/.../ should remain as-is. Why are file URIs canonized to begin with? If it's because of a security issue, that may apply here as well.
> The file URL already has access to the entire filesystem, so I am not sure how > this is bad. 1. File URLs should not have access to the entire filesystem IMO, and this bug makes it harder to fix that. 2. This bug might allow chrome:// URLs to access the entire filesystem when chrome is not jarred. Untrusted content can load some thing from chrome:// URLs, such as images and XBL, which is necessary because of the way Mozilla handles urls in UA and user style sheets. 3. Since we canonicalize "..", it's wrong to not canonicalize "...".
What parts of a filesystem are we masking from file URLs? We don't mask device drivers, and if we were to, I think we should do it at the file handle level, not at the file URL level. If you were to say: file:///dev/zero (whatever the windows 98 equivalent is...), and we had a mask against that file URL, then I could see: file:///dir/dir/.../dev/zero as being a backdoor. But that isn't what we have. To my knowledge, we have no file URL blocking, so who cares if you access the file handle directly or via a strange windows file convention?
As I said before the code to canonicalize *urls* is no place to deal with local file specifics on any filesystem. Therefore handling of ... or .... can have no place there. file urls have by definition access to the entire file system on the client, at least in the boundaries of the user executing mozilla and his ACLs and the overall filesystem security of the OS. Because of that we block file-urls for remote access, for example file-urls embedded in a page served over http do not execute. But I agree that the code for chrome urls when converting chrome-url to file-url and then to local file should make sure that the resulting *local* file path does not violate the boundaries of the chrome-url.
Whiteboard: security
Whiteboard: security → [sg:investigate]security might be tricked into doing something evil here, with flat chrome. doesn't check for ".." at all. I didn't check the code paths or try to do anything harmful, though.
I found this reference only: I can't find anything in MSDN which references it. I have tested it on Win98SE and it does work. My opinion is that we should recognize only . and .. as valid parts of paths (where appropriate). Other than that any path section consisting of only dots (more than 2) should either be ignored (treated same as ".") or cause an error. We should never recognize it or pass it through to the OS in any case.
Windows XP just ignores multiple dots, treating them the same as a single dot. (when using cmd.exe). I agree that URL canonicalization shouldn't change since "..." is a valid segment, but this should be prevented from getting through to the local file system. Thus this bug as written is WONTFIX, and we need a new bug on nsLocalFileWin that Normalize should treat >2 dots as equal to single dot (i.e. ignore), and AppendRelativePath should fail for segments of >1 dot (.. is already disallowed re: the spec).
Can this be resolved as WONTFIX given that we don't support Windows 98 anymore?
This should be WONTFIX for file: (and INVALID for HTTP:). I only mention HTTP because there's no problem with a directory "...". I just verified on an Apache server I can get to It doesn't make sense to me to have "..." behave differently depending on protocol, especially for a little-used DOS shortcut.
Closed: 18 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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