Closed Bug 908884 Opened 12 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Skip MT Auth and use silent SMS when possible


(Marketplace Graveyard :: Payments/Refunds, defect, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: kumar, Assigned: steve)



(Whiteboard: [qa+])


(2 files)

304.66 KB, image/png
333.57 KB, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
beta builds of Firefox OS will allow Bango to do a silent SMS to a short code. This can replace the complex user interaction of doing manual MT auth. Bango needs to work with this JavaScript API and provide a user experience (a wait screen?) to integrate it into the payflow. The device API landed in bug 816564
Depends on: 908877
Priority: -- → P2
Assignee: nobody → keir
Until docs are ready, this is a sneak peak: It's available as window.mozPaymentProvider.observeSilentSMS(shortCode, myCallback)
Maureen can help with UX. I guess it should show a spinner and say something like "Please wait while we set up direct billing"
Blocks: 908774
What about generalizing to "Setting up payment"? Just thinking we might not want to refer to carrier billing as the user might choose to do credit card instead when they get to the confirm screen.
I like that better! Thanks Maureen. FYI, the mock-up shows an MT auth input form in the background but that won't be visible.
Depends on: 816564
(In reply to Kumar McMillan [:kumar] from comment #1) > Until docs are ready, this is a sneak peak: > It's available > as window.mozPaymentProvider.observeSilentSMS(shortCode, myCallback) I wrote a few words about the silent SMS flow at I'll try to update the docs as soon as possible.
Version: 1.3 → 1.4
Clearing out the bango assignment and priority until we've completed the required business scoping with Bango and can file some more specific bugs based on needs.
Assignee: keir → nobody
Ever confirmed: false
Priority: P2 → --
Priority: -- → P2
Version: 1.4 → 1.5
This is being scoped by Bango.
Assignee: nobody → Jim
Assignee: Jim → keir
This would fall under (or at least after) the delivery of Silent SMS functionality.
Flags: needinfo?(dbialer)
Flags: needinfo?(amckay)
Assignee: keir → sruston
Looks good to me, comments: "In the case where the MT Auth SMS is not intercepted by the Mozilla API (and in all cases that the Bango registered callback function is not called), the Bango flow will timeout after 10 seconds and display the Bango “Error” page at which point the user must retry the purchase from the start of the flow." In that scenario, the user is back at the beginning and will hit this point again, if the flow does not happen quickly enough. We've seen quite a few cases where SMS's take a long time. Would it make sense to fall back to the MT Auth screen or find a way to increase that timeout. I'm worried people will get caught in a loop of not being able to get the silent SMS done. "The Bango integration will utilise the observeSilentSMS method, passing the defined shortcode number" Presumably if no short code exists for that operator, it will fall back to MT Auth for that user?
Flags: needinfo?(amckay)
An alternative would be to increase the timeout and try again. So the error could say something like "Authentication timed out. Try again/Cancel" in which case the timeout could increased be increased by 50% each try. I rather not have to maintain 2 flows or switch flows and on the try again scenario. When would we not have a short code? and if so, can we even support those scenarios (as Andy mentioned to me he can't do MT Auth in Canada)?
Flags: needinfo?(dbialer)
Work to monitor and review timeout periods will be required, Google Analytics can be used to see how many users fall back to MT auth visible flow. Silent SMS won't work on FF for Android however 893050 will help previous poor UX
This release is now Live.
(In reply to Simone Masiero from comment #14) > This release is now Live. Simone, do you mean Live or on Test
Whiteboard: [qa+]
Let's test this.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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