Closed Bug 905167 Opened 12 years ago Closed 7 years ago

importing vcard multiple times can freeze contacts


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Contacts, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bkelly, Unassigned, NeedInfo)



Over in bug 894751 QA ran into an issue on gaia/master that sounds like it might be a separate bug. Copied from bug bug 894751 comment 52: tcl/Buri Base build: 7/25, rooted gecko: 4dd254baf424523d3256ae47bdc20f9b2b8d5217 gaia: b527d7406b4eed3bacdee78597bb4ff21bf9f7d0 Version: 26.0a1 Build ID: 20130813040222 Tested from mozilla central build by repeating import from SIM of 106 contacts, continually. After repeating this three times, I found that A.) Contacts froze and could not be scrolled; B.) Only one instance of each contact was shown. On other devices, repeatedly importing from the same SIM card shows multiple instances of each contact. Not sure what the desired behavior is here. Note that the phone doesn't freeze, only the contacts app freezes and becomes unresponsive. After 3 imports (totalling about 318 contacts) I could no longer import any more, as the app was responsive, but I was able to reboot the device with the power button and access the homescreen normally. Also, after the reboot, I could scroll contacts again but it was very choppy. I could access the import contacts dialog, but could not import any more contacts.
Just tested it with ~2000 contacts in latest master with a Peak. The first time goes extremely fast, but the second time is painfully slow. Looks like we are doing much more stuff or consuming a lot of memory, probably due to many attempts to merging contacts (?). Ni'ing me to take a look at this after holidays.
Flags: needinfo?(sergi.mansilla)
Hi Sergi, Do you have any update about this issue? Thanks!
Firefox OS is not being worked on
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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