Closed Bug 949174 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Implement invalidation routine for HomePager configuration


(Firefox for Android Graveyard :: Awesomescreen, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)

Firefox 30


(Reporter: lucasr, Assigned: lucasr)



(Whiteboard: shovel-ready)

Because we can't wait for Gecko to be up and running, the configuration will also serve as a cache of things like 'title' which depends on the current locale and version of the add-on. For instance, if you switch to a different locale or the add-on is updated to a new version, we'll have to 'refresh' the configuration to get, say, the title string for the newly selected locale as well as any layout changes from the new add-on version.

The bottom line here is that we'll have to come up with a robust invalidation routine that is triggered whenever the add-on is updated and you switch to another locale.
No longer depends on: 949172
Whiteboard: shovel-ready
I think we should just listen for any events that would require us to update the home config, and do that update when we hear those events. If an add-on registers a new list, we should trigger an event that updates the home config. Same is true of locale changes.

For example, my patch in bug 862805 generates a new gecko event when a list is added, so we could use listen for that to update and re-load the config.
Assignee: nobody →
Blocks: 968170
Blocks: 968172
Product: Firefox for Android → Firefox for Android Graveyard
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