Closed Bug 952176 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

[marionette-content-script] Support new Service notification topic


(Testing Graveyard :: JSMarionette, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jugglinmike, Assigned: jugglinmike)




(1 file)

In bug 935793, some service notification topics are changing. This work is blocked by existing Marionette tests because the current implementation of `marionette-content-script` only operates with the currently-implemented topic set. Update `marionette-content-script` to support *both* topic sets so that bug 935793 may be safely landed without triggering downstream errors.
Blocks: 952177
Hi Gareth, This patch is meant to support the proposed upstream change to b2g described in bug 935793. Some background: that patch landed in Mozilla Central and was backed out a day later. This is fortunate for us, because we have a easy way to test :P 1. Download the build of b2g intended for your system: 2. Move or remove any existing `b2g/` directory from the root of the `marionette-content-script` project 3. Place the downloaded `b2g` directory in the project root 4. Run `make test` and watch it fail 5. Apply this patch 6. Run `make test` and watch it pass ...for thoroughness, you can also replace the original `b2g/` directory and run the tests again (since this change is intended to function with both versions).
Attachment #8350173 - Flags: review?(gaye)
Hey Mike - Sorry for the delay! I'll review this week.
review ping for :gaye - I'd really like to get bug 935793 landed!
Comment on attachment 8350173 [details] [review] Pull request on Sorry for the review delay and thank you for your thoroughness Mike!
Attachment #8350173 - Flags: review?(gaye) → review+
jugglinmike: is there any issues blocking this Marionette fix? markh's e10s tests are blocked waiting on this fix.
Flags: needinfo?(mike)
OS: Linux → All
Hardware: x86_64 → All
master: Chris: sorry for the delay--I lost the e-mail about Gareth's approval in a deluge of Gaia notifications. Hey Evan: I've updated the module's `package.json` for a new patch release [1], but I don't have publish rights on NPM. Could you publish 0.0.3 so this patch can be enjoyed downstream? Any maybe give me publish rights while you're at it? Thanks! [1]
Closed: 11 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(mike) → needinfo?(evanxd)
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Evan: I got in touch with James and I can now publish a new version. (At least, I have the permissions to do so--NPM is experiencing some sort of overage at the moment and won't respond to my request.) I'll publish this as soon as I'm able!
Flags: needinfo?(evanxd)
Okay, this patch is now available via npm at version 0.0.3 of the module: Chris: I believe this is all contingent on Gaia receiving the fix. Are you able to update Gaia's `package.json` file to reference this latest release? If not, let me know with another "needsinfo" flag and I will do so.
Flags: needinfo?(cpeterson)
Thanks, Mike! Mark: do you know who should update Gaia's package.json file?
Flags: needinfo?(cpeterson) → needinfo?(mhammond)
Sorry, I've no idea about updating Gaia, so back to Mike
Flags: needinfo?(mhammond) → needinfo?(mike)
Product: Testing → Testing Graveyard
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