Closed Bug 954949 Opened 11 years ago Closed 9 years ago

Single Facebook Contact not receiving messages


(Chat Core :: XMPP, defect)

Windows 7
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugzilla, Unassigned)



*** Original post on bio 1517 by fearlessly_inferior AT at 2012-06-15 17:30:00 UTC *** Using the Facebook protocol, I have a single Facebook contact that does not receive the messages I send through Instantbird. The messages he writes are received by Instantbird, and when I'm typing in Instantbird, the "Person X is typing..." is displayed on his end. However, the sent messages are not at all received by Facebook, in that they never make it to the message log when I check through the Facebook website. This bug persists in Safe-Mode and when all other accounts are not connected.
*** Original post on bio 1517 by fearlessly_inferior AT at 2012-06-15 17:35:20 UTC *** >> All other contacts receive messages normally, and I cannot determine anything special about this contact. The only special character in his name is the "ö" character, and he has defined his facebook address ("").
*** Original post on bio 1517 at 2012-06-19 15:15:57 UTC *** I think this can happen if your Facebook contact has Facebook apps disabled.
*** Original post on bio 1517 by fearlessly_inferior AT at 2012-06-19 19:45:43 UTC *** (In reply to comment #2) > I think this can happen if your Facebook contact has Facebook apps disabled. I think you're right, as he does have Facebook apps disabled. If this is the cause, and it isn't a bug, then I would request some form of feedback indicating as such. Is it possible, at the least, to detect when messages are not being sent through? Obviously, an indication that "Contact A is unreachable through Instantbird" would be even better.
*** Original post on bio 1517 at 2012-06-19 19:51:04 UTC *** I don't think we get any feedback. I think the server responds normally (as if the message went through), but just never delivers it. This should be cerified, however. This could be done by turning the verbosity of the logging up and seeing if an error response is sent from the server when you send a message to that user. I.e. by seeing purple.debug.loglevel equal to 1 and then IMing the user and checking the error console for what was sent and received (Tools > Error console). Note that sensitive information could be in these logs (passwords, usernames). I agree that if we are given feedback, we definitely should print a message out.
*** Original post on bio 1517 at 2013-02-11 19:11:25 UTC *** Maybe the new debug logs that we have on our nightly builds will help? If you can still reproduce, you can try with a nightly build ( and then use "Copy Debug Log" from the context menu of the Facebook account in the account manager. I'm not sure if the log could contain sensitive information, so you might want to ask before posting it somewhere public (e.g. here).
*** Original post on bio 1517 at 2013-03-26 14:56:22 UTC *** Confirming from I'm pretty sure this is a server / setting issue though.
Ever confirmed: true
XMPP no longer works with Facebook.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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