Closed Bug 901879 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

New popup window with Flash content is minimized on start due to protected mode enabled


(Core Graveyard :: Plug-ins, defect)

22 Branch
Windows 7
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jozef.briss, Unassigned)



(1 file, 1 obsolete file)

Attached file Test showing the problem. (obsolete) —
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:22.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/22.0 (Beta/Release)
Build ID: 20130618035212

Steps to reproduce:

Open new browser. Clicked the link that opens new popup window. The window is minimized right away. On second or any subsequent clicks the window stay opened (not minimized).

Actual results:

On first click window is opened and minimized on subsequent clicks it stays as it should.

Expected results:

It should not minimize on first click.
Attachment #786189 - Attachment mime type: text/plain → text/html
Do I need to close the window before clicking a 2nd time on the link?
Because at any next click, the focus goes to the window already open.
Flags: needinfo?(jozef.briss)
It does not matter if you close the minimized window or not. In both cases it is displayed not minimized on second click.

Once you successfully open the window (not minimized) you will do it successfully for each subsequent try. To get the error again you need to close browser and open fresh copy. 

I did not mention that the browser need to have flash plugin (I have Shockwave Flash 11.8.800.94). By disabling it the problem went away.
Flags: needinfo?(jozef.briss)
Directly after testing the example that is attached to this bug. I have returned to work on original project in same browser where I have spotted this. Only this time the problem did not happen.

I can confirm that if one site will experience the problem, the other will not. So this seems to be problem of first popup with flash opened in the browser.
In my case, each time I click on the link, the window is open minimized.
The only time where it's not the case is when the window is enlarged but not closed, and I click again on the link (focus goes to the enlarged window displaying Youtube)

Could you test with a clean profile, please.
Flags: needinfo?(jozef.briss)
It works as I have described also for clean profile. This may have something to do with plugins I have (these were kept in a new profile) or the way I close the new window. I click Firefox in the task bar, two window thumbnails will show up (original window and the popup) and I close the popup (it becomes visible for a moment when I mouse over it to click red cross to close it).

I am glad that at least the minimize behavior was reproduced since this already is bug I think. (if not strange way how to fight popup ads)

In our case EDU software playing flash videos this is quite annoying.
Flags: needinfo?(jozef.briss)
Why the bug is still UNCONFIRMED when at least the behavior with window opened minimized is confirmed by Loic?

Is this something that actually should happen?
Your STR are not very clear. Each time I click on the link, it opens the window with width/height specified in the code source, nor more no less.

Where is the issue? (attach screenshot if possible)
Flags: needinfo?(jozef.briss)
Attachment #786189 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #808440 - Attachment mime type: text/plain → text/html
The issue is new window is automatically minimized without any user action right after it is opened. I've uploaded another example. The previous one with youtube sometimes worked ok.

Steps to reproduce:
1.\ Close all FF windows
2.\ Open FF with flash player installed
3.\ Open attached example as first page in the browser 
4.\ Click the link
5.\ Newly opened window with is shown for a moment and minimized right away
6.\ On subsequent tries the newly opened window stays open as it should 

Problem is that in point 5.\ it is minimized automatically.

The problem seems to be only with pages that open window that includes flash content.

I am sorry I cannot explain it better. If you can't reproduce it just close the bug I have not anything new to it.
Flags: needinfo?(jozef.briss)
What's the expected result when clicking the 1st time on the link? The window with should be open not minimized while the user does nothing?
OK, I understand now what you meant! ^^
By minimized, you mean moved in the background in the Windows taskbar while the main Firefox window stays in the foreground.

I'm able to see that with FF26 and a relatively fresh profile. Will test more.
Ok, I know the cause of that, it's due to the protected mode of Flash player.
If you disable that (ProtectedMode=0 in mms.cfg, see § "last resort"), it works as expected.

Protected mode has been involved in many bugs about focus issues, so it's not surprising.
You need to open a bug ticket on Adobe tracker.
Component: Untriaged → Plug-ins
Ever confirmed: true
Product: Firefox → Core
Summary: New popup window is minimized on start when flash content is included a first click → New popup window with Flash content is minimized on start due to protected mode enabled
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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