Closed Bug 939261 Opened 11 years ago Closed 10 years ago

If the user purchases a 2nd app over wifi they will be asked to enter the msisdn again.


(Marketplace Graveyard :: Payments/Refunds, defect, P1)

Gonk (Firefox OS)


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: vikas.nanda, Assigned: keir)



(1 file)

Attached file ezboot-http.log
steps to reproduce:
1. Start MP stage. 
2. Search for any pricetier. 
3. Select buy, enter msisdn and confirm payment. 
4. Search for another pricetier and select buy. 

expected behavior:
The user should not be asked to re-enter the msisdn.

observed behavior:
The user is asked to enter the msisdn again.
Assignee: nobody → tom
Flags: affects-crow+
This is standard for this specific carrier as with Durango.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
(In reply to Tom from comment #1)
> This is standard for this specific carrier as with Durango.

Durango didn't need the user to do the MT auth for every purchase over wifi (only the first purchase as long as they didn't log out). Did this change recently?
Resolution: WONTFIX → ---
We have an investigation into a fix going on at present. This would fix both Durango and Crow completely. WE need time to make sure that the fix won't break anything else in the process.
Assignee: tom → keir
The Bango fix should also resolve a session issue when moving from Mobile Data to Wifi and vice versa however we have operator approval to go live pending the fix. This fix needs to be assessed in conjunction with the changes required for
this is accepted behaviour by the operator and could be closed in favour of a feature bug
Priority: -- → P4
This is a not P4. This adversely affects user experience on wifi. Marking it as P1.
Severity: normal → major
Priority: P4 → P1
I don't recall this being the flow in Poland or approved as the flow we'd like. Shipping with this would be less than ideal. Is there an ETA on the fix?
I recall I raised this issue for Poland and this issue was fixed while I was working there. please see
Poland and Germany code matches exactly. There is no cookie for either.

If we turn the cookie on tomorrow morning as planned, we will fix the WIFI issue that is occurring but break the consecutive 3G payments in the process. Which means a user will need to wait 30 minutes before making another 3G payment.
There will be a fix in Jan 2014 with further further updates to support bug 893050
Version: 1.4 → 1.5
(In reply to Steve Ruston from comment #10)
> There will be a fix in Jan 2014 with further further updates to support bug
> 893050

Correction being scoped at the moment
Awaiting target delivery date from Bango
Development was started on Wednesday 5th February and testing is now underway with operator.
Testing still ongoing with DT team
This was successfully tested by the operator on Friday and this bug can now be closed out.
Closed: 11 years ago10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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