Closed Bug 930087 Opened 11 years ago Closed 8 years ago


(Marketing :: Design, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: blassey, Assigned: alexamroman)


>>Project/Request Title: >>Project Overview: We are creating a website to aggregate blog posts from people working on web compatibility regardless of what company they're working for. It would also be a good place to host best practice tips and tricks. >>Creative Specs & Deliverables: I'm light on details here. I'd like something light-weight, planet mozilla syle. My best guess is that we'll have a wiki for docs and planet venus for the aggregater so whatever is normally required to stylize that. >>Launch Date: Not provided >>Creative Due Date: Not provided >>Mozilla Goal: Firefox OS >>Points of Contact: ARRAY(0x7fd5899f5068)
Hi Brad. Sounds like a good project, although the reality is that my team probably won't have a lot of cycles to spare on it any time soon. Given that what you need is pretty simple, would it be possible to utilize the guidelines from to build it out yourselves using the basic Sandstone theme?
Any thoughts on comment #1? Beyond that, looking at my team's current project list, my realistic answer here is that it's going to be hard for this to bubble up to the top of our priorities any time soon. Would instead recommend that, if we can't use the existing Sandstone style guide directly, we look to pull in some community design support here...this seems like the perfect set of projects to do that. We'll talk amongst ourselves about the best way to enlist some help, and will get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks!
My own 2 cents: We can use Sandstone as a stop gap until we get resources to do something more custom.
(In reply to Mike Taylor [:miketaylr] from comment #3) > My own 2 cents: We can use Sandstone as a stop gap until we get resources to > do something more custom. agreed
I can help if needed.
Hi everyone, I'm Alexa. I'm a UX Designer who is learning how to code (mostly HTML/CSS right now). I've been talking with John about getting this going. The questions I have are: -Who is the target audience? -What are they using this website for? or Why? -What is most important to direct them to or help them find quickly? I looked at Planet Mozilla and the Style guide so I have a sense of what you are going for, but the more context, the better. Thank you! Alexa
Thanks Alexa - glad to have you on board! Compat team: Alexa is new to the project, so anything you can do to inform her about what you're doing would be very helpful. In particular, she'll need some more details on the content this page will be featuring. Who can advise on that?
Hi Alexa! We'd love to have your expertise on our team. As for the content, we don't have 100% of the content planned out, but roughly it will contain documentation or guides along the themes outlined at and That's probably a lot to take in and not very focused, so apologies for that. But this is a great question and a good reminder for me to start this discussion on our Compatibility mailing list. You're welcome to join the list ( or follow along via the public archives (!forum/mozilla.compatibility). Or it may be a bit easier if I paste a link to the discussion once we've formed a better idea of what we want here (which I'll probably do anyways, for context).
Great! Thank you Mike! This is very helpful direction. I'm happy to listen in on a phone call discussion or schedule a quick discussion call. Any resources or ideas are helpful. It sounds like it makes sense to wait on more info, but in the meantime, I'll keep digging through everything you all post and become familiar with the styles and needs. Thank you, Alexa
Assignee: jbalaco → alexamroman
Mike, We could probably just close this.
Flags: needinfo?(miket)
Yeah. Let's closed as FIXED -- thanks Alexa for all your work. :)
Closed: 8 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(miket)
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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