Closed Bug 902168 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

System JS : ERROR chrome://browser/content/forms.js:721 TypeError: Argument 1 of Range.setEnd is not an object. in green B2G mochitest-3 runs


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Keyboard, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(firefox24 unaffected, firefox25 unaffected, firefox26 fixed)

Tracking Status
firefox24 --- unaffected
firefox25 --- unaffected
firefox26 --- fixed


(Reporter: RyanVM, Assigned: xyuan)




(1 file)

Yuan, it appears that you are the primary maintainer of forms.js. Can you please investigate this? b2g_emulator_vm fx-team opt test mochitest-3 on 2013-08-06 09:56:04 PDT for push ec45d9c75316 slave: tst-linux64-ec2-398 10:28:07 INFO - 38167 INFO TEST-START | /tests/docshell/test/navigation/test_bug430624.html 10:28:07 INFO - 38168 INFO TEST-INFO | /tests/docshell/test/navigation/test_bug430624.html | must wait for focus 10:28:07 INFO - System JS : ERROR chrome://browser/content/forms.js:721 10:28:07 INFO - TypeError: Argument 1 of Range.setEnd is not an object. 10:28:07 INFO - System JS : ERROR chrome://browser/content/forms.js:721 10:28:07 INFO - TypeError: Argument 1 of Range.setEnd is not an object. 10:28:07 INFO - System JS : ERROR chrome://browser/content/forms.js:721 10:28:07 INFO - TypeError: Argument 1 of Range.setEnd is not an object. 10:28:07 INFO - System JS : ERROR chrome://browser/content/forms.js:721 10:28:07 INFO - TypeError: Argument 1 of Range.setEnd is not an object. 10:28:07 INFO - System JS : ERROR chrome://browser/content/forms.js:721 10:28:07 INFO - TypeError: Argument 1 of Range.setEnd is not an object. 10:28:07 INFO - System JS : ERROR chrome://browser/content/forms.js:721 10:28:07 INFO - TypeError: Argument 1 of Range.setEnd is not an object. 10:28:07 INFO - System JS : ERROR chrome://browser/content/forms.js:721 10:28:07 INFO - TypeError: Argument 1 of Range.setEnd is not an object. 10:28:07 INFO - 38169 INFO TEST-PASS | /tests/docshell/test/navigation/test_bug430624.html | Check we're contentEditable after reload 10:28:07 INFO - System JS : ERROR chrome://browser/content/forms.js:721 10:28:07 INFO - TypeError: Argument 1 of Range.setEnd is not an object. 10:28:23 INFO - System JS : ERROR chrome://browser/content/forms.js:721 10:28:23 INFO - TypeError: Argument 1 of Range.setEnd is not an object. 10:28:23 INFO - System JS : ERROR chrome://browser/content/forms.js:721 10:28:23 INFO - TypeError: Argument 1 of Range.setEnd is not an object. 10:28:23 INFO - System JS : ERROR chrome://browser/content/forms.js:721 10:28:23 INFO - TypeError: Argument 1 of Range.setEnd is not an object. 10:28:23 INFO - System JS : ERROR chrome://browser/content/forms.js:721 10:28:23 INFO - TypeError: Argument 1 of Range.setEnd is not an object. 10:28:23 INFO - System JS : ERROR chrome://browser/content/forms.js:721 10:28:23 INFO - TypeError: Argument 1 of Range.setEnd is not an object. 10:28:23 INFO - 38170 INFO TEST-END | /tests/docshell/test/navigation/test_bug430624.html | finished in 2307ms
I'm looking at it.
Assignee: nobody → xyuan
Blocks: 904224
Blocks: 904628
The b2g virtual keyboard doesn't support editing the entire document(see bug 811177). If an editable document is focused, window.getSelection returns null and forms.js throws error. The mochitest file docshell/test/navigation/test_bug430624.html makes the entire document of an iframe editable with the following code: <body contenteditable>contentEditable</body> When the editable <body> is focused, we get error from forms.js. To remove the errors, forms.js should ignore editable document until bug 811177 is fixed.
Ignore the focus event from an editable document. Check window.getSelection() and make sure it is not null before passing to getContentEditableSelectionStart() to avoid error.
Attachment #790240 - Flags: review?(fabrice)
Attachment #790240 - Flags: review?(fabrice) → review+
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
No longer blocks: 892958
Blocks: log-SnR
Blocks: 920191
No longer blocks: log-SnR
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