Closed Bug 917182 Opened 11 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Adding [Pref=prefname] to worker specific WebIDL interfaces causes "not thread-safe" assertions


(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, defect, P3)






(Reporter: janv, Unassigned)



Vendo found it when he wanted to add [Pref="dom.indexedDB.experimental"] to IDBDatabaseSync interface.

partial interface IDBDatabaseSync {
    readonly    attribute StorageType        storage;

here's the assertion:
assertion failure: _mOwningThread.GetThread() == PR_GetCurrentThread() (ValueObserver not thread-safe), at jamun/modules/libpref/src/Preferences.cpp:133
Blocks: SyncIDB
Yeah we can't check preferences off the main thread.  We need a better story here.
Seems like the only real option is a function that calls Preferences::GetBool on the main thread and sync-proxies the call over to the main thread on a worker thread?

Also, this code pattern:

  static bool sPrefCachesInited = false;
  if (!sPrefCachesInited) {
    sPrefCachesInited = true;
    Preferences::AddBoolVarCache(&sMethods[1].enabled, "svg.text.css-frames.enabled");

used if you have preffed methods/attributes, is no good either.  That one is even worse, though, since it fundamentally involves writes on the main thread to a memory location that will be read on whatever thread the binding is set up on.  Maybe that's OK, as long as the AddBoolVarCache hapens on mainthread...

If you were hand-writing code for this on workers, how would you do it?  It seems like it would be pretty sucky.  :(
I think I would capture the relevant set of preferences at worker creation and ship them over at the start.
Hmm.  We could try something like that, since the set of interfaces defined on workers is hardcoded...
We're a bit closer to solving this now that we have:

We could in theory make the webidl generated code do something like:

  if (NS_IsMainThread()) {
    // do normal pref stuff
    return value;

  // Only returns a value if its in the WorkerPrefs.h header list
  return GetCurrentThreadWorkerPrivate()->GetPref(pref);
Priority: -- → P3
At this point codegen will protect you from using [Pref] on worker-exposed things, so this is fixed as filed.  Bug 1490044 tracks making prefs usable on workes in webidl.
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Component: DOM → DOM: Core & HTML
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