Open Bug 942084 Opened 11 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Implement GetPrefWidthTightBounds for more frames


(Core :: MathML, defect, P4)





(Reporter: fredw, Unassigned)




(3 files)

Attached file testcase.html
GetPrefWidthTightBounds was added in bug 415413 to fix errors with preferred widths of token frames. It is implemented for block and text frames, which are the most common cases for normal MathML. When someone uses HTML in MathML token elements, then it might be necessary to have GetPrefWidthTightBounds for other frames. See the attachment for an example with inline frame of <span>'s. There should be no line breaks.
Priority: -- → P4
An important example is <input/> box inside <mtext> (e.g. used to write math exercises). See attachment 624638 [details] which works on Linux but may fail on Mac/Windows.
Attached file input-pref-width.html
Attached image input-pref-width.png
Preferred widths of <input> elements inside <mtext>s are still wrong on Mac OS X. (Firefox 28, OS 10.9.2) I don't think it's a font problem, as changing fonts doesn't help. The Firebug Layout results suggest that the 3px of left & right space each for boxes around each <input> element are not being included in the <math> width calculation.
Note that for Mac/Windows, bug 941611 has only be fixed in Gecko 29. However, I don't think it will help in this case, since GetPrefWidthTightBounds is not implemented for inline frames. Perhaps forcing the <input/> to be inline-block will help.
Severity: normal → S3
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