Closed Bug 901512 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

[Contacts] Unable to finish the linking process when there has been an error while retrieving the picture of FB contact


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Contacts, defect)

Windows 7
Not set


(blocking-b2g:leo+, b2g18 fixed, b2g-v1.1hd fixed)

blocking-b2g leo+
Tracking Status
b2g18 --- fixed
b2g-v1.1hd --- fixed


(Reporter: isabelrios, Assigned: jmcf)




(1 file)

Unagi device v1-train build There should be at least one contact in the addressbook. STR 1. Open contacts app and select one contact 2. Tap on link contact 3. When the list of Facebook friends is shown, select one that has not charged the picture yet EXPECTED Both contacts are linked successfully ACTUAL After tapping on the FB contact the linking process starts but never ends. The device is not able to manage the error given while retrieving the picture of the contact so the linking process is stuck. Marking as leo? since the functionality is not working
Assignee: nobody → jmcf
Attached file 11351.html
Attachment #785800 - Flags: review?(francisco.jordano)
Fix looks simple, and this is embarassing. leo+
blocking-b2g: leo? → leo+
Comment on attachment 785800 [details] 11351.html Nice, clean and simple since getFriendPicture already handles the timeout. r+plusing Thanks for the work JMC.
Attachment #785800 - Flags: review?(francisco.jordano) → review+
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
I was not able to uplift this bug to v1-train. If this bug has dependencies which are not marked in this bug, please comment on this bug. If this bug depends on patches that aren't approved for v1-train, we need to re-evaluate the approval. Otherwise, if this is just a merge conflict, you might be able to resolve it with: git checkout v1-train git cherry-pick -x -m1 a356920154f9bdcde0624092fe0ec5d7a3f40dfe <RESOLVE MERGE CONFLICTS> git commit
Flags: needinfo?(jmcf)
Hi, Jose is on holidays, so I did the uplift to v1-train for him. Just merged here: Cheers! F.
Flags: needinfo?(jmcf)
v1.1.0hd: dce27932836dfdf9645eae565bda084692ed1a1d
Depends on: 905287
This broke facebook import entirely. This needs to be backed out. John - Can you back this out?
Flags: needinfo?(jhford)
This was backed out with: [v1-train 519ca3e] bug 905287 was caused by this commit. Reverting "Merge pull request #11351 from jmcanterafonseca/fix_link_img"
Flags: needinfo?(jhford) → needinfo?(francisco.jordano)
Needs a branch-specific patch. bug 905287 works fine on master, but breaks fb import entirely on v1-train.
@Jason, thanks for checking this. The cherry picking from master to v1-train wasn't complicated at all, and unit test and basic testing were working for me. We will need to investigate why v1-train is broken for this. Thanks F.
Flags: needinfo?(francisco.jordano)
v1.1.0hd: 3d879b3f6ca688348cf18f8f2572ccfd6849b13c
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