Closed Bug 904464 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

MXR no longer handling search strings with spaces (changed to +'s)


(Webtools Graveyard :: MXR, defect)

Windows Vista
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ewong, Assigned: glob)




(1 file)


1) I enter "create a new account" in the search field. 
2) I click search.
3) The location :

but in the search for field, it shows "create+a+new+account".

I need to change the + to space in order to get a proper search.
server-ops: did something MXR-related change recently?
Assignee: nobody → server-ops-devservices
Component: MXR → Server Operations: Developer Services
Product: Webtools →
QA Contact: nmaul
Version: Trunk → other
Summary: search strings with spaces in it are changed to +'s. → MXR no longer handling search strings with spaces (changed to +'s)
Nothing in the MXR code has changed in I don't know how long, but the OS got an update a few weeks ago. It's possible that a pkg that mxr uses is behaving differently now.
(In reply to Kendall Libby [:fubar] from comment #2)
> Nothing in the MXR code has changed in I don't know how long, but the OS got
> an update a few weeks ago. It's possible that a pkg that mxr uses is
> behaving differently now.

Perl packages change API and Behavior *all the time* when updated. Can you get a list of before and after for perl packages?
(In reply to Kendall Libby [:fubar] from comment #2)
> Nothing in the MXR code has changed in I don't know how long, but the OS got
> an update a few weeks ago. It's possible that a pkg that mxr uses is
> behaving differently now.

I see some changes at lately, did these changes get deployed to
(In reply to Frank Wein [:mcsmurf] from comment #4)
> (In reply to Kendall Libby [:fubar] from comment #2)
> > Nothing in the MXR code has changed in I don't know how long, but the OS got
> > an update a few weeks ago. It's possible that a pkg that mxr uses is
> > behaving differently now.
> I see some changes at lately, did these
> changes get deployed to

Indeed, and this looks very suspect since the symptom seems to be double-url-encode.
Flags: needinfo?(klibby)
pulling in glob as he's the author of that patch (fixing a security issue from bug 628033)
Flags: needinfo?(klibby) → needinfo?(glob)
wow, so mxr does it's own decoding of the query_string, which explicitly double-encodes pluses.

it looks like there were issues with filenames with pluses (due to the lack of escaping in the header, which i fixed).  there's weird workarounds for that in various locations in the code.

eg. the filename in the directory head for is incorrect.

i'll see what i can do, but my ability to test this is somewhat limited.
Assignee: server-ops-devservices → glob
Flags: needinfo?(glob)
Component: Server Operations: Developer Services → MXR
Product: → Webtools
QA Contact: nmaul
Attached patch 904464_1.patchSplinter Review
as best as i can tell, getting http_wash() to unescape + fixes this, and files with +'s in their name still work (eg comm-central/source/mozilla/build/unix/stdc++compat/ )

the issues with the path at the top of the mxr page wasn't related to my change, but i fixed it anyhow (it was using url escaping instead of html escaping).

if there's a mxr staging environment, this should be deployed there first for testing.
Attachment #795391 - Flags: review?
Attachment #795391 - Flags: review? → review?(erik)
Indeed, ping. This is a quite bad regression.
Comment on attachment 795391 [details] [diff] [review]

Review of attachment 795391 [details] [diff] [review]:

I'm not set up to test this either, but the code looks saner than it was. I don't know of a staging env for MXR, but if we have one, let's put it there. If not, I lean toward deploying it anyway; we can try a few hits to make sure nothing obvious is broken and roll back if we discover something more subtle.
Attachment #795391 - Flags: review?(erik) → review+
Let's land and deploy - this is inconveniencing a lot of people.
(FYI, I'm trying to find someone who can land and deploy this)
pushed this out and cleared the cache.
Thanks to everybody that helped fix this!
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Webtools → Webtools Graveyard
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