Closed Bug 951705 Opened 11 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Scrollbars on new MDN are practically invisible


( Graveyard :: Design, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: kats, Unassigned)




(1 file)

The new MDN looks nice, but the top-level scrollbar is pretty much invisible (Firefox Aurora on Mac OS X). This makes it really hard to know how far down the page I am and how much more there is to go. Restoring the scrollbar color to the default would be nice rather than the current white-on-white scheme. Note that the scrollbar for subframes like the "In this article" sidebar are fine, it's just the top-level one that is white-on-white and so not visible.
Thanks for reporting this. Can you please attach a screenshot?
Attached image Screenshot
Attaching a screenshot taken while I was on

Note the scrollbar on the right edge of the screenshot is visible while the page background is blue, but once I scroll down to where the page background is white (which is the vast majority of the page) the scrollbar is barely visible.
Do you see the same issue on other white-background pages like the following?

This sounds like a browser. I don't think we change the color of the scrollbar (at least I hope we don't).
Flags: needinfo?(bugmail.mozilla)
The scrollbar color is different because of the background-color that is set on the body element.

background-color: #00539F;

remove that and the scrollbar appears. Tricky...
(In reply to John Karahalis [:openjck] from comment #3)
> Do you see the same issue on other white-background pages like the following?

No, on that page the scrollbar is dark and easily visible.
Flags: needinfo?(bugmail.mozilla)
(In reply to Isac Lagerblad (:icaaq) from comment #4)
> The scrollbar color is different because of the background-color that is set
> on the body element.
> background-color: #00539F;
> remove that and the scrollbar appears. Tricky...

Interesting. I would still call this a browser bug--if the browser shows a dark scrollbar on pure white (#fff) pages, it should also show a dark scrollbar on an off-white page like this.

That's not to say we shouldn't do anything about this, but we should at least also push this upstream.
(In reply to John Karahalis [:openjck] from comment #6)
> (In reply to Isac Lagerblad (:icaaq) from comment #4)
> > The scrollbar color is different because of the background-color that is set
> > on the body element.
> > 
> > background-color: #00539F;
> > 
> > remove that and the scrollbar appears. Tricky...
> Interesting. I would still call this a browser bug--if the browser shows a
> dark scrollbar on pure white (#fff) pages, it should also show a dark
> scrollbar on an off-white page like this.
> That's not to say we shouldn't do anything about this, but we should at
> least also push this upstream.

This is more a OSX bug/feature because google chrome and safari has the same behavior.
Would someone on OSX be interested in filing this bug upstream?
Flags: needinfo?
I don't think this is an OSX bug. It's just that all the browsers do the same thing, which is use a light scrollbar when the background of the page is dark and vice-versa.

In this case the background-color of the page is #00539F which is a dark blue, so it makes sense that the scrollbar is light. It just so happens the page then puts a lot of white content over top of the dark background color which defeats the algorithm used to pick the scrollbar color shade. On all browsers.
Flags: needinfo?
See Also: → 903839
This isn't something for the MDN team to fix, it's a core issue.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Product: → Graveyard
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