Open Bug 949384 Opened 11 years ago Updated 11 years ago

Always display url bar, even in popups


(SeaMonkey :: UI Design, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: mcsmurf, Unassigned)



(2 files)

SeaMonkey should always display an url bar, even in popup windows. There are good reasons for this:
1. User is able to see what address got opened in an popup
2. Click-to-play plugins might, depending on the website, only get activated via the icon in the url bar. This can for example happen when a plugin object is hidden by a website, for example when using a Flash audio stream or some website that uses a Java plugin object in the the background to launch a new Java UI window (these are real world examples that I've encountered). So without an URL bar, the user cannot activate those plugin objects.
+1, that's annoying me every time a website does that, and assuming that it's a JavaScript function, maybe make that available in the Advanced > Scripts & Plugins preference (similar to hiding the status bar).
Hm, what about small popups due to (e.g.) the JS "alert" function? Adding an URL bar to them doesn't sound very realistic to me.
The URL bar adds additional space to the popup. Check out how it looks in Firefox (if you have an example in mind), they do that.
(In reply to Frank Wein [:mcsmurf] from comment #3)
> The URL bar adds additional space to the popup. Check out how it looks in
> Firefox (if you have an example in mind), they do that.

Oh, yeah?

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/29.0

I'll attach in a minute a snapshot showing its popup (with no URL bar).
Attached image screenshot from Firefox
No URL bar… unless you regard the whole Fx window (not just the rectangle in the middle) as being the popup
For comparison, here's the SeaMonkey version, as gotten from the same webpage viewed in:

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:27.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/27.0 SeaMonkey/2.24a1 ID:20130919003001 c-c:1ea1fc3586db m-c:803189f35921
That's no popup in the sense of this bug here, that's a JavaScript alert(...).
(In reply to Frank Wein [:mcsmurf] from comment #7)
> That's no popup in the sense of this bug here, that's a JavaScript
> alert(...).

So what are popups "in the sense of this bug"? And why didn't you tell me (after comment #2) that this bug wasn't about Javascript alert() popups but about some other kind of popup?
Because I overlooked at the JS alert part in your comment :) (maybe because I so far never saw anyone calling this a popup in the browser context). A popup is a new browser windows opened by a website, possibly after the user clicks a link or a button. Popup windows can have reduced or no browser GUI.
(In reply to Frank Wein [:mcsmurf] from comment #9)
> Because I overlooked at the JS alert part in your comment :) (maybe because
> I so far never saw anyone calling this a popup in the browser context). A
> popup is a new browser windows opened by a website, possibly after the user
> clicks a link or a button. Popup windows can have reduced or no browser GUI.

Hm, okay. When I came to GUIs (and even, before that, curses-like text UIs for MS-DOS applications e.g. Turbo C), a popup was something which popped up as a rectangular area, usually somewhere in the middle of the screen. What we call today a context menu would be called a popup menu. Any dialog (including alerts) could also be called a popup. I suppose the terminology has evolved in the years since then, or that I unwittingly moved progressively from one data-processing context into another with a different "house language".

About "without a URL bar…" in comment #0, I might mention that I see on some sites a notification bar between chrome and content, saying "Would you like to activate the plugins on this page? [ Activate plugins ] [ Don't activate ] [_] Remember for this website". However I have browser.doorhanger.enabled set to false, which is not the default. So maybe an alternate possibility would be to display a notification bar whenever the (popup) window doesn't have the required chrome elements for a doorhanger (or if they are hidden or otherwise inaccessible)?
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