Bug 876456
Opened 12 years ago
Closed 12 years ago
make mochitest-remote via adb ends without running tests, on some devices
(Testing :: General, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: gbrown, Assigned: gbrown)
(3 files)
1.89 KB,
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1.22 KB,
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1.53 KB,
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Following up on reports that "make mochitest-remote" fails for some people (, I find that I cannot run mochitests locally on my Galaxy Nexus/Android 4.0 phone, although they work fine on my Galasy S/Android 2.2 phone.
The web server is launched, the browser is launched, but before any tests can be run, the script ends on my local machine, dumping logcat and offering no obvious explanation of the failure/abrupt end. Since the web server is brought down, the browser just spins trying to open the test page.
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Assignee | |
Comment 1•12 years ago
On the Galaxy Nexus, getTopActivity returns None. "dumpsys window input" does not produce the expected mFocusedApp output.
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Assignee | |
Comment 2•12 years ago
We probably want "FocusedApplication" instead of "mFocusedApp" on some devices:
$ adb shell dumpsys window input
WINDOW MANAGER INPUT (dumpsys window input)
Event Hub State:
BuiltInKeyboardId: 3
3: tuna-gpio-keypad (aka device 0 - built-in keyboard)
Classes: 0x00000001
Path: /dev/input/event2
Identifier: bus=0x0000, vendor=0x0000, product=0x0000, version=0x0000
KeyLayoutFile: /system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl
KeyCharacterMapFile: /system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm
5: Tuna Headset Jack
Classes: 0x00000080
Path: /dev/input/event5
Location: ALSA
Identifier: bus=0x0000, vendor=0x0000, product=0x0000, version=0x0000
6: Melfas MMSxxx Touchscreen
Classes: 0x00000014
Path: /dev/input/event1
Location: 3-0048/input0
Identifier: bus=0x0018, vendor=0x0000, product=0x0000, version=0x0000
ConfigurationFile: /system/usr/idc/Melfas_MMSxxx_Touchscreen.idc
Input Reader State:
Device 0: tuna-gpio-keypad
IsExternal: false
Sources: 0x00000101
KeyboardType: 1
Keyboard Input Mapper:
AssociatedDisplayId: -1
OrientationAware: false
KeyboardType: 1
Orientation: 0
KeyDowns: 0 keys currently down
MetaState: 0x0
DownTime: 1524979736000
Device 5: Tuna Headset Jack
IsExternal: false
Sources: 0x80000000
KeyboardType: 0
Device 6: Melfas MMSxxx Touchscreen
IsExternal: false
Sources: 0x00001002
KeyboardType: 0
Motion Ranges:
X: source=0x00001002, min=0.000, max=719.001, flat=0.000, fuzz=0.999
Y: source=0x00001002, min=0.000, max=1279.001, flat=0.000, fuzz=0.999
PRESSURE: source=0x00001002, min=0.000, max=1.000, flat=0.000, fuzz=0.000
SIZE: source=0x00001002, min=0.000, max=1.000, flat=0.000, fuzz=0.000
TOUCH_MAJOR: source=0x00001002, min=0.000, max=1468.605, flat=0.000, fuzz=0.000
TOUCH_MINOR: source=0x00001002, min=0.000, max=1468.605, flat=0.000, fuzz=0.000
TOOL_MAJOR: source=0x00001002, min=0.000, max=1468.605, flat=0.000, fuzz=0.000
TOOL_MINOR: source=0x00001002, min=0.000, max=1468.605, flat=0.000, fuzz=0.000
Touch Input Mapper:
GestureMode: spots
DeviceType: touchScreen
AssociatedDisplay: id=0, isExternal=false
OrientationAware: true
Raw Touch Axes:
X: min=0, max=720, flat=0, fuzz=0, resolution=0
Y: min=0, max=1280, flat=0, fuzz=0, resolution=0
Pressure: min=0, max=255, flat=0, fuzz=0, resolution=0
TouchMajor: min=0, max=30, flat=0, fuzz=0, resolution=0
TouchMinor: unknown range
ToolMajor: unknown range
ToolMinor: unknown range
Orientation: unknown range
Distance: unknown range
TiltX: unknown range
TiltY: unknown range
TrackingId: min=0, max=65535, flat=0, fuzz=0, resolution=0
Slot: min=0, max=9, flat=0, fuzz=0, resolution=0
touch.size.calibration: diameter
touch.size.scale: 10.000
touch.size.bias: 0.000
touch.size.isSummed: false
touch.pressure.calibration: amplitude
touch.pressure.scale: 0.005
touch.orientation.calibration: none
touch.distance.calibration: none
SurfaceWidth: 720px
SurfaceHeight: 1280px
SurfaceOrientation: 0
Translation and Scaling Factors:
XScale: 0.999
YScale: 0.999
XPrecision: 1.001
YPrecision: 1.001
GeometricScale: 0.999
PressureScale: 0.005
SizeScale: 0.033
OrientationCenter: 0.000
OrientationScale: 0.000
DistanceScale: 0.000
HaveTilt: false
TiltXCenter: 0.000
TiltXScale: 0.000
TiltYCenter: 0.000
TiltYScale: 0.000
Last Button State: 0x00000000
Last Raw Touch: pointerCount=0
Last Cooked Touch: pointerCount=0
ExcludedDeviceNames: []
VirtualKeyQuietTime: 0.0ms
PointerVelocityControlParameters: scale=1.000, lowThreshold=500.000, highThreshold=3000.000, acceleration=3.000
WheelVelocityControlParameters: scale=1.000, lowThreshold=15.000, highThreshold=50.000, acceleration=4.000
Enabled: true
QuietInterval: 100.0ms
DragMinSwitchSpeed: 50.0px/s
TapInterval: 150.0ms
TapDragInterval: 300.0ms
TapSlop: 20.0px
MultitouchSettleInterval: 100.0ms
MultitouchMinDistance: 15.0px
SwipeTransitionAngleCosine: 0.3
SwipeMaxWidthRatio: 0.2
MovementSpeedRatio: 0.8
ZoomSpeedRatio: 0.3
Input Dispatcher State:
DispatchEnabled: 1
DispatchFrozen: 0
FocusedApplication: name='AppWindowToken{41a65340 token=ActivityRecord{418fbd68 org.mozilla.fennec_mozdev/.App}}', dispatchingTimeout=5000.000ms
FocusedWindow: name='Window{41b29198 org.mozilla.fennec_mozdev/org.mozilla.fennec_mozdev.App paused=false}'
TouchDown: false
TouchSplit: false
TouchDeviceId: -1
TouchSource: 0x00000000
TouchedWindows: <none>
0: name='Window{41a1da40 NavigationBar paused=false}', paused=false, hasFocus=false, hasWallpaper=false, visible=true, canReceiveKeys=false, flags=0x05800068, type=0x000007e3, layer=181000, frame=[0,1184][720,1280], scale=1.000000, touchableRegion=[0,1184][720,1280], inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=253, ownerUid=1000, dispatchingTimeout=5000.000ms
1: name='Window{41a13e30 RecentsPanel paused=false}', paused=false, hasFocus=false, hasWallpaper=false, visible=false, canReceiveKeys=false, flags=0x01820100, type=0x000007de, layer=151000, frame=[0,0][720,1280], scale=1.000000, touchableRegion=[0,0][720,1280], inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=253, ownerUid=1000, dispatchingTimeout=5000.000ms
2: name='Window{41a16c80 StatusBar paused=false}', paused=false, hasFocus=false, hasWallpaper=false, visible=true, canReceiveKeys=false, flags=0x01800048, type=0x000007d0, layer=141000, frame=[0,0][720,50], scale=1.000000, touchableRegion=[0,0][720,50], inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=253, ownerUid=1000, dispatchingTimeout=5000.000ms
3: name='Window{419f2098 StatusBarExpanded paused=false}', paused=false, hasFocus=false, hasWallpaper=false, visible=true, canReceiveKeys=false, flags=0x01811328, type=0x000007e1, layer=131005, frame=[0,-1184][720,-50], scale=1.000000, touchableRegion=[0,-1184][720,-50], inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=253, ownerUid=1000, dispatchingTimeout=5000.000ms
4: name='Window{41a16678 TrackingView paused=false}', paused=false, hasFocus=false, hasWallpaper=false, visible=false, canReceiveKeys=false, flags=0x01020300, type=0x000007e1, layer=131000, frame=[0,0][720,1280], scale=1.000000, touchableRegion=[0,0][720,1280], inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=253, ownerUid=1000, dispatchingTimeout=5000.000ms
5: name='Window{41b29198 org.mozilla.fennec_mozdev/org.mozilla.fennec_mozdev.App paused=false}', paused=false, hasFocus=true, hasWallpaper=false, visible=true, canReceiveKeys=true, flags=0x01810100, type=0x00000001, layer=21015, frame=[0,0][720,1184], scale=1.000000, touchableRegion=[0,0][720,1184], inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=1939, ownerUid=10038, dispatchingTimeout=5000.000ms
6: name='Window{419fed28 paused=false}', paused=false, hasFocus=false, hasWallpaper=false, visible=false, canReceiveKeys=false, flags=0x01910100, type=0x00000001, layer=21005, frame=[0,0][720,1184], scale=1.000000, touchableRegion=[0,0][720,1184], inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=399, ownerUid=10018, dispatchingTimeout=5000.000ms
7: name='Window{41978030 paused=false}', paused=false, hasFocus=false, hasWallpaper=false, visible=true, canReceiveKeys=false, flags=0x00000318, type=0x000007dd, layer=21000, frame=[0,0][1440,1280], scale=1.000000, touchableRegion=[0,0][1440,1280], inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=253, ownerUid=1000, dispatchingTimeout=5000.000ms
MonitoringChannels: <none>
InboundQueue: length=0
ActiveConnections: <none>
AppSwitch: not pending
MaxEventsPerSecond: 55
KeyRepeatDelay: 50.0ms
KeyRepeatTimeout: 500.0ms
Transform Prime (TF201) at homescreen:
$ adb shell dumpsys window input
WINDOW MANAGER INPUT (dumpsys window input)
Event Hub State:
BuiltInKeyboardId: -1
1: gpio-keys
Classes: 0x00000001
Path: /dev/input/event1
Location: gpio-keys/input0
Identifier: bus=0x0019, vendor=0x0001, product=0x0001, version=0x0100
KeyLayoutFile: /system/usr/keylayout/gpio-keys.kl
KeyCharacterMapFile: /system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm
2: tegra-kbc
Classes: 0x00000001
Path: /dev/input/event2
Identifier: bus=0x0019, vendor=0x0000, product=0x0000, version=0x0000
KeyLayoutFile: /system/usr/keylayout/tegra-kbc.kl
KeyCharacterMapFile: /system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm
3: atmel-maxtouch
Classes: 0x00000014
Path: /dev/input/event3
Location: 1-004d/input0
Identifier: bus=0x0018, vendor=0x0000, product=0x0000, version=0x0000
ConfigurationFile: /system/usr/idc/atmel-maxtouch.idc
4: lid_input
Classes: 0x00000080
Path: /dev/input/event0
Location: /dev/input/lid_indev
Identifier: bus=0x0000, vendor=0x0000, product=0x0000, version=0x0000
Input Reader State:
Device 1: gpio-keys
IsExternal: false
Sources: 0x00000101
KeyboardType: 1
Keyboard Input Mapper:
AssociatedDisplayId: -1
OrientationAware: false
KeyboardType: 1
Orientation: 0
KeyDowns: 0 keys currently down
MetaState: 0x0
DownTime: 57888640211000
Device 2: tegra-kbc
IsExternal: false
Sources: 0x00000101
KeyboardType: 1
Keyboard Input Mapper:
AssociatedDisplayId: -1
OrientationAware: false
KeyboardType: 1
Orientation: 0
KeyDowns: 0 keys currently down
MetaState: 0x0
DownTime: 0
Device 3: atmel-maxtouch
IsExternal: false
Sources: 0x00001002
KeyboardType: 0
Motion Ranges:
X: source=0x00001002, min=0.000, max=1279.200, flat=0.000, fuzz=0.800
Y: source=0x00001002, min=0.000, max=799.201, flat=0.000, fuzz=0.799
PRESSURE: source=0x00001002, min=0.000, max=1.000, flat=0.000, fuzz=0.000
SIZE: source=0x00001002, min=0.000, max=1.000, flat=0.000, fuzz=0.000
TOUCH_MAJOR: source=0x00001002, min=0.000, max=1509.437, flat=0.000, fuzz=0.000
TOUCH_MINOR: source=0x00001002, min=0.000, max=1509.437, flat=0.000, fuzz=0.000
TOOL_MAJOR: source=0x00001002, min=0.000, max=1509.437, flat=0.000, fuzz=0.000
TOOL_MINOR: source=0x00001002, min=0.000, max=1509.437, flat=0.000, fuzz=0.000
Touch Input Mapper:
GestureMode: spots
DeviceType: touchScreen
AssociatedDisplay: id=0, isExternal=false
OrientationAware: true
UseJitterTouchFilter: false
useNotebookLikeTouchpadMode: false
Raw Touch Axes:
X: min=0, max=1600, flat=0, fuzz=0, resolution=0
Y: min=0, max=1000, flat=0, fuzz=0, resolution=0
Pressure: min=0, max=255, flat=0, fuzz=0, resolution=0
TouchMajor: min=0, max=255, flat=0, fuzz=0, resolution=0
TouchMinor: unknown range
ToolMajor: unknown range
ToolMinor: unknown range
Orientation: unknown range
Distance: unknown range
TiltX: unknown range
TiltY: unknown range
TrackingId: min=0, max=10, flat=0, fuzz=0, resolution=0
Slot: unknown range
touch.size.calibration: geometric
touch.pressure.calibration: amplitude
touch.pressure.scale: 0.013
touch.orientation.calibration: none
touch.distance.calibration: none
SurfaceWidth: 1280px
SurfaceHeight: 800px
SurfaceOrientation: 0
Translation and Scaling Factors:
XScale: 0.800
YScale: 0.799
XPrecision: 1.251
YPrecision: 1.251
GeometricScale: 0.799
PressureScale: 0.013
SizeScale: 0.004
OrientationCenter: 0.000
OrientationScale: 0.000
DistanceScale: 0.000
HaveTilt: false
TiltXCenter: 0.000
TiltXScale: 0.000
TiltYCenter: 0.000
TiltYScale: 0.000
Last Button State: 0x00000000
Last Raw Touch: pointerCount=0
Last Cooked Touch: pointerCount=0
Device 4: lid_input
IsExternal: false
Sources: 0x80000000
KeyboardType: 0
ExcludedDeviceNames: []
VirtualKeyQuietTime: 0.0ms
PointerVelocityControlParameters: scale=1.000, lowThreshold=500.000, highThreshold=3000.000, acceleration=3.000
WheelVelocityControlParameters: scale=1.000, lowThreshold=15.000, highThreshold=50.000, acceleration=4.000
Enabled: true
QuietInterval: 100.0ms
DragMinSwitchSpeed: 50.0px/s
TapInterval: 150.0ms
TapDragInterval: 300.0ms
TapSlop: 20.0px
MultitouchSettleInterval: 100.0ms
MultitouchMinDistance: 15.0px
SwipeTransitionAngleCosine: 0.3
SwipeMaxWidthRatio: 0.2
MovementSpeedRatio: 0.8
ZoomSpeedRatio: 0.3
TouchpadMode: 1
RightButtonMapping: 2
MiddleButtonMapping: 4
Input Dispatcher State:
DispatchEnabled: 1
DispatchFrozen: 0
FocusedApplication: name='AppWindowToken{41661f68 token=Token{4165dd10 ActivityRecord{4165d5a0}}}', dispatchingTimeout=5000.000ms
FocusedWindow: name='Window{41640fa8 paused=false}'
TouchDown: false
TouchSplit: false
TouchDeviceId: -1
TouchSource: 0x00000000
TouchedWindows: <none>
0: name='Window{415f4180 CompatModePanel paused=false}', paused=false, hasFocus=false, hasWallpaper=false, visible=false, canReceiveKeys=false, flags=0x01820100, type=0x000007de, layer=151015, frame=[1280,800][1280,800], scale=1.000000, touchableRegion=<empty>, inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=336, ownerUid=1000, dispatchingTimeout=5000.000ms
1: name='Window{41358df8 InputMethodsPanel paused=false}', paused=false, hasFocus=false, hasWallpaper=false, visible=false, canReceiveKeys=false, flags=0x01820100, type=0x000007de, layer=151010, frame=[1280,800][1280,800], scale=1.000000, touchableRegion=<empty>, inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=336, ownerUid=1000, dispatchingTimeout=5000.000ms
2: name='Window{41356ed8 RecentsPanel paused=false}', paused=false, hasFocus=false, hasWallpaper=false, visible=false, canReceiveKeys=false, flags=0x01820100, type=0x000007de, layer=151005, frame=[0,0][600,800], scale=1.000000, touchableRegion=[0,0][600,800], inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=336, ownerUid=1000, dispatchingTimeout=5000.000ms
3: name='Window{410c0628 NotificationPanel paused=false}', paused=false, hasFocus=false, hasWallpaper=false, visible=false, canReceiveKeys=false, flags=0x01820300, type=0x000007de, layer=151000, frame=[768,0][1280,800], scale=1.000000, touchableRegion=[768,0][1280,800], inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=336, ownerUid=1000, dispatchingTimeout=5000.000ms
4: name='Window{413a5780 StatusBar paused=false}', paused=false, hasFocus=false, hasWallpaper=false, visible=true, canReceiveKeys=false, flags=0x00800048, type=0x000007d0, layer=141000, frame=[0,752][1280,800], scale=1.000000, touchableRegion=[0,752][1280,800], inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=336, ownerUid=1000, dispatchingTimeout=5000.000ms
5: name='Window{41551fa8 Keyguard paused=false}', paused=false, hasFocus=false, hasWallpaper=false, visible=false, canReceiveKeys=false, flags=0x11120800, type=0x000007d4, layer=111000, frame=[0,0][1280,752], scale=1.000000, touchableRegion=[0,0][1280,752], inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=198, ownerUid=1000, dispatchingTimeout=5000.000ms
6: name='Window{4156e120 InputMethod paused=false}', paused=false, hasFocus=false, hasWallpaper=false, visible=false, canReceiveKeys=false, flags=0x00800108, type=0x000007db, layer=21020, frame=[0,316][1280,752], scale=1.000000, touchableRegion=[0,383][1280,752], inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=469, ownerUid=10004, dispatchingTimeout=5000.000ms
7: name='Window{41640fa8 paused=false}', paused=false, hasFocus=true, hasWallpaper=true, visible=true, canReceiveKeys=true, flags=0x01910100, type=0x00000001, layer=21015, frame=[0,0][1280,752], scale=1.000000, touchableRegion=[0,0][1280,752], inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=500, ownerUid=1000, dispatchingTimeout=5000.000ms
8: name='Window{41633410 paused=false}', paused=false, hasFocus=false, hasWallpaper=false, visible=true, canReceiveKeys=false, flags=0x00000318, type=0x000007dd, layer=21010, frame=[0,0][1920,1280], scale=1.000000, touchableRegion=[0,0][1920,1280], inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=336, ownerUid=1000, dispatchingTimeout=5000.000ms
9: name='Window{41682e58 org.mozilla.fennec_ncalexan/org.mozilla.fennec_ncalexan.App paused=false}', paused=false, hasFocus=false, hasWallpaper=false, visible=false, canReceiveKeys=false, flags=0x01810100, type=0x00000001, layer=21005, frame=[0,0][1280,752], scale=1.000000, touchableRegion=[0,0][1280,752], inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=27142, ownerUid=10018, dispatchingTimeout=5000.000ms
MonitoringChannels: <none>
InboundQueue: length=0
ActiveConnections: <none>
AppSwitch: not pending
MaxEventsPerSecond: 200
KeyRepeatDelay: 50.0ms
KeyRepeatTimeout: 500.0ms
Transformer Prime (TF201) with Firefox running:
$ adb shell dumpsys window input
WINDOW MANAGER INPUT (dumpsys window input)
Event Hub State:
BuiltInKeyboardId: -1
1: gpio-keys
Classes: 0x00000001
Path: /dev/input/event1
Location: gpio-keys/input0
Identifier: bus=0x0019, vendor=0x0001, product=0x0001, version=0x0100
KeyLayoutFile: /system/usr/keylayout/gpio-keys.kl
KeyCharacterMapFile: /system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm
2: tegra-kbc
Classes: 0x00000001
Path: /dev/input/event2
Identifier: bus=0x0019, vendor=0x0000, product=0x0000, version=0x0000
KeyLayoutFile: /system/usr/keylayout/tegra-kbc.kl
KeyCharacterMapFile: /system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm
3: atmel-maxtouch
Classes: 0x00000014
Path: /dev/input/event3
Location: 1-004d/input0
Identifier: bus=0x0018, vendor=0x0000, product=0x0000, version=0x0000
ConfigurationFile: /system/usr/idc/atmel-maxtouch.idc
4: lid_input
Classes: 0x00000080
Path: /dev/input/event0
Location: /dev/input/lid_indev
Identifier: bus=0x0000, vendor=0x0000, product=0x0000, version=0x0000
Input Reader State:
Device 1: gpio-keys
IsExternal: false
Sources: 0x00000101
KeyboardType: 1
Keyboard Input Mapper:
AssociatedDisplayId: -1
OrientationAware: false
KeyboardType: 1
Orientation: 0
KeyDowns: 0 keys currently down
MetaState: 0x0
DownTime: 57888640211000
Device 2: tegra-kbc
IsExternal: false
Sources: 0x00000101
KeyboardType: 1
Keyboard Input Mapper:
AssociatedDisplayId: -1
OrientationAware: false
KeyboardType: 1
Orientation: 0
KeyDowns: 0 keys currently down
MetaState: 0x0
DownTime: 0
Device 3: atmel-maxtouch
IsExternal: false
Sources: 0x00001002
KeyboardType: 0
Motion Ranges:
X: source=0x00001002, min=0.000, max=1279.200, flat=0.000, fuzz=0.800
Y: source=0x00001002, min=0.000, max=799.201, flat=0.000, fuzz=0.799
PRESSURE: source=0x00001002, min=0.000, max=1.000, flat=0.000, fuzz=0.000
SIZE: source=0x00001002, min=0.000, max=1.000, flat=0.000, fuzz=0.000
TOUCH_MAJOR: source=0x00001002, min=0.000, max=1509.437, flat=0.000, fuzz=0.000
TOUCH_MINOR: source=0x00001002, min=0.000, max=1509.437, flat=0.000, fuzz=0.000
TOOL_MAJOR: source=0x00001002, min=0.000, max=1509.437, flat=0.000, fuzz=0.000
TOOL_MINOR: source=0x00001002, min=0.000, max=1509.437, flat=0.000, fuzz=0.000
Touch Input Mapper:
GestureMode: spots
DeviceType: touchScreen
AssociatedDisplay: id=0, isExternal=false
OrientationAware: true
UseJitterTouchFilter: false
useNotebookLikeTouchpadMode: false
Raw Touch Axes:
X: min=0, max=1600, flat=0, fuzz=0, resolution=0
Y: min=0, max=1000, flat=0, fuzz=0, resolution=0
Pressure: min=0, max=255, flat=0, fuzz=0, resolution=0
TouchMajor: min=0, max=255, flat=0, fuzz=0, resolution=0
TouchMinor: unknown range
ToolMajor: unknown range
ToolMinor: unknown range
Orientation: unknown range
Distance: unknown range
TiltX: unknown range
TiltY: unknown range
TrackingId: min=0, max=10, flat=0, fuzz=0, resolution=0
Slot: unknown range
touch.size.calibration: geometric
touch.pressure.calibration: amplitude
touch.pressure.scale: 0.013
touch.orientation.calibration: none
touch.distance.calibration: none
SurfaceWidth: 1280px
SurfaceHeight: 800px
SurfaceOrientation: 0
Translation and Scaling Factors:
XScale: 0.800
YScale: 0.799
XPrecision: 1.251
YPrecision: 1.251
GeometricScale: 0.799
PressureScale: 0.013
SizeScale: 0.004
OrientationCenter: 0.000
OrientationScale: 0.000
DistanceScale: 0.000
HaveTilt: false
TiltXCenter: 0.000
TiltXScale: 0.000
TiltYCenter: 0.000
TiltYScale: 0.000
Last Button State: 0x00000000
Last Raw Touch: pointerCount=0
Last Cooked Touch: pointerCount=0
Device 4: lid_input
IsExternal: false
Sources: 0x80000000
KeyboardType: 0
ExcludedDeviceNames: []
VirtualKeyQuietTime: 0.0ms
PointerVelocityControlParameters: scale=1.000, lowThreshold=500.000, highThreshold=3000.000, acceleration=3.000
WheelVelocityControlParameters: scale=1.000, lowThreshold=15.000, highThreshold=50.000, acceleration=4.000
Enabled: true
QuietInterval: 100.0ms
DragMinSwitchSpeed: 50.0px/s
TapInterval: 150.0ms
TapDragInterval: 300.0ms
TapSlop: 20.0px
MultitouchSettleInterval: 100.0ms
MultitouchMinDistance: 15.0px
SwipeTransitionAngleCosine: 0.3
SwipeMaxWidthRatio: 0.2
MovementSpeedRatio: 0.8
ZoomSpeedRatio: 0.3
TouchpadMode: 1
RightButtonMapping: 2
MiddleButtonMapping: 4
Input Dispatcher State:
DispatchEnabled: 1
DispatchFrozen: 0
FocusedApplication: name='AppWindowToken{417c6bf0 token=Token{418b4d28 ActivityRecord{4171dcd8 org.mozilla.fennec_ncalexan/.App}}}', dispatchingTimeout=5000.000ms
FocusedWindow: name='Window{41682e58 org.mozilla.fennec_ncalexan/org.mozilla.fennec_ncalexan.App paused=false}'
TouchDown: false
TouchSplit: false
TouchDeviceId: -1
TouchSource: 0x00000000
TouchedWindows: <none>
0: name='Window{415f4180 CompatModePanel paused=false}', paused=false, hasFocus=false, hasWallpaper=false, visible=false, canReceiveKeys=false, flags=0x01820100, type=0x000007de, layer=151015, frame=[1280,800][1280,800], scale=1.000000, touchableRegion=<empty>, inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=336, ownerUid=1000, dispatchingTimeout=5000.000ms
1: name='Window{41358df8 InputMethodsPanel paused=false}', paused=false, hasFocus=false, hasWallpaper=false, visible=false, canReceiveKeys=false, flags=0x01820100, type=0x000007de, layer=151010, frame=[1280,800][1280,800], scale=1.000000, touchableRegion=<empty>, inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=336, ownerUid=1000, dispatchingTimeout=5000.000ms
2: name='Window{41356ed8 RecentsPanel paused=false}', paused=false, hasFocus=false, hasWallpaper=false, visible=false, canReceiveKeys=false, flags=0x01820100, type=0x000007de, layer=151005, frame=[0,0][600,800], scale=1.000000, touchableRegion=[0,0][600,800], inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=336, ownerUid=1000, dispatchingTimeout=5000.000ms
3: name='Window{410c0628 NotificationPanel paused=false}', paused=false, hasFocus=false, hasWallpaper=false, visible=false, canReceiveKeys=false, flags=0x01820300, type=0x000007de, layer=151000, frame=[768,0][1280,800], scale=1.000000, touchableRegion=[768,0][1280,800], inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=336, ownerUid=1000, dispatchingTimeout=5000.000ms
4: name='Window{413a5780 StatusBar paused=false}', paused=false, hasFocus=false, hasWallpaper=false, visible=true, canReceiveKeys=false, flags=0x00800048, type=0x000007d0, layer=141000, frame=[0,752][1280,800], scale=1.000000, touchableRegion=[0,752][1280,800], inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=336, ownerUid=1000, dispatchingTimeout=5000.000ms
5: name='Window{41551fa8 Keyguard paused=false}', paused=false, hasFocus=false, hasWallpaper=false, visible=false, canReceiveKeys=false, flags=0x11120800, type=0x000007d4, layer=111000, frame=[0,0][1280,752], scale=1.000000, touchableRegion=[0,0][1280,752], inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=198, ownerUid=1000, dispatchingTimeout=5000.000ms
6: name='Window{4156e120 InputMethod paused=false}', paused=false, hasFocus=false, hasWallpaper=false, visible=false, canReceiveKeys=false, flags=0x00800108, type=0x000007db, layer=21020, frame=[0,316][1280,752], scale=1.000000, touchableRegion=[0,383][1280,752], inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=469, ownerUid=10004, dispatchingTimeout=5000.000ms
7: name='Window{41682e58 org.mozilla.fennec_ncalexan/org.mozilla.fennec_ncalexan.App paused=false}', paused=false, hasFocus=true, hasWallpaper=false, visible=true, canReceiveKeys=true, flags=0x01810100, type=0x00000001, layer=21015, frame=[0,0][1280,752], scale=1.000000, touchableRegion=[0,0][1280,752], inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=27142, ownerUid=10018, dispatchingTimeout=5000.000ms
8: name='Window{41640fa8 paused=false}', paused=false, hasFocus=false, hasWallpaper=false, visible=false, canReceiveKeys=false, flags=0x01810100, type=0x00000001, layer=21005, frame=[0,0][1280,752], scale=1.000000, touchableRegion=[0,0][1280,752], inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=500, ownerUid=1000, dispatchingTimeout=5000.000ms
9: name='Window{41633410 paused=false}', paused=false, hasFocus=false, hasWallpaper=false, visible=true, canReceiveKeys=false, flags=0x00000318, type=0x000007dd, layer=21000, frame=[0,0][1920,1280], scale=1.000000, touchableRegion=[0,0][1920,1280], inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=336, ownerUid=1000, dispatchingTimeout=5000.000ms
MonitoringChannels: <none>
InboundQueue: length=0
ActiveConnections: <none>
AppSwitch: not pending
MaxEventsPerSecond: 200
KeyRepeatDelay: 50.0ms
KeyRepeatTimeout: 500.0ms
![]() |
Assignee | |
Comment 5•12 years ago
Simple change to allow for alternate dumpsys output. Also added a warning in case neither approach works -- hopefully that will make the problem more evident if we come across another output format in future.
This works for me on:
- Galaxy S/2.2
- Galaxy Tab/3.1
- Galaxy Nexus/4.0
Attachment #754507 -
Flags: review?(jmaher)
Comment 6•12 years ago
Comment on attachment 754507 [details] [diff] [review]
look for FocusedApplication or mFocusedApp in dumpsys output
Review of attachment 754507 [details] [diff] [review]:
nice. We would need to land this in the mozbase project on github, then get that released to m-c. I believe we could just land this on m-c and make sure we have a mozbase/github patch up for review as well.
Attachment #754507 -
Flags: review?(jmaher) → review+
Updated•12 years ago
Hardware: x86 → All
![]() |
Assignee | |
Comment 7•12 years ago
(In reply to Geoff Brown [:gbrown] from comment #7)
> e7e4c2911a68228cdfcc4be92eb538f3828720bf
Hey, I tried to comment as part of a review but I must not have submitted it. I'd like to consider raising an exception. We already are missing a None-check to abort if this fails -- an exception doesn't let you miss any other None-checks. And the print statement will get swamped by the test and |adb logcat| output, and print statements are a lousy API to expose for other callers. Thoughts?
Comment on attachment 755418 [details] [diff] [review]
follow-up -- fail with exception
Yes, I think this makes a better API. Both consumers of getTopActivity are "wait for finish" calls, and it looks to me like raising on failure is better for both consumers. I believe that getTopActivity will report some kind of Launcher App for the Android home screen, so this should be good when the Fennec activity is actually finished. Roll on!
Attachment #755418 -
Flags: feedback?(nalexander) → feedback+
![]() |
Assignee | |
Updated•12 years ago
Attachment #755418 -
Flags: review?(jmaher)
Comment 11•12 years ago
Comment on attachment 755418 [details] [diff] [review]
follow-up -- fail with exception
Review of attachment 755418 [details] [diff] [review]:
looks good!
Attachment #755418 -
Flags: review?(jmaher) → review+
![]() |
Assignee | |
Comment 12•12 years ago
![]() |
Assignee | |
Comment 13•12 years ago
Landed on m-i, rather than waiting for the next mozbase mirror, since several people have reported similar problems:
![]() |
Assignee | |
Comment 14•12 years ago
It turns out that "dumpsys window input" is not supported on some phones. In particular, :blassey's Galaxy Nexus reports:
flyingfox:objdir-droid blassey$ adb shell dumpsys window input
Bad window command, or no windows match: input
Use -h for help.
flyingfox:objdir-droid blassey$ adb shell dumpsys window -h
Window manager dump options:
[-a] [-h] [cmd] ...
cmd may be one of:
l[astanr]: last ANR information
p[policy]: policy state
a[animator]: animator state
s[essions]: active sessions
t[okens]: token list
w[indows]: window list
cmd may also be a NAME to dump windows. NAME may
be a partial substring in a window name, a
Window hex object identifier, or
"all" for all windows, or
"visible" for the visible windows.
-a: include all available server state.
flyingfox:objdir-droid blassey$
Thankfully, "dumpsys window windows" seems to work for :blassey's and my devices.
My Galaxy S (2.2.1):
mFocusedApp=AppWindowToken{485498e0 token=HistoryRecord{48531448 org.mozilla.fennec_mozdev/.App}}
My Galaxy Nexus (4.0.1):
mFocusedApp=AppWindowToken{41a835a0 token=ActivityRecord{419e0bd0 org.mozilla.fennec_mozdev/.App}}
:blassey's Galaxy Nexus (4.1?):
mFocusedApp=AppWindowToken{41ecabc8 token=Token{418f4190 ActivityRecord{41a38510 u0 org.mozilla.fennec_blassey/.App}}}
![]() |
Assignee | |
Comment 15•12 years ago
:nalexander -- can you confirm that this works on your devices?
Attachment #761647 -
Flags: review?(blassey.bugs)
Attachment #761647 -
Flags: feedback?(nalexander)
Comment on attachment 761647 [details] [diff] [review]
use "dumpsys window windows" instead of "dumpsys window input"
Review of attachment 761647 [details] [diff] [review]:
I can't test on multiple devices right now, but it works on my Samsung Galaxy SII.
Attachment #761647 -
Flags: feedback?(nalexander) → feedback+
Comment 17•12 years ago
Comment on attachment 761647 [details] [diff] [review]
use "dumpsys window windows" instead of "dumpsys window input"
Review of attachment 761647 [details] [diff] [review]:
Attachment #761647 -
Flags: review?(blassey.bugs) → review+
Comment 18•12 years ago
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla24
![]() |
Assignee | |
Comment 19•12 years ago
Sorry - should have marked this leave-open: one more patch to land.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
![]() |
Assignee | |
Comment 20•12 years ago
Final patch ("input" vs "windows") landed on github and m-i:
Now this is ready to be resolved!
Comment 21•12 years ago
Closed: 12 years ago → 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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