Closed Bug 909306 Opened 11 years ago Closed 2 years ago

[story] As a user, I want to be prompted to create a Firefox Account when I first install my browser, easily dismiss that prompt either for forever or in day or two so that I won't forget once I have time to do so.


(Tracking Graveyard :: Firefox Sync, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: deb, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [qa+])

As a user, I want to be prompted to create a Firefox Account when I first install my browser, but I want it to be easy to dismiss that prompt either forever (so I don't get bothered again), or to be reminded again later in a day or two (so I remember to look at it in more detail another time). I also want it to be very easy to get more details about what a Firefox Account is and why I would want it before I go through the process of creating one.
Blocks: 909322
Whiteboard: [qa+]
Summary: [story] Prompt user to set up Firefox Account on first run → [story] As a user, I want to be prompted to create a Firefox Account when I first install my browser, but I want it to be easy to dismiss that prompt either forever, or to be reminded again later in a day or two.
Summary: [story] As a user, I want to be prompted to create a Firefox Account when I first install my browser, but I want it to be easy to dismiss that prompt either forever, or to be reminded again later in a day or two. → [story] As a user, I want to be prompted to create a Firefox Account when I first install my browser, easily dismiss that prompt either for forever or in day or two so that I won't forget once I have time to do so.
Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Product: Tracking → Tracking Graveyard
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