Closed Bug 929511 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

use context sharing for WGL pbuffer surfaces


(Core :: Graphics, defect)

Windows 8
Not set





(Reporter: vlad, Assigned: vlad)


(Whiteboard: [qa-])


(1 file, 1 obsolete file)

Attached patch turn on pbuffer sharing (obsolete) — Splinter Review
I'm probably the only one who ever runs this code, but I need shared contexts here for SkiaGL and stuff. This seems just an omission, so it's a fix.
Attachment #820372 - Flags: review?(jmuizelaar)
Comment on attachment 820372 [details] [diff] [review] turn on pbuffer sharing Review of attachment 820372 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- I don't fill qualified to review this.
Attachment #820372 - Flags: review?(jmuizelaar) → review?(jgilbert)
Comment on attachment 820372 [details] [diff] [review] turn on pbuffer sharing Review of attachment 820372 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- ::: gfx/gl/GLContextProviderWGL.cpp @@ +585,5 @@ > context = wgl.fCreateContext(pbdc); > + if (context && shareContext && > + !sWGLLib[aLibToUse].fShareLists(shareContext->Context(), context)) > + { > + NS_WARNING("wglShareLists failed for pbuffer!"); '...for pbuffer-based context', right?
Attachment #820372 - Flags: review?(jgilbert) → review+
Attached patch better fixSplinter Review
This is a better fix; there was lots of broken stuff in here for window contexts as well. As a bonus, this also enables CodeXL/gDEBugger support. (Of course, CodeXL has a bug that makes it mostly useless at the moment, but the thought counts.) (asking for review from one of you guys -- I don't think GLContextProviderWGL is ever used in normal usage, really)
Attachment #820372 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8344712 - Flags: review?(jmuizelaar)
Attachment #8344712 - Flags: review?(jgilbert)
Attachment #8344712 - Flags: review?(jmuizelaar) → review?(bjacob)
Attachment #8344712 - Flags: review?(bjacob) → review+
Comment on attachment 8344712 [details] [diff] [review] better fix Review of attachment 8344712 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Shouldn't we support a failure to create a shared context, and try creating a non-shared context? ::: gfx/gl/GLContextProviderWGL.cpp @@ +122,2 @@ > if (!mOGLLibrary) { > + mOGLLibrary = PR_LoadLibrary(&libGLFilename[0]); Use c_str(). @@ +482,5 @@ > if (context && > shareContext && > !sWGLLib[libToUse].fShareLists(shareContext->Context(), context)) > { > + printf_stderr("WGL context creation failed for window: wglShareLists returned false!"); NS_ERROR? @@ +511,5 @@ > > static already_AddRefed<GLContextWGL> > CreatePBufferOffscreenContext(const gfxIntSize& aSize, > + LibType aLibToUse, > + GLContextWGL *aShareContext) Does this return null if it can't create a shared context? (That's my vote) @@ +573,4 @@ > 0 > }; > > + context = wgl.fCreateContextAttribs(pbdc, aShareContext->Context(), attribs); Either allow for shareContext being null, or assert that it's non-null. @@ +579,5 @@ > + if (context && aShareContext) { > + if (!wgl.fShareLists(aShareContext->Context(), context)) { > + wgl.fDeleteContext(context); > + context = nullptr; > + printf_stderr("ERROR - creating pbuffer context failed because wglShareLists returned FALSE"); Shouldn't this be NS_ERROR? @@ +673,4 @@ > sWGLLib[libToUse].fChoosePixelFormat) > { > gfxIntSize dummySize = gfxIntSize(16, 16); > + glContext = CreatePBufferOffscreenContext(dummySize, libToUse, GetGlobalContextWGL()); We shouldn't entirely fail to create a context here just because context-sharing failed. @@ +677,3 @@ > } > > // If it failed, then create a window context and use a FBO. Hah, this is *really* old. I should clean this up. We should probably only support one of these.
Attachment #8344712 - Flags: review?(jgilbert) → review-
(In reply to Jeff Gilbert [:jgilbert] from comment #4) > Comment on attachment 8344712 [details] [diff] [review] > better fix > > Review of attachment 8344712 [details] [diff] [review]: > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > > Shouldn't we support a failure to create a shared context, and try creating > a non-shared context? No, because if you need a shared context, you *really* need a shared context. Falling back to non-shared doesn't make sense. I talked with bjacob briefly about adding a ContextFlag to request one or the other. > ::: gfx/gl/GLContextProviderWGL.cpp > @@ +122,2 @@ > > if (!mOGLLibrary) { > > + mOGLLibrary = PR_LoadLibrary(&libGLFilename[0]); > > Use c_str(). > > @@ +482,5 @@ > > if (context && > > shareContext && > > !sWGLLib[libToUse].fShareLists(shareContext->Context(), context)) > > { > > + printf_stderr("WGL context creation failed for window: wglShareLists returned false!"); > > NS_ERROR? Doesn't NS_ERROR abort? I could be totally wrong here. NS_WARN at least, I guess. > > static already_AddRefed<GLContextWGL> > > CreatePBufferOffscreenContext(const gfxIntSize& aSize, > > + LibType aLibToUse, > > + GLContextWGL *aShareContext) > > Does this return null if it can't create a shared context? (That's my vote) Only if one was specified and it can't share. > > @@ +573,4 @@ > > 0 > > }; > > > > + context = wgl.fCreateContextAttribs(pbdc, aShareContext->Context(), attribs); > > Either allow for shareContext being null, or assert that it's non-null. Hm, I thought this branch was only taken if we had a share context; maybe not, I'll look at the code again tomorrow. It should definitely allow for null. > > // If it failed, then create a window context and use a FBO. > > Hah, this is *really* old. I should clean this up. We should probably only > support one of these. Ehhh. It doesn't really matter much, though yeah, if you can't support a pbuffer context it's unlikely your GL is useful enough for anything. We can nuke this path.
It's possible to still want a context even if we can't do resource sharing. Readback is slow, but it may still be better than nothing.
Sure; but the code can make that decision (either try to get a second context or punt). Note that this work isn't for WebGL; it's for SkiaGL in content. I'm just fixing up the windows stuff since that's where I was testing SkiaGL stuff :p
For what it's worth, in the case of "performance cliff" fallbacks such as from using a share group to using readback, I would rather have the fallback logic explicit in the application code, than implicit in the library code. So, I would vote in favor of just returning a nullptr if a share group was requested and can't be obtained.
I'm going to land this as-is and then rework it a bit afterwards; mainly to get it out of my patch queue (again, it won't really affect anyone since we never use WGL for anything by default).
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla29
Whiteboard: [qa-]
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