Bug 927135
Opened 11 years ago
Closed 4 years ago
Profile CSS animation/transform/translate/scale jank/perf issues vs. Chrome
(Core :: General, defect)
(Reporter: brendan, Assigned: bas.schouten)
From Ana Tudor (@thebabydino), who uses Firefox again but still runs demos during talks in Chrome. She says
1. 3D. Example
animation is slightly choppy, brings CPU at 30-50% vs 5-8% for Chrome
(7.5 year old Sony VAIO, Windows 7)
The way elements are displayed on top of the other is not always
determined by the 3D positioning and I can't even find a pattern for this.
I guess animation in general, not just 3D. Gets obvious when taken to
the extreme with animating hundreds of things at the same time.
The second and third paragraphs may be other bugs, or this could be a tracking bug based on concrete bugs filed against her demos, starting with
Giving to Vlad to avoid unowned status from start.
Reporter | ||
Updated•11 years ago
Assignee: nobody → vladimir
Comment 1•11 years ago
We'll contact Ana to get the specs for her system; on a Windows 7 desktop I have, this uses ~ 3% CPU. On a Macbook Pro, ~6% CPU. We're probably hitting the software path on her system, and if Chrome is not, it's most likely that we have her driver or system blacklisted.
The second paragraph at first looks like standard z-fighting, I see it on both systems I tried it on. It may not be just that though, but either way it may eventually need a separate bug.
Comment 2•11 years ago
Cloned the correctness part to bug 937137. Bas is seeing the jank and higher CPU usage on his system, so assigning to him.
Assignee: vladimir → bas
Comment 3•11 years ago
Hmm. I don't fully trust my eyes, so it's worth a profile, but I want to say that I can see some jank on Win 7 in nightly 28, where I don't see it in the released 25.
Reporter | ||
Comment 4•11 years ago
Any news?
Assignee | ||
Comment 5•11 years ago
(In reply to Brendan Eich [:brendan] from comment #4)
> Any news?
> /be
No investigation has been done on this bug, let me know if this is high priority.
Comment 6•11 years ago
On the CSS transform animation performance and correctness side, there is some work being done in bug 931668, bug 977991, bug 960465.
Assignee | ||
Updated•4 years ago
Closed: 4 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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