Closed Bug 892016 Opened 12 years ago Closed 7 years ago

[B2G][l10n][FTE][Time Zone Setting] Country/City formatting is not correct.


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::First Time Experience, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: esands, Unassigned)



(3 files)

Description: FTE-Time Zone Setting-Argentina/ComodRivadavia City Name formatting incorrect Repro Steps: 1) Updated to Leo Build ID: 20130710070204 2) Run FTE when setting the Country/City settings Argentina/ComodRivadavia the last letter of the City "a" rolls to the next line. 3)Also of note the "R" in the city name is in Caps 4)The name I believe is Comodoro Rivadavia. Actual: Formatting issue city name is formatted "Argentina/ComodRivadavi a" Also possible issue with the full name being truncated. See Screen shot attachment. Expected: name to be displayed in a smaller font to fit on one line. Environmental Variables Gecko: Gaia: 61453c4d32beb15a33ec91b2e740e96e5ce45759 Platform Version: 18.1 RIL Version: Notes: Repro frequency: (1/1, 100%, etc.) Test Suite Name: (FTE) Optional extra notes: NA
This also happens with English. Adding UX team to see if anything can be done here.
Flags: needinfo?(firefoxos-ux-bugzilla)
Keywords: l12y
Summary: [B2G][l10n][FTE][Time Zone Setting] Spanish: Country/City formatting is not correct. → [B2G][l10n][FTE][Time Zone Setting] Country/City formatting is not correct.
No longer blocks: 892075
Flagging Peter to advise and posting the schematic to see if that doesn't help in the meantime:
Flags: needinfo?(firefoxos-ux-bugzilla) → needinfo?(pla)
Hi, Please reduce the font size using the attached table. Currently, the font size in this specific case is p.large (Body Large) in the table, which is 10 pt = 2.3 rem = 23 pixels. We recommend reducing to the next smallest size, which is p / ul (Body), or 8 pt = 1.9 rem = 19 pixels. For future cases, please use the following method to select a font size that fits. Pick a largest size from the following 4 sizes that will fit: 1) p.large (Body Large) 10pt = 2.3rem = 23 pixels 2) p / ul (Body) 8pt = 1.9rem = 19 pixels 3) p.alt (Body Medium) 7pt = 1.7rem = 17 pixels 4) p.small (Body Small) 6.5pt = 1.5rem = 15 pixels Please let me know if more clarification is needed. I am also attaching a screenshot in the next comment to show what p / ul (Body) size looks like. This is option number 2) from the above choices. Peter
Flags: needinfo?(pla)
Attached image 8pt.jpg
This is what 8pt looks like in the list.
Removing l12y keyword. This is not a localizability issue, considering cities are not localizable (bug 833393, which is l12y).
Keywords: l12y
This also happens with English.
Can you please don't set random flags? This is a Gaia bug, not a Firefox bug, and that's the second notification I receive in a few minutes. (and this bug is reported for English)
Firefox OS is not being worked on
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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