Closed Bug 940334 Opened 11 years ago Closed 10 years ago

[B2G][Helix][Contacts][WangChao]When import a outlook contact, it stuck on the progress bar.


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Contacts, defect, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: lecky.wanglei, Unassigned)




(1 file)

User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; Tablet PC 2.0)

Steps to reproduce:

1.install software and boot for the first time.
2.enter FTU, enable internet, go to "Import contacts" UI in FTU "outlook" Icon.
4.login and select a contact to import.
Mention: This is only happen for A special outlook contact. I will upload the screenshot.

Actual results: stuck on the progress bar.

Expected results: import successfully.
Attached video VID_0002.3gp
Hi wayne

    this is serious bug, please help to process.

Flags: needinfo?(wchang)
When importing outlook contact stucks on the progress bar, we can not exit it unless we reboot the device.
Please provide details of this specific contact entry.
Please provide mozilla commits that you can reproduce this bug on.

Can you check this here?
Flags: needinfo?(wchang) → needinfo?(jmcf)
My teammate has sent the special login account to Luke.

I can reproduce this bug on the following build.

Gaia:     85f9a33cc95e04f5fd962ec37fa39eb622136f45
BuildID   20131119042200
Version   18.0

But it can't be reproduced on v1.2 and master branch.
Assignee: nobody → mri
Flags: needinfo?(jmcf)
My colleague Marina will look into this issue with an Helix device, if she can get one
i'm trying to reproduce the error but i was not succesfull. I followed the STR but the import works for me.
Would you mind to send me the contact details which produces the error?

Flags: needinfo?(lecky.wanglei)
Hi Luke:

  Can you help reproduce this for Marina or just send the login account to her and tell her the steps. You know the login account is restrict to public.

  I can not type the account info on this due to some reason. Sorry for this.

  Thanks for your understanding.
Hi Marina:

   Can you ask Luke for the detail, he know how to reproduce this issue. 

Flags: needinfo?(lecky.wanglei)
Hi Marina:

   Have you got the login account and reproduce this?

   If you need infomation about this, please let me know.

Flags: needinfo?(mri)
Priority: -- → P2
Severity: normal → critical
Hi Marina:
   I dump some log to track the point.

   //in contacts_importer.js
   function contactSaved(e) {
      dump("contactSaved typeof self.oncontactimported: "+typeof self.oncontactimported);  <--this been typed
      var cfdata = this;
      if (typeof self.oncontactimported === 'function') {
        window.setTimeout(function() {
          dump("setTimeout callback before self.oncontactimported");  <--this in not typed
        }, 0);

Due to the log, function "window.setTimeout()" seems does not work. So "self.oncontactimported(cfdata);" is not called, the progress bar is stuck.

But for "window.setTimeout()", i do not know its implementation.

Flags: needinfo?(wchang)
Flags: needinfo?(wchang)
Account information provided to Marina. 
Sorry for the delay. I was waiting for a coworker with a deeper knowledge than me for this application. 
I agree with Lecky that the application doesn't execute the window.setTimeout statement. In my opinion, the problem has to do with the number of contacts that you have in your account (more than 2000). 

When i made tests with another terminal, the import application replicated the behaviour with all contacts of the account, but when I used another account with less contacts, the application worked fine (with duplicate contacts, Special characters  (e.g. ç, ñ),...)

I hope to give you an update soon.

Best regards
Flags: needinfo?(mri)
Hi Marina:
   Thanks for you help. You said that it may due to the number of contacts.

   I will make a another account with more than 2000 contacts and do the same test. 

   If there is any result, i will reply to you.

Best regards
Hi Marina:

   How does this going? I think maybe the ticker is not work, but i do no know how to track or how to identify this?

   Can you help?

Flags: needinfo?(mri)
Hi all,

   I've just played with that hotmail account and the problem is related to memory consumption. I rendered only the first letter ('A') and it worked fine. I am not pretty sure what changes were introduced in v1.2 and master because it is not reproducible there. Maybe Gaia or in Gecko. Some help from Ben would be great for Marina if he has more context than me (I really think so ;))

Thanks a lot Ben
Flags: needinfo?(bkelly)
Not sure when I will have time to look at this.  I'll need access to the problem hotmail account, though.  I've never actually run the outlook import code before.
Flags: needinfo?(mri)
Marina can send you this info, thanks Ben. Although IMHO it should happen with others services as well
(In reply to Cristian Rodriguez (:crdlc) from comment #18)
> Marina can send you this info, thanks Ben. Although IMHO it should happen
> with others services as well

Well, I believe we did rewrite the importer in 1.2 or 1.3 to be more memory efficient.  Its probably not possible to uplift such a large change to 1.1hd, though.  We may not be able to fix this without helix moving to a more recent release.
I received the login information.  Thank you Marina.  I will try to test this when I can, but due to some other high priority bugs I have it may not happen till next week.
One possible fix which greatly helped in v1.3 was bug 904973.  That bug rewrote the importer to be much more memory efficient.

From comment 16, however, it appears v1.2 also works.  I'll see what possible changes might have landed there to help.
Depends on: 904973
Assignee: mri → nobody
All, I'm sorry I never got back to this.  Basically this should be resolved in later releases.  If this is critical for v1.1hd at this point someone needs to spend time to figure out what needs to be backported.  I am just continually busy on v1.3/v1.4 work and won't realistically have time to do this.
Flags: needinfo?(bkelly)
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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