Closed Bug 90789 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

Profile Manager UI items missing after applying ja-JP lang/region pack


(Core :: Internationalization: Localization, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: jonrubin, Assigned: rchen)



Encountered this on Linux Redhat 7.1 JA and MacOS9.1 using 07-13 trunk and branch builds. Does not occur on Win32. This may be invalid, since the pack I used is now invalid for these builds. Also, the problem did not occur with the DE pack. On Linux, Profile Manager was okay if only the JP region pack was downloaded, but UI was missing items if the JA lang pack was downloaded. I checked Linux branch builds 07-09, 07-10, 07-11, and 07-13: all exhibited this behavior. If this bug is invalid because I am not using a valid pack, please mark as such; otherwise, please raise the severity of this bug. Steps: 1) Download and install JA language pack, but do not apply it. 2) Shut down browser, then restart using Profile Manager. Profiles do not appear, and "Manage Profiles" is the only visible button.
Using incompatible langpacks shouldn't affect the ProfileManager UI whose locale resources are determined by the globally installed locale instead of the profile locale. I'll take a look!
It appears that langjajp.xpi contains ja-JP.jar, ja-win.jar, en-unix.jar, and en-mac.jar: there is no ja-mac and ja-unix.jar -> L10n bugs
Assignee: tao → mcarlson
Tao and I just confirmed that langjajp.xpi included with the JA 06-07-13 Linux build contains 4 jar files: en-mac.jar, ja-JP.jar, ja-unix.jar, and ja-win.jar.
Changed QA contact to
QA Contact: andreasb → jonrubin
Because the sequense of the creation was Win first, MAC and Linux later. MAC and Linux were a couple weeks behind. If we would like to post the language pack for the three platforms, we need to have ja-unix.jar and ja-mac.jar ready at the same time when we create win build. CC yxia and amasri.
I just created both ja-mac.jar and ja-unix.jar, based on 07-17 us build. Ray, you can find them on \\babel, projects\Seamonkey\61 folder.
Adding nsbeta1 keyword.
Keywords: nsbeta1
Reassigned to rchen.
Assignee: mcarlson → rchen
Fixed in Ja 2001-07-17-05-0.9.2 build. Please move this bug to bugscape since it talks about Netscape package.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Can someone move this to Bugscape? I do not have the power to do so.
Verified on Linux RH 7.1-Ja and MacOS9.1 using 07-18-branch and 07-18-trunk builds and ja-JP lang/region packs from JA Win 07-17-05-branch build. I will mark this as verified after someone moves this over to Bugscape.
Bug moved to If the move succeeded, will receive a mail containing the number of the new bug in the other database. If all went well, please mark this bug verified, and paste in a link to the new bug. Otherwise, reopen this bug.
Closed: 24 years ago24 years ago
Resolution: FIXED → MOVED
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