Closed Bug 932486 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Community level access to Mozillians API for ozten / Mozilla Community Spotlight


(Participation Infrastructure :: API Requests, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ozten, Unassigned)



Description of app:
Mozilla Community Spotlight picks one community member at random and invites them to tell tell their story via video.

Daily the homepage of the site is updated with this featured community member.

Expected API usage:
We need to get the email address of a random Mozillian.

A brute force approach is to use the Users API to collect all email addresses, choose 1 at random, and delete all of this data so we don't retain it.

A missing API is the ability to pick a Mozillian at random. I've filed Bug#932483. We could do this random selection very easily directly in MySQL which is better performance and reduces data exposed.

URL of app: The app will eventually be at
It is being developed at
Whiteboard: [triage needed]
Very soon we'll have our developer and stage environments set up with a complete database that is anonymized (bug 699530). Once that work is finished in the next week or so, I would be happy to give you an API key to the developer environment. We can then get you an API key to the production environment when you are closer to launching Mozilla Community Spotlight.

Long term we want to make it super easy for developers to get an API key from the user interface, similar to most API providers.
See Also: → 932483
Whiteboard: [triage needed]
Depends on: 699530
Great work williamr (and crew), thanks for moving this forward!
ozten, I have created an API key to the developer environment. Your API key and some helpful information have been emailed to you. Please reopen when you are closer to launching the site, and we'll get you an API key to the production environment.

Excited to see the Community Spotlight!
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Thank you very much William!
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