Open Bug 933713 Opened 11 years ago Updated 8 months ago

Make all the menus native — make them appear and disappear correctly, and make them more responsive


(Firefox :: Menus, defect)






(Reporter: nicolas.barbulesco, Unassigned)


Mac OS X 10.6.8, Firefox 25. The contextual menu is not a native Mac OS X menu. This appears in three problems. Two main problems, plus a third one that I am discovering right now. 1) I have a page in Firefox. I right-click on something in the page, and I keep my mouse pressed. The contextual menu comes in, but I don’t find my happiness in it. So I release my mouse. 1a) * Expected behaviour : * The contextual menus goes away. This is how native menus behave on Mac, like in the Finder and in Safari. 1b) * Actual behaviour : * The contextual menus does not go away. 2) The Firefox contextual menu is heavier and slower than a native contextual menu. It feels heavy. And, when my Mac has high load, the Firefox contextual menu takes several seconds to come in, I see its building progressively. 3) Tricky case. In the foreground, I have a Firefox window with a page. In the background, I have my Desktop in the Finder. I briefly right-click on my Desktop. My mouse is released, I have the Finder’s contextual menu. Here come two variants : 3a) or 3b). 3a) In Firefox, I briefly right-click on the page. My mouse is released. 3aa) * Expected behaviour : * The Finder’s contextual menus goes away. Firefox’ contextual menu comes in and stays. 3ab) * Actual behaviour : * The Finder’s contextual menus goes away. Firefox’ contextual menu comes in, but goes away at once ! No way to use it. 3b) In Firefox, I right-click on the page, and I keep my mouse pressed. 3ba) * Expected behaviour : * The Finder’s contextual menus goes away. Firefox’ contextual menu comes in and stays, as long as I keep my mouse pressed. 3bb) * Actual behaviour : * The Finder’s contextual menus goes away. Firefox’ contextual menu comes in, but goes away at once ! No way to use it. The menus of the menu bar do not have these problems. Here is some insight regarding the problems 1 and 3 : In Mac OS X, there are two ways of using a menu with the mouse. The first way is the way of the classic Mac OS : I click the menu, I keep my mouse pressed, and when I am on the item I want I release my mouse. The second way is the “new one” : I briefly click the menu, I release my mouse. The menu stays open, I stroll in it, and when I am on the item I want I click again. Alas, Firefox’ contextual menu has only the second way. Thank you for improving that. Nicolas
Now, I encounter another problem like these. In Firefox 25.0.1 on Mavericks. Here in Disqus right-clicking on the YouTube link in the first way does not work : the contextual menu comes in, but when I release my mouse the menu stays. However, right-clicking on this link in the second way does work. Usually, right-clicking on a link in the first way is OK in Firefox.
The contextual menu of a download in the new Downloads bubble (at the top-right) also suffers from these problems.
In Firefox 29 on Mavericks, I reproduce these problems. The Tabs menu (the triangle at the right of the tabs when the window has many tabs) also suffers from these problems.
Summary: Make the contextual menu native — make it appear and disappear correctly, and make it more responsive → Make all the menus menu native — make them appear and disappear correctly, and make them more responsive
Summary: Make all the menus menu native — make them appear and disappear correctly, and make them more responsive → Make all the menus native — make them appear and disappear correctly, and make them more responsive
Severity: normal → S3
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