Bug 94947
Opened 23 years ago
Closed 22 years ago - Swedish bank Föreningssparbanken has no Netscape 7/Mozilla support
(Tech Evangelism Graveyard :: Other, defect, P1)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: z95kahe, Assigned: tristan)
(Whiteboard: [BANK][DENY])
From Bugzilla Helper:
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux 2.4.2-2smp i686; en-US; rv:0.9.1)
BuildID: 20010622
The big swedish bank Föreningssparbanken does not support Netscape 6.x or
Mozilla. The claim that version 6.0 did not work and they are testing version
6.1. The test results so far seems to be negative.
Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1.Go to
Actual Results: The page that is displayed says that the browser is not
supported. The page starts like this "Inloggning
Ej godkänd browser Den browser du använder stödjs inte av FöreningsSparbanken.
För att kunna använda FöreningsSparbanken via Internet måste du använda en annan
version av Netscapes eller Microsofts webbläsare."
Expected Results: Online banking
The bank says on their webpage that support of Netscape 6 has been removed on
the request of Netscape.
Comment 1•23 years ago
I have no clue what that page says but I bet it's not "we love Netscape 6" :(
This is over to Evangelism. Please note that Evangelism now has it's own
product called "Tech Evangelism".
Assignee: asa → nitot
Severity: normal → major
Component: Browser-General → European
Ever confirmed: true
Product: Browser → Tech Evangelism
QA Contact: doronr → momoi
Whiteboard: [BANK][DENY]
Version: other → unspecified
Comment 2•23 years ago
Apparently they are using Netscape Enterprsie Server 4.1.
They could possibly be one of our customers. Need to evangelize
to support Gecko-based browsers.
I just sent a message of inquirty to:
Hope to get a direct contact at the Swedbank.
Summary: Swedish bank Föreningssparbanken has no Netscape 6/Mozilla support → Swedish bank F?eningssparbanken has no Netscape 6/Mozilla support
Comment 3•23 years ago
Moving to new component "West Europe". European component is being removed.
See bug 95808 for details.
Component: European → West Europe
QA Contact: momoi → caillon
Comment 4•23 years ago
Commentary made earlier is still valid "does not support Netscape 6.x or
Mozilla. The claim that version 6.0 did not work and they are testing version
6.1. The test results so far seems to be negative."
Putting priority to 2.
Priority: -- → P2
Comment 5•23 years ago
I have been using this online bank with both Netscape 6.2 and the latest
versions of Mozilla. It works perfectly (except for 0.9.7 that segfaulted after
login - but this seems resolved in the latest nightly).
The sad thing is that they don't allow you to login using the main login page
( Instead you have to use a
'back door' login page that does not check your browser
As a side note, this bank has almost one million online customers. That is, one
million users that will delete Netscape 6 directly upon installation...
Updated•23 years ago
Summary: Swedish bank F?eningssparbanken has no Netscape 6/Mozilla support → Swedish bank Föreningssparbanken has no Netscape 6/Mozilla support
Comment 6•23 years ago
I think this needs to be upgraded to P1 - blocker. But I can't seem to find the
problem on that specific page. Perhaps it is server sniffing that I can't detect.
Thanks for the back door, Marcus. If they can do that then surely they can
accomodate us!
Tristan will you have a look?
Severity: major → blocker
Priority: P2 → P1
Summary: Swedish bank Föreningssparbanken has no Netscape 6/Mozilla support → - Swedish bank Föreningssparbanken has no Netscape 6/Mozilla support
Comment 7•23 years ago
The message displayed if you load with a Mozilla user agent string
is (rougly translated):
"The Netscape 6.x series has not yet been approved by the Bank. We are currently
testing this product but recommend an older version for now."
The same message has been around since the release of NS6.0...
There is a demo version at
that can be tested without having an account (just press the buttons
"Privatkund" and "Logga in" to get in). This demo version does allow Mozilla.
Comment 8•23 years ago
Re comment #5 from From Marcus Isaksson:
I cannot use the back door, neither in Netscape 6.2.1 nor Mozilla
0.9.7-20020120: when I click on "Logga in", I am taken straight to
<>, which locks me ut. I don't
know what platform you are using - can it be because I'm running Linux?
Comment 9•23 years ago
It seems like this back door is also blocked now, so you'll have to resort to
changing the user agent string (or try to convince them to change their policy).
Comment 10•23 years ago
I have been in contact with Föreningssparbanken several times since Mozilla
0.9.2 was released. They claim to be evaluating and ensuring that the SSL
implementation is secure.
Comment 11•23 years ago
I contacted Föreningssparbanken again yesterday. Now they say that they won't
certify Mozilla/Netscape 6.x at all, since it doesn't pass their security test.
Comment 12•23 years ago
Sidenote: They haven't said anything about netscape 6.2, somebody could try to
get them to try that or at least update their rejectionpage?
("security issues", yeah right.)
Comment 13•23 years ago
> I contacted Föreningssparbanken again yesterday. Now they say that they won't
> certify Mozilla/Netscape 6.x at all, since it doesn't pass their security
> test.
This is really ridiculous. There is no problem getting in if you just
change the friggin user agent string. So they're letting people use
the bank with a browser they claim is insecure. That sounds like
gross imcompetence to me...
I use the same bank myself. Sometimes with Mozilla, sometimes
with Konqueror. With a changed user agent string they let me in.
But considering their incompetence I really should change to
another bank...
Comment 14•23 years ago
Nu börjar jag bli lite smått irriterade på era inkompetenta
programmerare/designers/testgrupp som verkar ha stora problem att förstå att er
sida fungerar utmärkt i mozilla/netscape med deras gecko-motor. Att så som Ni
envist hävda att ni inte stödjer dessa webbläsare är rentav löjligt, patetiskt -
nej, jag finner inte ord för hur mycket avsky jag känner för att personer som
inte verkar ha den minsta förståelse för hur dagens webbläsare stödjer/icke
stödjer internationellt fastställda standarder kan vara med och utveckla en
webbtjänst åt Ert företag som har miljontals kunder! Patetiskt var ordet.
Kom inte med något trams om att det är på grund av "säkerthetskäl" då jag då
troligen kommer att skratta så hårt att jag möjligen får akuta hjärtproblem! (Om
De/Ni inte vet att jag och flera andra mozilla/netscape/opera användare redan
använder er banktjänst med hjälp av en enkel ändring i vår webbläsare så är det
ännu mera patetiskt!)
Anders Dahlberg"
Email sent to
Comment 15•23 years ago
Got this response on my earlier mail:
Det finns önskemål om att kunna använda samtliga webbläsare, även Mozilla
och Opera. Banken har tagit detta önskemål till sig och planerar att tillåta
alla webbläsare men att endast kvalitetssäkra vissa. Det blir då upp till
dig som kund att välja vilken webbläsare du föredrar. Det finns idag inget
fastställt datum för denna förändring men den beräknas att ske under året.
Med vänliga hälsningar
Alexander Ahlbeck
FöreningsSparbanken via Internet
105 34 Stockholm"
More or less: Hopefully they will change their policy regarding mozilla (and
other browsers) later this year.
Comment 16•22 years ago
*** Bug 130748 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 17•22 years ago
Ok this isn't working.. still...
The page says:
"Beträffande Netscape 6.0 / 6.01 / 6.1
Netscape 6.x serien är ännu så länge icke godkända av Banken via Internet.
Certifiering pågår och tills vidare rekommenderar vi en tidigare version."
Roughly translated: "Regarding Netscape 6.0 /6.01 /6.1
Netscape 6.x series is currently not approved by Bank through Internet.
Certification is on it's way and we recommend you use an earlier version
until it's done."
Someone at Netscape should call the bank and ask what their problem is..
Comment 18•22 years ago
I'm changing the summary to mention Netscape 7 instead of Netscape 6.
Summary: - Swedish bank Föreningssparbanken has no Netscape 6/Mozilla support → - Swedish bank Föreningssparbanken has no Netscape 7/Mozilla support
Comment 19•22 years ago
After sending an email to asking when the
site will be certified for NS and Mozilla I've got a reply which, roughly
translated, says:
"I can't give you an exact date for the certifying of Mozilla and Netscape 6 and
7, but hopefully it won't take that much more time. Wait and see."
Comment 20•22 years ago
Today when I went to the Bank I was able to login without having to "fool" the
site that I'm IE.
So they seem to have removed the blocker for Mozilla.
It now works in Mozilla 1.2.1 in Linux.
Comment 21•22 years ago
Also works with Mozilla 1.1 as it seems.
Comment 22•22 years ago
Works in Netscape 7.0.1 too. (Using Windows NT.)
Comment 23•22 years ago
Following the link "Frågor och svar" at and then the link
"Teknik/Webbläsare" and you can read (roughly translated):
"Which browser shall I use?
Banken via Internet works best with more modern versions of our most common
browsers. If you have a PC we recommend:
* Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or 6.0
* Netscape Navigator 6.2.1 or 7
* Mozilla 1.0
If you have a Macintosh we recommend you to use OS 8.1 and later with one of the
following browsers:
* Internet Explorer 5.0, 5.1 eller 5.2
* Netscape 6.2.1 or 7
* Mozilla 1.0"
So, (and according to comment #20, 21, 22) this must be FIXED?
Comment 24•22 years ago
Sorry for the spam.
Further down the page they have a link (among links to MSIE and Netscape) to Their customers can also order a free CD (for PC-users) with IE, NS
and Mozilla from them.
Comment 25•22 years ago
so lets close this bug :)
reopen if its not actually working.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Updated•10 years ago
Product: Tech Evangelism → Tech Evangelism Graveyard
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