Closed Bug 906868 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Use collections to populate featured apps


(Marketplace Graveyard :: API, defect, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: cvan, Assigned: mat)



Now that featured apps are being populated from a collection, the API should return those. Waffle this behind the `rocketfuel` switch; if it's disabled we should be pulling from the existing `FeaturedApp*` models as we do today.

Basta, correct me if I'm wrong, but this is the specificity of the collections we should be pooling from when given a carrier, region, and page combination?

1. Carrier-Region-Page
2. Region-Page
3. Page
1. Carrier-Region-Page
2. Carrier-Page
3. Region-Page
3. Page

Let me know if that's stupid.
Component: Consumer Pages → API
When implementing bug 903489 I did the following:
1. Carrier-Region-Category
2. Region-Category
3. Category

This will require some tweaking, since the system I put in place was quite dumb, it was simply removing filters in a specific order.
If it makes your life easier, we don't need to implement this in the rocketfuel API. This is only really necessary in the consumer APIs.
Ok, it was good to play with that in the rocketfuel API while we didn't have implemented this in the consumer part anyway. 

It's likely the implementation will stay similar, we'll just move this away from rocketfuel to consumer and tweak it to match your algorithm.
Cool, thanks
Assignee: nobody → cvan
Depends on: mkt-publishtool-api
No longer depends on: mkt-publishtool
Target Milestone: --- → 2013-08-27
No longer depends on: mkt-publishtool-api
Note: if we intend to re-use the API code used for rocketfuel in consumer-facing APIs, then we'll need to fix bug 905160 and bug 907820.
Depends on: 907820, 905160
For Q3 it's probably not worth considering consumer-facing APIs, as the only ones created will be via rocketfuel.
Yeah, I meant the Featured Apps API and everything that's going to be reading collections from fireplace. To me that's consumer-facing API.
Target Milestone: 2013-08-27 → ---
Target Milestone: --- → 2013-08-27
Target Milestone: 2013-08-27 → 2013-09-03
Assignee: cvan → nobody
Assignee: nobody → mpillard
bug 901710 will re-use the Collection API in WithFeaturedResource search API, keeping this bug opened because I need to work on its dependencies and also adjust the fallback filter per comment #1
Blocks: 901710
Blocks: 899640
No longer blocks: 901710
Actually let's dupe it, both are really about the same thing. I'll open up a new bug for the fallback filter tweaks.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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