Closed Bug 903660 Opened 11 years ago Closed 10 years ago

debugger ALWAYS has error about attribute nodeValue


(Firefox :: Untriaged, defect)

23 Branch
Windows 7
Not set





(Reporter: jmichae3, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:23.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/23.0 (Beta/Release)
Build ID: 20130730113002

Steps to reproduce:


Actual results:

[16:14:41.861] Use of attributes' nodeValue attribute is deprecated. Use value instead. @ http://j/burning-media/how-to-burn-a-cd-or-dvd.html

for every refresh. it's a flat page. there is no reference to nodeValue anywhere on this page or in css. most likely, it's in ff's js code.

Expected results:

no errors for plain html page like this.
I don't see this error with FF23 or FF26. Only common errors in CSS files.

Could you test with a clean profile, please.
Flags: needinfo?(jmichae3)
Same as Loic with Fx 22 and 2013-08-11-03-02-25-mozilla-central-firefox-26.0a1.en-US.linux-x86_64
documentation on js .nodeValue (which I pretty much don't use especially in this file)

how on earth can you access nodeValue except through js? I am talking flat pages here. a css error should not cause a nodeValue error. that's a browser bug. 

look up nodeValue. it's only in js. in fact, I deleted all my js and commented out pretty much everything (including the css files) except the body html, and end up with same error. the only thing that's left are some classes and I was able to narrow it down to the use of a class in a form element which is defined as:

.boxRedFloatLeft {
... and the form is here. I even stripped out the input elements to make sure no possibility of js was executing on my side (it's passive anyway).
<form class="boxRedFloatLeft">
<!--input type='button' value='menu/nav off' onclick='domenuoff()'>
<input type='button' value='menu/nav on' onclick='domenuon()'-->
</form><!--br style="clear:both;"-->

looks pretty correct to me. if I take out the form element the error goes away. now why is that?

I already did a clean profile a month ago. used the reset button in about:support.
nodeValue is nowhere in my HTML+CSS code.
try this one:
[21:19:53.579] Use of attributes' nodeValue attribute is deprecated. Use value instead. @

strangely enough, an html file with no css file and no classes in a form element does not cause this error.
Flags: needinfo?(jmichae3)
...and the debugger doesn't give a line number. just like it doesn't with invalid quantifier errors (I am not having that here).
sorry, forgot to mention I am using ff23.
interestingly enough, I did a search in my computer (including ff's source code), and found .nodeValue in 
- Bingbar (foisted on every machine almost)
- webkit's inspector
- jquery, which is used in ff
- all throughout ff's 200MB zipped source code I guess

I get this net error with yahoo mail, I blocked with my hosts file.

[22:13:56.691] Use of attributes' nodeValue attribute is deprecated. Use value instead. @ about:neterror?e=connectionFailure&u=http%3A//

I don't see how the a net error and .nodeValue are related, unless there is some code somewhere that is supposed to be handling the network stuff and some js code that handles the network stuff is erroring out (?).
so this is seemingly 2 different ways I am getting this .nodeValue error.

I don't have .nodeValue in my web pages. there's something really odd about a css error causing a js error. there are no line numbers. 

[22:45:06.441] Use of attributes' nodeValue attribute is deprecated. Use value instead. @

same here. probably the same css thing. no nodeValue in that page.
I have ff25 right now. tried disabling the plugins colorzilla and firebug, but this did not do anything.

I reset my ff and still get the error messages everywhere I go. sorry for being abrasive, I have had a lot of years of broken things, and it's been building up and irritating me, so I want to fix it in the only way I know how - submit bug reports.
but I need to take care of my attitude. sorry for getting upset.

I did a 
find . -exec grep -s nodeValue {} ; -print
find . -exec grep -s nodeValue {} ; -print>report.txt
and found lots of instances where nodeValue was used in ff's source. so I found it hard to nail down since I am not familiar with same. maybe someone else can see if one of the grep matches hits something that looks interesting?
find . -exec grep -s nodeValue {} ; -print | wc -l
gives me the number of lines. but the zip file is 200MB, so it's going to be a long time before it finishes...
I am on windows, and am using do do the above.

maybe this is just too big to deal with. but then again, maybe some of these specific issues can be traced, found, and dealt with.

if it helps any, here is my browser info from about:support

Application Basics

Name: Firefox
Version: 25.0
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:25.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/25.0


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Name: Norton Toolbar
Version: 2013.4.4.3
Enabled: false
ID: {2D3F3651-74B9-4795-BDEC-6DA2F431CB62}

Name: Norton Vulnerability Protection
Version: - 1
Enabled: false
ID: {BBDA0591-3099-440a-AA10-41764D9DB4DB}

Important Modified Preferences

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Library Versions

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Version in use: 3.15.2 Basic ECC

Expected minimum version: 3.15.2 Basic ECC
Version in use: 3.15.2 Basic ECC

Expected minimum version: 3.15.2 Basic ECC
Version in use: 3.15.2 Basic ECC

Expected minimum version: 3.15.2
Version in use: 3.15.2
This is not really actionable in its current state, so I'm closing this as incomplete. See e.g. :

and the big warning at the top of

Note that lots of jquery things hit this, and it's easily possible that add-ons run into the same thing.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
> I already did a clean profile a month ago. used the reset button in about:support.

BTW, that's not a clean profile. Here are the instructions:
jquery 1.4.1 is in the source code of ff 34.0.5 source, which has 3 instances of using attr*.nodeValue
Resolution: INCOMPLETE → ---
I did use a clean profile, and I did a check on the above page and it does not exhibit the bug, however, that doesn't mean another will not. I do update my site once in a while and I did change the css, which I found out seems to affect this bug.

I wish I knew exactly what css property causes this so I could make a small test file.
this complains about the nodevalue, let me double-check in new profile (I *really* want my tabs and bookmarks from the old profile, but no way to backup and restore!)
not sure why this is, but old profile seems to cause a problem. :-( and all my tabs are there. I hope it's as simple as copying the session database over to the new profile. new profile consistently seems to be better about .nodeValue on initial looks.
(In reply to Jim Michaels from comment #9)
> jquery 1.4.1 is in the source code of ff 34.0.5 source, which has 3
> instances of using attr*.nodeValue

We don't actually use it in the front-end code. This is not the cause of your issue; it's much more likely to be related to a greasemonkey script, addon, or something similar.

We can't help here, so I'm going to re-mark this as invalid.
Closed: 10 years ago10 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
I think this bug is related to
another one I did earlier. hope this helps.
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