Closed Bug 912306 Opened 11 years ago Closed 9 years ago

Form history dropdown reappears after moving focus outside the associated form field


(Firefox for Android Graveyard :: General, defect, P5)



(firefox24 affected, firefox25 affected, firefox26 affected, relnote-firefox -, fennec+)

Tracking Status
firefox24 --- affected
firefox25 --- affected
firefox26 --- affected
relnote-firefox --- -
fennec + ---


(Reporter: MattN, Unassigned, Mentored)


(Keywords: regression, Whiteboard: [lang=java][lang=js][bad first bug])


(1 file)

STR: 1) Load a page with a form where there are form history entries. (e.g. ) 2) Type some letters from a previous entry. 3) Choose an entry from the dropdown 4) Hit tab on the keyboard or tap outside the form Expected result: Form history dropdown closes Actual result: Form history dropdown reopens on the same field
Do you know if this is a recent regression?
I think it was within the last few weeks but I'm not sure.
(In reply to Matthew N. [:MattN] from comment #2) > I think it was within the last few weeks but I'm not sure. So it doesn't happen on Aurora?
tracking-fennec: --- → ?
The regression window is: mozilla-central good build: 19.06.2013 bad build: 20.06.2013 -pushlog:
Assignee: nobody → margaret.leibovic
tracking-fennec: ? → 24+
Regression from bug 877782? Is this still tracking 24?
Issue is reproducible on Firefox Mobile 24 beta 10 on Asus Transformer (Android 4.0.3 )
I'm having a hard time reproducing this issue as described, although I am seeing us get into a weird state if I dismiss/reopen the keyboard. It seems very similar to bug 895463, so I'm cc'ing capella in case he wants to investigate (it seems like we should file a separate bug for that, though). Matt, what device were you using? Could this be an issue with a hardware keyboard? On my phone, when the username field is focused on, I only have a "Go" button available, not a "Next". Tapping outside the input element always removes focus from the input, which always hides the autocomplete popup for me. Also, tapping on a suggestion always hides the popup as well. I'm testing on a Nexus 4.
relnote-firefox: ? → ---
Oops, accidentally reset the relnote-firefox flag.
relnote-firefox: --- → ?
(In reply to :Margaret Leibovic from comment #7) > Matt, what device were you using? Could this be an issue with a hardware > keyboard? I was using an ASUS Transformer TF101 with both Asus and Google soft keyboards (I don't have the hardware keyboard). I would guess it has something to do with the keyboard closing which adjusts the viewport. I think we are trying to reposition the dropdown for the new viewport size when the keyboard closes after focus leaves the input. It seems like a race between those events.
i.e. I think we are adjusting the position of the dropdown when it is closed or closing which causes it to re-appear.
tracking-fennec: 24+ → ?
tracking-fennec: ? → +
bug 895463 may indeed be related to the same basic issue ... both the TextSelection caret and the dropdown dialog float in the wrong place ... (see attached) fyi in bug 895463 comment 14 I posted a brief fiddle test where I observe the caret scroll downscreen during element loss of focus and softKbd close, implying a relationship to the caret position and the top of the kbd / bottom of (?) mattn above in comment 10 mentions |i.e. I think we are adjusting the position of the dropdown when it is closed or closing| ... I don't know how that works for dropdown, but for TextSelection caret we adjust position by exchanging messages between SelectionHandler.js and ... This is not observed occuring during the caret-move-to-wrong-position scenario in my testing.
Since this is not easy to reproduce, and we can't tie it to a specific device or set of steps, I don't think it's necessary to relnote
I haven't had time to work on this. I'm going to make this into a mentor bug, but fixing it will involve figuring out a reliable way to reproduce it and digging into the form autocomplete code, so I'd recommend only a more experienced contributor try to work on this.
Assignee: margaret.leibovic → nobody
Whiteboard: [mentor=margaret][lang=java][lang=js][bad first bug]
Mentor: margaret.leibovic
Whiteboard: [mentor=margaret][lang=java][lang=js][bad first bug] → [lang=java][lang=js][bad first bug]
filter on [mass-p5]
Priority: -- → P5
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Product: Firefox for Android → Firefox for Android Graveyard
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