Closed Bug 880862 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Leak with canvas fillText and a preserved wrapper on @font-face rule's style


(Core :: Layout: Text and Fonts, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: jruderman, Assigned: mccr8)



(Keywords: memory-leak, testcase, Whiteboard: [MemShrink:P2])


(4 files, 1 obsolete file)

Attached file testcase
Leaks nsGlobalWindow and nsDocument.
probably my fault somehow
Assignee: nobody → continuation
This is what is holding things alive: 0x12a53f690 [nsCSSFontFaceRule] --[Preserved wrapper]-> 0x128806180 [JS Object (Proxy)] --[type_proto]-> 0x118bd1af0 [JS Object (CSSStyleDeclarationPrototype)] --[getter]-> 0x1288135c0 [JS Object (Function)] --[parent]-> 0x118b34240 [JS Object (Window)] --[document]-> 0x118b3cf00 [JS Object (Proxy)] --[UnwrapDOMObject(obj)]-> 0x126770800 [nsDocument normal (xhtml) file:///Users/amccreight/mz/tests/880862.html] Root 0x12a53f690 is a ref counted object with 1 unknown edge(s). known edges: 0x1297a7d70 [nsCSSStyleSheet] --[mOrderedRules[i]]-> 0x12a53f690 0x128806180 [JS Object (Proxy)] --[UnwrapDOMObject(obj)]-> 0x12a53f690 So, something isn't reporting an edge to a nsCSSFontFaceRule to the CC. I'll poke around and try to figure out what that might be.
The weak map doesn't seem to show up in the CC log (with additional logging added for weak maps...), so I think what is happening is that the weak map is just triggering wrapper preservation on document.styleSheets[0].cssRules[0].style, and then we don't have any way to trace through the preserved wrapper for whatever reason. Note that replacing the second line in the test that does the weak map dance with this leaks in a similar looking way: document.styleSheets[0].cssRules[0].style.happy = "CLAP YOUR HANDS!";
Summary: Leak with canvas fillText and a weakmap containing a @font-face rule's style → Leak with canvas fillText and a preserved wrapper on @font-face rule's style
Group: core-security
I'm still not really sure what is going on here, but this looks pretty weird to me, so I'm marking it s-s out of caution. nsCSSFontFaceRule contains, as a field, not a pointer, a nsCSSFontFaceStyleDecl. nsCSSFontFaceStyleDecl::ContainingRule() implies that the code doesn't want to rely on the fact that the Decl is stored at an offset of 0. The Decl can be wrapper cached, but not the rule itself (as far as I can tell). Hmm. Ok, I see, refcount operations on the Decl are forwarded to the containing rule, and the QI contains similar magicks. So that's how that works...
Attached file ref count log (obsolete) —
I was worried that we were hitting some weird double wrapper situation, but all of the references from JS seem to be accounted for so this doesn't seem s-s to me after all. After digging through the ref count logs, I think the extra reference is in nsPresContext::mUserFontSet, which is an array that includes strong references to nsCSSFontFaceRule. nsPresContext isn't cycle collected, and with new DOM bindings, the nsCSSFontFaceRule now holds the document and window alive, so maybe whatever manages the lifetime of nsPresContext isn't clearing out this array or something?
Group: core-security
Attached file annotated refcount log
This version of the ref count logs includes my analysis, such as it is, as comments. The stacks involving mUserFontSet are particularly suspicious to me because they are the only ones that involve canvas. Maybe this all bogus though, I don't know anything about layout.
Attachment #760625 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Component: DOM: CSS Object Model → Layout: Text
bz figured out the problem here (lightly edited IRC transcript): bz: I think that's our cycle bz: canvas context to font group to font set to style rule to preserved wrapper to window to document to canvas dom node to canvas context bz: So nsUserFontSet::Destroy bz: maybe it should drop more refs.... bz: 93 nsTHashtable< nsPtrHashKey<nsFontFaceLoader> > mLoaders; bz: 95 nsTArray<FontFaceRuleRecord> mRules; bz: It calls Cancel() on the mLoaders stuff bz: but does nothing with mRules bz: So maybe it should mRules.Clear() ...and that does indeed fix the leak in the test case.
Attached patch patchSplinter Review
Whiteboard: [MemShrink] → [MemShrink:P2]
Comment on attachment 761194 [details] [diff] [review] patch Review of attachment 761194 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- try run looks okay
Attachment #761194 - Flags: review?(jdaggett)
Attachment #761194 - Flags: review?(jdaggett) → review+
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla24
This should get landed on 23, also. The ship has sailed on 22, and ESR17 is almost dead so that doesn't matter. I'll try to figure out if this should go on b2g18 or not. This should be a very low risk patch, so maybe it wouldn't hurt.
Flags: needinfo?(continuation)
Why is this worth uplifting? I don't think it's common to manipulate styles through document.styleSheets[0].cssRules[0]. (But when manipulating styles, it's probably common to create expandos.)
I don't know anything about CSS. If you say it isn't worth uploading, I won't bother.
Flags: needinfo?(continuation)
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