Open Bug 887113 Opened 11 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Invalidation region clipped when drawing path


(Core :: SVG, defect)





(Reporter: birtles, Unassigned)





(4 files)

When drawing an SVG path on Fennec, parts of the path sometimes get clipped.

For the test case in the URL, a strip along the right-side and bottom-side of the canvas don't show any updates to the path. However, if you force a redraw by rotating the tablet then whole path is shown.

The size of the region appears to differ by device (presumably based on screen-size / resolution). Also, this particular test case appears to work as expected in landscape mode.

It works as expected on Firefox desktop.
If you start drawing in the "clipped" region you typically get part of the path drawn and then it stops and continues from the non-clipped region.

Again, if you rotate the device to force a re-render everything is visible indicating no problem in receiving and processing events.
The same test case on an HTC One J. As you can see, the "clipped" region is larger.
The area that gets clipped sometimes appears at the top of the canvas.

The attached screenshot is from a more complex application. In this case the top of the canvas gets clipped. Note also that in this application the problem occurs both in portait and landscape mode.

Note that the actual application ( has been patched to work around this by shifting the container element of the canvas up 50pixels, then expanded the bounding box of the SVG element accordingly.
Also, I have tested this in both Firefox 22 and 25 and see the same results.
Severity: normal → S3
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