Closed Bug 881799 Opened 12 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Dump mail for Marketplace reviewers to a place on disk


(Cloud Services :: Operations: Marketplace, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: clouserw, Unassigned)



We had this conversation already via email and it sounded like we got to a good spot so I'm filing a bug. Overview: > The basic concept would be that the marketplace sends email with > unique reply-to addresses (eg. to > users and when mail comes back from those users it would find its > way to a marketplace script which would eventually pull the contents > into a marketplace database. This is for reviewer/developer > information requests, rejection notices, etc. right now. Steps to get there, from my point of view, would be: 1) (ops) Choose a domain we can use and any address formats we should observe (start with mkt-, only use A-Za-z0-9, etc.) 2) (ops) Choose a place where these emails can be dumped. Normally I'd just say a place on our NFS mount, but I know oremj is pushing everything to Amazon so he'll know the best place. 3) (ops) Have postfix dump the raw mail to files in that directory. 4) (ops) Figure out a way monitor this (send mail from nagios, make sure it gets there?) 5) (dev) Write a script that consumes the mail on disk. This is bug 879412. Let me know if I missed anything from the email conversation. We'd like to get this done in the next week or two if possible. Thanks!
When do you need this? We are pushing for a July 15th cut over to the new BU, so will not have time until after that.
If that's the best you can do, it'll have to work. :) Ashish is only here for the summer so please as soon as you can.
Any updates or ETAs on this?
Jason and I talked about this. We came to the conclusion that it would be best to create a REST endpoint in zamboni which accepts e-mail via a POST. We will then create a few postfix servers in AWS and use the pipe ( feature to delivery e-mail to that endpoint. postfix's pipe has the ability to requeue if the script is not successful, rate limit, etc, so it should be a good solution.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Component: Server Operations: AMO Operations → Operations: Marketplace
Product: → Mozilla Services
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